
MARCH 20-22 2014 




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(Students use the scholarship application form at the end of this page.)

The Austrian Economics Research Conference is the international, interdisciplinary meeting of the Austrian School, bringing together leading scholars doing research in this vibrant and influential intellectual tradition. The conference is hosted by the Ludwig von Mises Institute at its campus in Auburn, Alabama. 


The field of Austrian economics has grown dramatically since the first annual Austrian Scholars Conference in 1996. To recognize the increasing importance of Austrian economics research, not only within the university but also in research institutes and among business professionals, the Mises Institute has renamed its annual academic conference the Austrian Economics Research Conference. The aim is to focus more closely on the research tradition of Menger, Boehm-Bawerk, Mises, Hayek and Rothbard in economic theory, economic history, and political economy.      

Proposals for individual papers, complete paper sessions or symposia, and interactive workshops are encouraged. Papers should be well developed, but at a stage where they can still benefit from the group's discussion. Preference will be given to recent papers that have not been presented at major conferences. All topics related to Austrian economics, broadly conceived, and related social-science disciplines and business disciplines such as management, strategy, and entrepreneurship are appropriate for the conference. Proposals from junior faculty and PhD students are especially encouraged.


Past lecturers have included Leland Yeager, Robert Higgs, Gene Epstein, David Stockman, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Caroline Baum, Gerald Steele, Nicolai Foss, Ronald Hamowy, Sudha Shenoy, Peter Schiff, Hunter Lewis, Jeremy Shearmur,  William Butos, Dom Armentano and Brendan Brown.

The conference is directed by Joseph Salerno, Professor of Economics at Pace University and Academic Vice President of the Mises Institute.  All proposals are peer reviewed by a conference acceptance committee..  To submit a proposal, send your information to thedirector. Proposals are due by December 31, 2013, and decisions will be communicated by January 31, 2014.

Unable to attend? MisesTV will be broadcasting the Named Lectures live.


For a hotel room at Auburn University Hotel phone 1-800-228-2876 or 334-821-8200 before February 20. Be sure to mention Austrian Economics Research Conference of the Mises Institute for the special rate of $114 plus tax (for single or double room). If Auburn University Hotel is full, we recommend Auburn GameDay Center around the corner from the Mises Institute, and be sure to mention you are with the Institute. If you are driving there are other hotels in the Auburn area that are not within walking distance of the Mises Institute. 

For Faculty, the registration fee is $285. The registration fee for Member Observers is $395 per person ($695 per couple), or $475 per person for Non-Members. Become a Member for $50 and register today at the Member price. (Call 800-636-4737 to check if your Membership is current.) Registration covers all sessions, three buffet dinners, coffee breaks, and daily shuttles between AU Hotel and the Institute. Member Observers are requested to refrain from questions or comments during sessions, but faculty welcome discussion during meals and breaks.

A very limited number of scholarships are available for qualified full-time students, including complimentary sessions and dinners.  To apply, submit the application form below, with a copy of student ID.  Student scholarships do not include accommodations.  Undergraduate students are requested to refrain from questions or comments during sessions.

There is a non-refundable registration processing fee of $25 for cancellations of paid registrations. Contact Patricia Barnett with questions.


Apply for scholarship (students)  (Open the file in Adobe Acrobat and save completed form as pdf on your computer.  Email the saved form and a copy of your student ID to scholarships@mises.org or fax to 734-448-8148.)
Shuttle between Atlanta airport and Auburn
Driving directions to Auburn

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