Deadline: 30 March 2014
Open to: lawyers, PhD and law students, media practitioners, and those working for civil society organizations.
Venue: 30 June-11 July 2014, at the University of Oxford, UK
The Center for Global Communication Studies at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania and the Programme for Comparative Media Law and Policy at the University of Oxford (PCMLP) are pleased to invite applications to the 16th annual Annenberg-Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute, to be held from Monday, June 30 to Friday, July 11, 2014 at the University of Oxford.
For the past sixteen years, the Annenberg- Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute has brought together researchers, academics, and practitioners for two weeks of scholarship on a range of media issues. The annual summer institute brings together young scholars, media lawyers, practitioners, and activists for two weeks to discuss important recent trends in technology, international politics and development and its influence on media policy. Participants come from around the world; countries represented at previous summer institutes include Myanmar, Bosnia and Herzegonia, Iran, Kenya, China, Brazil, Egypt, Nigeria, Jordan, Italy, Iran, Colombia, El Salvador, among others.
This year the summer institute seeks, as part of the cohort, researchers and academics (PhD candidates and early career academics, for example), who will come with a research project related to topics such as media and democracy, public service broadcasting, Internet policy and politics, ICTs and governance/peacebuilding, monitoring and evaluation of media development programs, the media’s role in conflict and post-conflict environments, strategic communications, as well as other topics.
The objective of the program is to help prepare, motivate, encourage and support students and practitioners who aspire to pursue a career in communications media, may it be in academia, business or in policy-related fields. Applications are welcomed from students and practitioners working in communications, media, law, policy, regulation, and technology.
A long-term goal of this program is to help broaden and expand the pool of talented young scholars committed to careers in media, law and other disciplines in our global network. Annenberg-Oxford alumni continue to engage in the program and collaborate through network ties that are furthered throughout the years.
Participants at AnOx come from a wide range of backgrounds, and have in the past included regulators, lawyers, PhD and law students, media practitioners, and those working for civil society organizations. In an effort to encourage further scholarship and research on issues related to media law and policy, strategic communication, and media and democratization, this year’s Institute seeks, in particular, to identify talented young scholars (PhD candidates and early career academics) working on these themes. We encourage those with research interests in these areas to apply. At the same time, the program benefits from a diversity of participants, and applications are also welcome from those working as lawyers and those employed by NGOs, government bodies, and regulatory agencies.
Tuition for the Annenberg / Oxford Summer Institute is 835 GBP. The total cost for the Institute will depend on the type of accommodation selected. More information on housing is available below. Information about the payment process will be provided to accepted applicants.
This year, funding is limited. Applicants are encouraged to self-fund or find funding through alternative sources. A few tuition waivers are available for top applicants. *Two Fellowships are reserved for the BiH Project Civic Media Fellowships. Bosnia and Herzegovina nationals should email for more information.
The selection of the 75 participants will be based on responses to essay questions regarding motivation as well as past and future involvement in issues to be tackled during the Summer School. In addition, the organizers will take a look at your professional and/or educational and/or volunteering background to see how it is positioning you in a way that would help you disseminate what you will learn. Also, the applicants’ level of English proficiency will play a role in the selection process. Lastly, balance in terms of region and gender will be respected in the final selection.
To apply for the summer Institute, please click here to create an application.
If you have any questions, check the FAQ section or please email Laura Schwartz-Henderson at
The official web-page.