
Recent Triple Verified Satellite Data Reveals Everything We’ve Been Taught About a Gaseous Hydrogen Sun Is False

by Ed Ward, MD

Filtered picture of surface of the sun selective for Iron Ore – Yellow.

As noted in the Surface of the Sun, 2008 (2003 Data)  http://www.thesurfaceofthesun.com/

“The sun’s photosphere is often mistakenly referred to as the surface of the sun. In reality however, the sun’s photosphere is only a “liquid-like” plasma layer made of neon that covers the actual surface of the sun. That visible layer we see with our eyes is composed of penumbral filaments that are several hundred kilometers deep. This visible neon plasma layer that we call the photosphere, and a thicker, more dense atmospheric layer composed of silicon plasma, entirely covers the actual rocky, calcium ferrite surface layer of the sun. The visible photosphere covers the actual surface of the sun, much as the earth’s oceans cover most of the surface of the earth. In this case the sun’s photosphere is very bright and we cannot see the darker, more rigid surface features below the photosphere without the aid of satellite technology.

The composition and mechanical inner workings of the sun beneath the visible photosphere have remained an enigma for thousands of years. There are a whole host of unexplained phenomena related to the sun’s activities that still baffle gas model theorists to this day because they fail to recognize the existence of an iron alloy transitional layer that rests beneath the visible photosphere. Fortunately a host of new satellites and the field of heliosiesmology are starting to shed new light on this mysterious “stratification subsurface” layer of the sun that is located about 4800km beneath the visible photosphere. In addition, recent studies of solar wind suggest that solar wind also originates on the same transition layer under the photosphere as do the electrically charged coronal loops. NASA’s SOHO satellite and the Trace satellite program have both imaged this transition layer of the sun that sits beneath the photosphere. These 21st century satellites and technologies now enable us to peer behind the outer plasma layers of the chromosphere and photosphere and allow us to study the rocky, calcium ferrite transitional layer with incredible precision.

Galileo was the founding father of the gas model theory of the sun. He observed the sun through a relatively primitive telescope and noticed that sunspots did not rotate uniformly across the surface of the photosphere. He also observed that this visible “surface” rotated at different speeds near the equator than it did near the poles.

From his study of sunspots and their uneven rotation pattern, Galileo surmised that he must be looking at some type of gas atmosphere. He was correct in that assessment, although today we know that the photosphere is a form of hot ionized plasma. Unfortunately however, Galileo also “assumed” that no other solid layers existed, or could exist, beneath the visible layer of the photosphere. That was a critical mistake. It was a bit like looking at a world covered in water, and having no ability to see beneath the water, and then simply assuming that the whole world is made of water.

Galileo did not have multimillion dollar “eyes” and Doppler imaging systems to look beneath the chaotic surface of the photosphere. Only in the past 10 years, a virtual blink of an eye in scientific terms, have we had the technology to put Galileo’s assumption to the test with modern satellite observations. The Yohkoh, SOHO, Trace, RHESSI, Hinode, Stereo and Geos satellite programs give us new sets of eyes, new ways to view the sun, and new ways to peer beneath the layers of the sun that Galileo first observed. The Hubble, Chandra and Spitzer space telescopes give us eyes to peer into other solar systems and other galaxies and enable us to look back at the original structures of our universe and see our universe in all new spectrums of energy. What they reveal to us about the structure of our universe is truly breathtaking.

While the gas model has enjoyed popular support over the past 50 years, that has not always been the case. In fact astronomers of 100 years ago believed in a predominantly iron sun, most notably Dr. Kristian Birkeland. Dr. Birkeland studied the Northern Lights and became interested in the electrical interaction between the sun and the earth. His early lab research with an electrified iron sphere suspended in a vacuum (“terella”) led to images that are remarkably similar to modern satellite x-ray images of the sun. The bottom photo of this page shows the electrical activity that Birkeland documented in his lab next to an image from the Yohkoh satellite. The electrical arcs from the surface of both spheres is what emits the x-rays and gamma rays seen in Yohkoh and RHESSI images of the sun.

The running difference imaging technique used by both NASA and Lockheed Martin have revealed to us for the first time that the sun is not simply a ball of hydrogen gas; it has a hard and rigid ferrite surface below the visible photosphere that can be seen in all of the images on this page! Each of the images was produced by NASA or Lockheed Martin so you can verify these images for yourself.

Just as Birkeland surmised, it turns out that the sun has a highly defined surface that rotates (uniformly) every 27.3 days. Dr. Birkeland was at least 100 years ahead of his time.

An important corroboration of Dr. Birkeland’s solar theories and laboratory experiments came forty years later in the work of Dr. Charles Bruce. Dr. Bruce documented a number of solar atmospheric phenomenon that were directly related to electrical discharges from the solar surface. Bruce confirmed what Birkeland had predicted nearly fifty years earlier, showing that the electrical activity was directly responsible for the high energy discharges from the solar surface. The electrical discharge nature of the coronal loops has since been confirmed by the University of Maryland.”

Take the article link for the continued brief article for embedded links and more pictures.  http://www.thesurfaceofthesun.com/   However, the ’meat’ and  source of the information is presented in much more depth in this PDF.  The Surface (Ferrite Layer) of the Sun  http://www.etwebsite.com/TheSurfaceOfTheSun.pdf

Ed Ward, MD – http://edwardmd.wordpress.com/ ; https://www.facebook.com/EdWardMD3 ; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EdWard-MD/messages

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Dr. Ed Ward MD, AS, BS, MD – Reporting and investigating Constitutional abuses of the US government for almost 2 decades. AS, BS in Medical Technology – Minor in Organic Chemistry and Physics, volunteer during the Viet Nam war 6 years stateside active duty ‘med tech’ ‘US Air Farce’ – a decade experience in Medical Technology. MD degree from LSU, New Orleans – 2 decades in the field of General Practice. (My) Articles are also referenced by valid experts in their field. Dr Ed

Filed under: government tyranny Tagged: Gaseous Sun HOAX, Solid Sun Surface

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