Title: Soil Loss by Water Erosion in Europe
Description: At a resolution of 100m, this is the most detailed assessment yet of soil erosion by water for the EU. The study applied a modified version of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model, RUSLE 2015, which delivers improved estimates based on higher resolution (100 m compared to 1 km) peer-reviewed inputs of rainfall, soil, topography, land use and management from the year 2010 (the latest year for which most of the input factors are estimated). The model can be used to predict the effect of a range of policy scenarios. It is also replicable, comparable and can be extended to model other regions. All the input layers (Rainfall erosivity, Soil Erodibility, Cover-Management, Topography and Support Practices) have been peer reviewed and published as well.
Spatial Coverage: European Union 28 Member States
Resolution: 100m
Time Reference: 2010
Format: Raster (Grid)
Projection: ETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
Input data: LUCAS Topsoil, European Soil Database, Lucas Earth Observations, Rainfall Erosivity Database at European Scale (REDES), CORINE Land Cover 2006, COPERNICUS Remote Sensing, EUROSTAT (statistics on Crops, Tillage, Plant residues, cover crops), Digital Elevation Model (DEM) at 25m, Good Agricultural Environmental Condition (GAEC).
More Information: RUSLE2015
Additional data: Rainfall erosivity (R-factor), Soil Erodibility (K-factor), Topography (LS-factor), Cover Management (C-factor), Support Practices (P-factor) data are also available for download in the corresponding pages.
Release Date: 1/9/2015