
A couple of years ago my wife and I decided to take my two sons, then eight and ten, to the downtown library for an event. My kids had been riding the streets of Old Strathcona with us for years, and we considered them seasoned bike riders, as much as children can be.

In retrospect it was a bad idea. We crossed the High Level Bridge without a problem and rode comfortably up the Railtown path. As soon as we left the safety of the multi-use trail to head east on 102 Avenue, though, our trip became a scary, tense experience.

The road was wide, menacing and full of fast-moving cars. The kids took the sidewalk and we kept pace with them on the street, trying to avoid getting hit ourselves whilst coaching the kids on what to do at each intersection. We got dirty looks from pedestrians on the sidewalk (I can’t blame them) and honks from the cars on the road. We were so relieved to finally reach the library, and when it was time to go home we decided to just walk the bikes southeast to the nearest river valley trail.

The bottom line: when it comes to riding a bike, our downtown core is no place for any but the most experienced, bravest of bike riders. Only the one per cent of people who identify as “strong and fearless” are willing to enter the core on their bikes, leaving the rest of us on the outside looking in.

Things are changing though, and we have our friends in Calgary to thank for that. In June of 2015, Calgary installed a Stantec-designed seven-kilometre grid of bike routes in its downtown.

All of a sudden Calgarians living near the core had another transportation option, and they responded enthusiastically. Weekday cycling trips almost doubled after just three months, and the one millionth bike trip on the network was recently celebrated, all despite near-record downtown vacancy rates. Just as importantly, the makeup of the people riding in downtown Calgary has changed to include more women and families.

The key to Calgary’s project was to install an entire grid all at once, opening up the entire area to people on bikes. The bike paths are protected, too, meaning that there is a concrete curb, bollards or planters between people and cars.

This summer, Stantec wrote a report on a similar grid of protected bike paths for Edmonton’s downtown. It described three east-west routes and three north-south ones, so that once someone on a bike gets to the downtown core they would be able to reach most major destinations in comfort and safety. City council voted unanimously last week to build that 7.1-kilometre grid in 2017.

This is very good news. The more people who bike, the better it is for our city. Every person who chooses to bike rather than drive reduces congestion, increases business activity along major bike routes, becomes healthier, and most importantly gets to enjoy a fun, active transportation mode.

Since 2012 the number of people riding their bikes to work in Edmonton has increased by 57 per cent. Old Strathcona leads the way with almost eight per cent of commuters choosing to bike, and 15 central communities are over four per cent. The numbers may seem relatively small, but in Old Strathcona alone eight per cent represents about 800 people.

In order for the number of people who bike to keep increasing, though, Edmonton needs an infusion of protected bike paths — like those just approved for downtown. Studies show that most people are interested in riding their bikes, but are deterred by the danger involved.

Personally I’m not scared for me or my family because we avoid dangerous areas on our bikes, and that has unfortunately meant us staying away from downtown when we’re out together. We would love to start going back though.

Council’s decision to approve a grid of protected bike paths for Edmonton’s downtown means we will get that chance as soon as next year.

Conrad Nobert is vice-chair of Paths for People, a non-profit organization working to improve conditions for cycling and walking in Edmonton.

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