
ITT’s PRO Services brand (Seneca Falls, NY), characterizes its recently launched PumpSmart PS220 as a “next-generation” intelligent pump control and protection solution. Providing variable-speed control for single and multiple pumps, the PS220 is said to offer a number of important capabilities and benefits. Among them:

Patented pump-protection technology that protects against upset conditions such as dry run, minimum flow, and cavitation, resulting in improved reliability and safety of the pump systems.

Advanced sensorless algorithms that determine critical performance parameters and provide valuable process insight and diagnostic data. Premier process control functionality comes with robust redundancy to maximize process uptime.

Adarsh Iyengar, global director for the brand’s Monitoring & Controls business, points to a number of specific features of the PS220, including six-pump Multipump Control, a Flow Totalizer, Intelligent Sleep, Flow Economy, and minimum-flow bypass valve control. “These features,” he said, “deliver exceptional value to our customers as they better optimize pump control strategies and lower system design and operating costs compared to other variable-speed drives that have pump functionality.”

For more information, CLICK HERE.

EDITOR’S NOTE: By protecting against pump failure due to process upsets, PumpSmart technology keeps operations running longer and reduces unplanned repair activities and expense. By right-sizing pumps to the systems they are running, the technology helps reduce energy consumption and wear and tear on the process systems.

CLICK HERE to see how PumpSmart Technology works.

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