
Name: Kenhub

Website: www.kenhub.com

Headquarters: Berlin, Germany

Vertical: Higher Education, Professional Development

Tech: Web App

Introduce your startup and give a short description of what you are doing.

Kenhub is a SaaS business that brings medical education into the 21st century. Kenhub provides memorisation-focused E-Learning tools using adaptive, gamified quizzes, videos, articles and atlas.

Who are the founders, how did you meet, what are your different roles in the startup.

Niels Hapke (Business Development), MS in computer science & business economics, built tech team at Delivery Hero w/ 4 years of management experience; Yoav Aner (Systems Architect), BA in Compsci, MSC in Information Security, 19 years of IT exp; Johannes Köhler (Frontend Dev): BSc in CS, 6 years of IT experience; Joao Costa (Medical Content), BSc in biomedical science from Harvard, 4 years of management experience. The 1st three met in 2010 working for Delivery Hero, GameGenetics and txtr/3M. Joao joined in early 2013 after working in partnership with Kenhub.

How was the idea for your startup born?

Kenhub was born in the heart of Berlin back in 2011. It was inspired by our back-then in-house medical student, Christopher, beyond frustrated with the lack of accessible anatomy education resources online. Add developers, entrepreneurs and e-learning enthusiasts in the mix – there were the co-founders of Kenhub – Niels, Christopher, Johannes, Yoav and Joao. They set out to make a medical e-learning tool and memorization aid designed specifically for anatomy students. With a little help from a German government public grant, the boys were on their way.

What is the main problem in education that you aim to solve.

Time is limited, and knowledge is vast. Medical students and other healthcare professionals are often frustrated with inefficient, old-fashioned, conventional learning methods. Kenhub is an online anatomy memorisation trainer that provides time-saving, personalised, interactive education unlike any textbook.

Our USP is that it is built specifically for memory retention by integrating validated medical content with tried-and-tested learning hacks. Adaptive technology targets user’s weaknesses and guides their learning.

Who are your competitors? What sets you apart from them?

DIRECT (anatomy online) – Kaplan, Acland, Kahn Academy, Anatomyzone, Primal Pictures, TeachMeAnatomy, Innerbody.com, 4D Anatomy, Visible Body, Lecturio.

INDIRECT (anatomy offline + general memorization) – Thieme, Elsevier, Springer Science+Business Media, McGraw-Hill Education, memrise.com, quizlet.com, studyblue.com.

Kenhub provides a one-stop shop combining high-quality content like adaptive quizzes, videos, articles, illustrations and personal support for learning anatomy.

In which markets / regions are you active. What markets / regions are next.

39.4M healthcare professionals and students worldwide, with its market growth rates being one of the highest amongst industry developments. The worldwide market for self-paced E-Learning ($35.6 billion in 2011) has a projected annual growth rate of ~8%.

Covering the 2 most used anatomical terminologies English and Latin, and the entire content being available in German and English, Kenhub’s current key markets are the US, UK, CA, GB, AU, NZ, DE, AT, CH and the scandinavian countries.

Who is your target audience.

Our customers are students of healthcare professions, institutions and companies in the medical space. Students benefit from faster learning with memorisation-specific tools, time is maximised with the cost-effectiveness of having knowledge and testing tools in one place. Institutions and companies benefit from cost-efficiency and high gain/pain ratio – a multi-use tool with high quality content, rapid updatability and easy integration.

How do you engage with your target audience. How do you convert them into users of your product.

On-Site Content Marketing using SEO and social channels

Organic Social Media: Facebook (DailyAnatomy 100k+ fans, Kenhub 35k+ fans), YouTube (full videos, video previews, short videos), Twitter

Paid Social Media Advertising: Facebook, Twitter


Student ambassadors and associations to promote Kenhub at schools

Direct sales to institutions & companies

What is your business model. How much does your product / service cost.

Subscription based access to online learning platform kenhub.com for individuals (3 types of subscriptions: monthly, 6 month period, yearly) for individuals. Platform access to companies and institutions, publishing and licensing medical content (illustrations, articles, videos).

Individual subscriptions go from $11 to $25 per month.

If you raised funding, how much did you raise. Who are your investors. If not, are you planning to raise funding.

We got public funding: EXIST Gründerstipendium (100k€) – http://www.exist.de/en

We have no plans to raise funding. Our current growth rate supports the business going forward, and we hope to see further sustainable growth.

Are there milestones you are especially proud of and would like to share.

Kenhub GmbH was founded in June 2012, supported by Charité and 100k € from EXIST Entrepreneur Scholarship. An MVP was launched after 4 months and gained 100 customers in 3 months. In March 2014, a partnership was formed with the University of Colorado followed by reaching 1000 subscribers in October. From 2013 to 2014, our company revenue increased 800% with forecast of reaching $1 million in 2015.

What are the next steps in growing your startup.

Exam and profession specific customisation – USMLE, MCAT, German Physikum, individual customization, …

Native / Offline-usable Mobile App iPhone/Android

How can people get in touch with you.


+49 30 23 13 6666

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