
People are always asking me why I want to buy a next-gen console at launch. I have my own reasons and why I want to, and now I shall explain them to you. It’s quite simple actually and there’s not much to consider as I explain it.

As we all know, the PS4 will be out this year in South Africa. This is an established fact. The Xbox One at the moment has no established release date or any type of indication of its South African debut. I will be buying both consoles. The PS4 so happens to be releasing much earlier than the Xbox One, and after watching the E3 line-up for the console I had an idea of which console I was buying first. The PS4 took the cake for me. Yes, it will not mess with the revelation that the Xbox One has some great games, mainly Titanfall which interests me the most. I’m not typically one for zombie and racing games. I am also the biggest Halo fan. Just ask anyone on this site and you’ll find out about their resentment for my Halo appreciation. Master Chief is my main man (oh baby, oh baby). Now if the new Halo game and the Xbox One were released this year in South Africa, I would buy the Xbox One no questions asked. Titanfall is available for PC and the launch line-up doesn’t sell the Xbox One to me on that basis alone. But Halo, I’m a sucker for Halo; I will admit that.

Now on to why I’m buying a next-gen console at launch, the reason is that I have the money. I have saved up money for one of the next-gen consoles, and I chose the PS4. It is that simple. If by chance I have a job this year, I may even purchase the Xbox One at launch. I enjoy buying consoles at launch. You feel pure euphoria as you’re one of the first gamers to make the move to the next generation. The only reasons console gamers will not be moving to next-gen at launch comes down to: the launch game selection does not suit their tastes, they do not have enough cash on hand or they want to wait it out for the consoles to become cheaper. It comes down to this various reasons. It’s either those reasons or you are simply part of the PC master race and would prefer to upgrade your rig. There’s nothing wrong with any of these reasons, but don’t hate on early next-gen adopters because you feel financially inadequate. If you are endlessly complaining about next-gen and desperately want to buy a console, just get a job, earn some money and save up. I’ve worked jobs I absolutely despise (try tutoring dumbass first year liberal arts students, and you can catch my drift).

Anyway, buying next-gen at launch will be fun and enjoyable. There is no denying this. It’s the exact same feeling as when a PC gamer buys a new piece of hardware. like a brand new graphics card. In the case of a new graphics card, you start tweaking drivers, changing the settings in your games and pimp everything out. The same can be said of next-gen consoles. Gamers have waited a long while to get their upgrade, and to be perfectly honest I am looking forward to it. I think Pete Dorr, a YouTube gaming personality, sums it up best in this video:

I don’t care about buying next-gen consoles at a cheaper price later next year, if they do decrease in any way at all. I want next-gen now, in the present, this year. Is this hard to understand? I’m being ‘real’ here about actually wanting to move on from current-gen. To be blatantly honest, I play plenty of games on PC and post-processing is a godsend, a blessing from the heavens if you have ever dealt with the limitations of current-gen consoles. I despise the lack of anti-aliasing on current-gen console games. But I will stay play console exclusive because I love and enjoy games. Yet now that the shift is so near and next-gen is around the corner, I am excited and looking forward to my launch PS4. Of course, I will buy the Xbox One too.

I love consoles as much as I love my PC. I can have so many different experiences and not being restricted to one platform has opened up my eyes to all the gaming possibilities. Hating on someone for buying a launch next-gen console is a waste of time. So I beg of you please don’t waste my time.

The post Why I’m Buying A Next-Gen Launch Console appeared first on eGamer.

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