
It is nine years since the Health Quality Council of Alberta demanded a more clearly defined “culture of safety” in Alberta’s health operations.

The message, delivered in a blistering 2007 report, focused on failures in medical equipment sterilization in an overly frugal East Central Health region that included Vegreville’s hospital. The crisis required almost 3,000 people to be tested for exposure to HIV and hepatitis and prompted the province to introduce mandatory equipment sterilization and cleanliness standards for the province’s health care facilities.

There is nothing more basic, or important, in health care than cleanliness, right down to the microscopic level.

And yet Albertans learned Monday that once again, improper sterilization procedures — this time at a north Edmonton medical practice — have put another group of patients at risk.

The numbers are smaller; 270 people who underwent skin-related procedures such as mole removals or minor stitches will receive letters advising them to be tested for hepatitis B and C. And the issue this time is not a lack of standards (those are easy enough to find on Alberta Health’s website) but rather a failure to follow standards that require reusable devices for skin-related procedures to be sterilized at a high enough temperature to zap any leftover pathogens lingering on the equipment.

Alberta Health Services said an audit by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta first uncovered the problem at the North Town Medical Clinic, a family medicine practice, in November 2015. The college ordered the clinic to “stop reprocessing” and alerted AHS, which then did a full risk assessment that wrapped up in June.

The clinic has cooperated, officials said, and the college’s registrar said catching the problem is a sign that Alberta’s inspection system is working. That is the glass half-full way of looking at it.

But Albertans should expect a full glass from the health-care safety net. The clinic, which opened in September 2013, did not get inspected until more than two years after it started seeing patients. That’s due to bureaucratic delays between Alberta Health passing on updated lists of new clinics to the college and more delays as the college waited for surveys to come back from the clinics to determine where each operation should fall on its inspection priority list.

In the electronic information age, there is no excuse for this kind of delay. At a time when Edmonton and Alberta are dreaming big about the benefits of world-class health technology and innovation happening here, the basics can not be overlooked.

Something as simple as a visit to the doctor to have a boil drained should never result in the need for a hepatitis test.

Local editorials are the consensus opinion of the Journal’s editorial board, comprising Lorne Motley, Kathy Kerr, Sarah O’Donnell and David Evans.

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