
The mobile era is here and there is no questioning its power. Consumers are permanently attached to their devices and suddenly a high-powered computer  is right at their fingertips at all times. Reports show the majority of consumers now own smart phones and they use them to do product research. They even keep their phones right beside them even when they are sleeping! Marketers can either get on this bandwagon or get left behind in the dust as technology continues to forge new paths ahead.

But, this doesn’t mean that mobile marketing should be the sole consideration of your brand. A healthy strategy will include various marketing initiatives, including mobile, and integrate them fully. You need a seamless approach that will delight your customer while getting the results you want.

Avoid a vacuum

Your mobile marketing strategy won’t fare well if it isn’t working hand-in-hand with other content, platforms and campaigns. Look at your entire content and inbound marketing calendar in order to discover how your communications are going to be working together to achieve conversions and foster relationships. Make sure you are listening to your target audience and delivering the kind of information they want on the channels where they are most likely to be.

Listen to your audience

Social listening can really help you better understand what your customers and leads are talking about when it comes to your brand, products or industry. Listen to how people are engaging on a specific channel in order to build up your other channels. Then, you can even use web personalization to detect which users are on mobile and direct them to sign up for your bulk text messaging campaigns. Target users with push notifications to encourage purchase decisions, email reading and more. Use your social listening to inform and drive your content, focusing on various pain points, questions, needs and interests of your audience.

Increase your frequency (But focus on quality)

You need to post regularly across every channel. However, your drive for increased posting should not supersede your quality in content production. Your users will not be excited if you pummel them with mediocre content. Make sure you are not spamming your audience by only publishing the best content you can create. A content calendar that helps you plan out content far in advance will be an important step in creating thoughtful content that appeals to your audience. Even your shorter content pieces, like automated mass messages for your text messaging software, should be thought through to avoid errors, improve clarity and unnecessary wordiness.

Maintain momentum

You are going to want to control your contact with your users, so work on getting your users to sign up for email newsletters or text message alerts. Once you have a solid list of qualified leads, you will want to establish marketing automation to keep your users engaged on a regular basis.

If you want to improve your marketing strategy, then you need to find ways to include mobile elements in your strategies. Most consumers are using multiple devices and will expect continuous, personalized marketing experiences that are going to require you to coordinate and plan your efforts.

About the author

Sophorn Chhay is the marketing guy at Trumpia, the most complete SMS software with mass sms messaging, smart targeting and automation. Jumpstart your business by grabbing your free copy of hisMobile Marketing Success Kit. Watch Trumpia’s 5-Minute Demo on how to execute an effective mobile marketing strategy.

Source: http://ehotelier.com/insights/2016/10/03/integration-key-cohesive-marketing-strategy/

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