
Deadline:  15 May 2015
Open to: students of all ages interested in a unique "Anglo-Saxon" academic experience
Venue: 13-17 July 2015, Biarritz, France


The University of Pau and Adour Regions (South West of France) is holding a one-week English-language summer school on its Atlantic Coast campus just outside Biarritz (13-17 July 2015).

The school is open to students of all ages interested in a unique "Anglo-Saxon" academic experience in an exceptional setting: sandy beaches and stunning coastal cities are 10 mn away from campus.


Four exciting courses with a broad appeal will be taught by talented and enthusiastic professors recruited specifically from English-language universities:

“Third World Women”: Gender and the Global South, by Samantha Christiansen, Marywood University, USA.
Students will learn about topics of contemporary significance to women in the Third World, such as the Veil, Microfinance, and Sex Trafficking, among others.
Economics of Climate Change: Myths and Realities, by Peter Dorman, Evergreen State College, Washington State.
Acknowledging climate change is just the start. In this course we’ll cut through the confusion about the science, economics and policy of the century’s toughest challenge.
Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynsian and Marxian, by Richard D. Wolff, New School University, NY, USA.
Learn about the three major economic "worldviews" - the dominant and the dissenting - and how they shape thoughts and actions trying to cope with global economic and social problems of the 21st century.
Big History: An introduction to 13.8 billion years of history since the Big Bang, by David Baker, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
"Big History" is a recent and multidisciplinary school of history that emphasizes "the grand narrative" spanning the 13.8 billion years of our universe.


All those interested in a unique Anglo-Saxon academic experience.


There are two fee structures, each one with an "early bird" option (i.e. a lower amount if you register before May 15):

Registration only (including coffee breaks): €480 before May 15;  €550 after May 15. This is for those who live locally or are staying with friends and just want to attend the classes.
"Full pack": €650 before May 15;  €750 after May 15. in addition to the registration and coffee breaks you get a buffet lunch after each class and three social activities


To insure an optimal learning and teaching experience the maximum number of students per class has been set at 25. We expect demand to be high and therefore encourage students to register early.

This is a French government conference registration system with a completely secure online payment facility. First choose your course and decide on the fee.

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions,

IAE Bayonne

8 allées des Platanes
Campus de la Nive
64100 Bayonne

Tél : (+33) 5 59 40 81 10
Fax : (+33) 5 59 40 81 60

Université de Pau et des Pays de L'Adour
Email: marc.artzrouni@univ-pau.fr

The official web-page.

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