
This is a on-going series of entries where I highlight EE experiences.

This is a special edition covering some more reactions to the EllisLab blog post about competition and Pixel & Tonic.

Being an outsider to the #eecms stuff, it was weird to see how a blog post could upset such a nice community of people all at once.

— Fred LeBlanc (@fredleblanc) June 29, 2013



— Jack McDade (@jackmcdade) June 28, 2013

Expressionengine punishes addon maker for creating rival CMS http://t.co/q0GVBtX1oz

— hnfiltered (@hnfiltered) June 29, 2013

#eecms Module maker makes CMS; CMS maker ups their modules. In a Daffy Duck voice, say ‘Of coursth you realize thisth meansth war…’

— HollandJim (@HollandJim) April 18, 2013

Whatever the validity of their motivation, feels like EllisLab has merely shined spotlight on perpetually playing catch-up. #eecms

— Mark J. Reeves (@circa1977) June 29, 2013

Wow. Hats off to @EllisLab for not pulling any punches! #eecms http://t.co/bXO4GEHrf3

— Chris Dowson (@myfirstraygun) June 29, 2013

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