
Yielding to union, selfish recipients

It has been reported that two-thirds of Canadians have delivery to a community mailbox. It’s safe to assume seniors, the handicapped and other folks hampered in their ability to collect mail are included in that two-thirds. I also assume they’ve found a way not to let mail pile up in their community boxes.

Why should the remaining one-third continue to get door-to-door delivery? It would appear that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberals intend to placate the postal union executives. What other reason could a progressive government have?

Our neighbourhood recently had mail delivery converted to a community box. It works very well, is convenient, I do not have to walk blocks to it and my arm can fit inside the box. This is a practical solution for Canada Post to save money, something Canadian and opposition parties have clamoured for, for years. The only opposition appears to be the postal union and a few selfish door-to-door recipients.

R. Paul, Edmonton

Why not notify us of street cleaning?

In what universe is it OK for the city to dispatch street-cleaning crews, but not display no-parking signs so these crews can effectively and efficiently do their jobs?

I live in North Glenora, and this morning noticed two large street sweepers approaching our home. Three vehicles were parked out front, one of which was ours. These sweepers could not clean the copious amount of leaves and debris near the curbs. Given any sort of notice, we and our neighbours would have moved our vehicles.

This blatant waste of time and money prompted a call to the city. I was told the crews were instructed to try to clean the streets as best as possible to make snow removal easier this winter. So the city decides to send out crews randomly, but does not take the time to erect signs and notify residents, greatly hampering the crews’ chances of success.

Way to go, city. Is this what my 4.9-per-cent property tax increase is going toward?

Amorette Reitsma, Edmonton

Have MLAs pay the EI premium

Re: “Pregnant MLA has Alberta government looking to overhaul ‘archaic’ rules,” Nov. 5

The NDP government wants to replace “archaic” rules with a policy that allows MLAs to take parental leave after the birth of a child. This sudden need to change policy arose when Calgary MLA Stephanie McLean realized she does not receive benefits because she does not pay into employment insurance (EI).

Premier Rachel Notley said: “We will make sure that she suffers no economic loss.” What exactly does that mean? Will McLean be able to extract her full salary for the duration of her leave? That hardly seems fair because the rest of us who actually pay into EI receive a maximum $524 per week after a two-week waiting period. That is significantly less than the salary McLean is receiving as the deputy government whip.

McLean states she will return to work as soon as possible after her delivery. Is that one month, six months, a year?

Many women have babies, but do not qualify for parental leave. They took on the work knowing and accepting that fact.

I find it appalling that MLAs expect to receive a benefit that is not afforded to anyone else. It’s even more egregious that they have carte blanche to change the rules to serve their interests.

A fair solution would be to have MLAs pay the EI premium and collect the same EI benefits as all Albertans.

T. Ball, Edmonton

All workers deserve a living wage

Re: “Wages, benefits an albatross for city,” Letters, Vince Paniak, Nov. 5

The 13-per-cent differential between a union contract and the private sector is 13 per cent that stays in Edmonton and benefits us all.

This 13 per cent means student loans are paid off faster, money for sports and fitness, healthier meals, children’s programs, child care, better housing, money put aside for children’s post-secondary education, more donations to local charities and more cultural events. Pensions and health benefits also serve us all, now and in the long term. All workers deserve a living wage.

Cecily Mills, Edmonton

Take high-speed rail off Alberta agenda

Re: “High-speed rail not the right solution: Via CEO,” Nov. 4

The reporter neglects to say high-speed rail route construction costs are at least $10 million per mile, according to a 2013 policy study by Baruch Feigenbaum, and that even in Japan, with its high-density population, only one line — Tokyo-Osaka — is profitable, carrying 151 million passengers per year (2008). That means at peak times, the line carries up to 13 trains per hour, in each direction, with 16 cars each (1,323-seat capacity, and occasionally “standing-room-only”). Japan’s Hakata-Osaka line “breaks even.” The only other profitable world HSR line is Paris-Lyon in France.

Even with generous subsidies, travelling by high-speed-rail (HSR) is still more expensive than flying, for 12 of the 23 most popular HSR routes in the world. The cheapest European line costs more than $50,000 per seat to operate annually. Rail line experts have actually estimated that an HSPS line in the U.S. would require annual ridership of between six million and nine million to break even.

Let’s hope this new NDP government puts a stop to any high-speed rail speculation for our paltry few hundred Calgary-Edmonton commuters. Alberta has a total population of only 4.1 million, so it’s nonsense to discuss HSR lines between the two cities.

M.R. Leithead, Bawlf

Website a great resource for classical fans

Re: “It seems to be feast or famine for classic music lovers in city,” Mark Morris, Nov. 4

Mark Morris describes the need for having an online list of what classical music is playing in the city.

One excellent resource is the Alberta Arts & Culture Events Calendar on CKUA Radio’s website. Go to ckua.com and click on “Events” at the top of the page.

I would also encourage all classical music performers to take advantage of this free service to help promote their particular event, as well as to check if a classical music event has already been scheduled at any given date and time.

Orest Soltykevych, host of Saturday and Sunday Breakfast, CKUA Radio

Air conditioning is the elephant in room

The climate change meetings in Paris will be a nice holiday for world leaders because they will not address air conditioning (AC) and refrigeration, the demand for which is growing so fast it will smash any future targets for addressing global warming.

Worldwide power consumption for AC is forecast to surge 33-fold by 2100 as developing countries urbanize. Already, the U.S. uses as much electricity to keep buildings cool as the whole of Africa uses on everything, and China and India are catching up. We are not even talking about lighting.

AC accounts for 40 per cent of power use in Mumbai, India. Greater than 50 per cent of Saudi Arabia’s peak summer power consumption, which also goes on air conditioning, is generated by burning one billion barrels of oil a year — this for a population smaller than Canada, which uses 2.4 billion barrels a year.

Foods, cars, computers, medicines, plastics, steel, chemicals, depend on cooling. Deprived of cooling, data centres and the Internet would collapse.

Refrigerant leaks of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are also up to 4,000 times more potent than carbon dioxide in producing greenhouse gases.

“Cold” is the elephant in the room and won’t even be addressed in Paris. So, fellow Albertans, the tarsands will continue to flow since solar energy cannot replace fossil fuels. Nuclear might, but that is a non-starter these days.

Eugene Jerry Rudnisky, Edmonton

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