
Check AP Rythu Runa Mafi List 2015 www.apcbsportal.ap.gov.in status Online : Andhra Pradesh Crop Loan / Gold Loan Phase 3 list has published at apcbsportal gov ( Official site) of Andhra Pradesh Government.Farmers waiting to check their Crop Loan status Online & Gold Loan status for Loan Waiver can check if they are selected or Rejected for Clearing off the Loan amount.Further details to check online for their loan status is provided below:

AP Rythu Runa Mafi 3rd Phase List 2015 Check Gold Loan / Crop Loan Status Online

Our Honorable Nara Chandra Babu Naidu,Chief Minister has announced to clear off the Farmer Loan or Crop Loan.The AP State Government divided the Farmer Loan Waiver Scheme in to 3 states.Already 2 phases of Crop Loan Waiver have been completed.Farmers had under gone through the process of submission of required documents to be submitted to the official and check their Runa Mafi status at official site http://www.apcbsportal.ap.gov.in/ .This post consists of instructions on how to check Online Rythu Runa Mafi status selected list of Crop loan and Check Raitu Runa mafi Status of Gold Loan online Those whose names were not listed in the previous states can check for their Gold Loan Waiver raitu loan clearing off list at official site.

Good news for the Farmers who are waiting AP Gold loan or the Crop Loan updates regarding the loan clearing process.Since,they can Check Status of AP Runa Mafi 3rd Phase list soon at www.apcbsportal.ap.gov.in

You can check your Gold loan / Raithu runa mafi status in the 3rd phase from one of the following sites:



As per the latest news, The AP loan waiver scheme for clearing off the loan of farmer's list village wise and bank wise will likely to be placed in official website as soon as possible.. AP Govt,will pay the amount that will be credited after list released this month. Farmers who submitted Aadhaar, ration card and proper land details will get benefits from loan waiver scheme of rythu runa mafi process for loans

Check AP Rythu Runa Mafi 3rd Phase Status Online

You can check Andhra Pradesh Raitu loan clear off status through aadhar card link or ration card or loan account number or ration card number. Instructions are as follows:

Go to the official website www.apcbsportal.ap.gov.in

Enter the number available with you (aadhar or ration or loan account number)

Click on GET Button and check Loan Waiver Scheme details if selected or rejected complete details in the next window

Official Link to check the status of Rythu Runa Mafi 3rd Phase list 2015 of AP gold or crop loan can be checked from here : http://www.apcbsportal.ap.gov.in/

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