

Daniel de Mendonça, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil

Viacheslav Morozov, University of Tartu, Estonia


Post-communist Central and Eastern Europe and South America are frequently compared in the context of transition studies and related fields. Outside of this relatively narrow disciplinary area, however, there is surprisingly little dialogue between the academic communities of the two regions - even among scholars working on similar issues. This cooperative project between the two journals - one published in South America, the other in Eastern Europe - is an attempt to bridge the two academic spaces. The two special issues will introduce empirical research and theoretical reflection in and on each region to the social science audience on the other side of the globe.

We are thus planning a special issue of Stasis on South America and a special issue of the Revista Sul-Americana de Ciência Política on post-communist Europe. Submissions are invited from all fields of political research, including, but not limited to, political theory, political philosophy, comparative politics, political sociology, history and political anthropology. We are looking for manuscripts with a clear focus on an issue or problem area specific to:

-       the post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (including both "consolidated democracies" and "reversed transitions");

-       South American countries;

-       comparative issues and linkages between the two regions.

There are no limitations as regards the focus on individual countries, cross-country comparisons, regional, transnational, subnational and other levels. In the selection process, the emphasis will be on the key task of presenting the specificity of the region to fellow colleagues with limited knowledge of the regional realities. Consequently, we are interested in contributions that keep in mind the perspective of the audience and demonstrate the significance of their topic beyond the regional borders.

Manuscripts are to be submitted by e-mail to stasis@eu.spb.ru and rsulacp@gmail.com. Manuscripts focusing on South America must be written and formatted in accordance with Stasis' INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS; those focusing on post-communist Europe must follow the RSULACP'S. Comparative articles may be submitted to either journal. Note that each journal has their preferences as regards the working languages, but submissions in English are strongly encouraged in both cases.


The deadline for submissions is 31 July 2014. All manuscripts will go through peer review. The joint issues will be published in April 2015.


The South American Journal of Political Science - RSulACP is an academic journal of the Graduate Program in Political Science of the Federal University of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It publishes articles and reviews in the area of Political Science and International Relations, mainly related to South/Latin American Politics. It accepts manuscripts from different academic perspectives in order to ensure theoretical and analytical diversity in each issue, which come out three times a year.     

STASIS is an international journal of social and political theory published in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. The journal's board includes scholars from Russia, Eastern, Central, and Northern Europe. The journal publishes original articles in theory and in the theory-inspired empirical research, on a broad interdisciplinary basis. Among other tasks, it seeks to provide a common platform for the ideas and reflexions that stem from the Centre, North, and East of Europe. "Stasis" means both a pause and an uprising: a moment and a momentum of critique.






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