Dear Readers,
only three working days until I can enjoy a few days off which I highly anticipate and need to recharge my battery.
On the one hand reading went more or less down the drain. On the other hand I discovered some more interesting books and a few have been written in my first language. Now I need to find the right balance in my spare time square consisting of reading - blogging - playing - sewing which is a never-ending story.
For me it seems with beginning of November the autumn/winter reading season started. Nearly every book blog I visit shows at least half a dozen of new books. It is easy to get lost and finally ending up in the situation to admit that every new book does not increase your available time for reading.
I hope and wish all of you find enough time to enjoy the books you want to read.
Today I tried to put together the links I want to share with you in a more structured way. I hope you like it
Edi's Guidepost
The Lighthouse
News and information straight from the horse's mouth by Lighthouse keeper ediFanoB
Reading progress
The latest report from our shelf shop net correspondent Bona
New books on my shelf/reader or when one book leads to another
Messages from the depths of the blogosphere by spheronaut Bona Fide
Authors and publicity
Past and present
Epic Fantasy - Update
Remote control junkie Fide and his zapping highlights
Fallout 4
The Hateful Eight
The member of the house of quotes and a quote himself the Keeper of the minutes ( we call him Kotm) fished for you
German proverbs, sayings and idiomsQuote related to war
The Lighthouse
I admit I needed a somewhat lighter read. I was not able to concentrate on one of my current reads. Therefore I was more than happy when an adventure series in my first language crossed my way. I bought all four available books in the series - you will find the details further down - and managed to read the first book.
I finished
- Geheimakte Labrador (digital, January 2013) [ Kindle Edition ASIN: B00AS9ZW4C] by André Milewski.
I wrote on GOODREADS:
"Ein Buch für alle Fans von Indiana Jones und klassischen Abenteuergeschichten. Es ist eine Hommage an Indiana Jones, bleibt dabei aber eigenständig.
Wer diese Art von Geschichten mag, wird hier gut unterhalten. Mir hat es gut gefallen und ich werde die Folgebände lesen."
No progress
- 260 pages in Red Mars (first 1992; digital, April 2013) [ Kindle Edition ASIN: B0165YN9PW] by Kim Stanley Robinson.
I love it.
- 65 pages in The Widows Guild (digital, 10th October 2015) [ Kindle Edition ASIN: B0165YN9PW] by Anna Castle.
- 94 pages in When the Heavens Fall (digital, May 2015) [ Kindle Edition ASIN: B00WQ5CUX2] by Marc Turner
- 168 pages in Hunter of Sherwood: The Red Hand (pb, 30th December 2015) [ISBN-13: 978-1781082904] by Toby Venables
It is good and I want to enjoy it. But I need to be in the right mood. Will return to the book when I'm ready for it.
Tried but did not work for me
- no book
Enjoy your weekend ....
Dear readers, I'm the one to tell you about books - only books? What about novellas and other stuff? My name is Bona. I scour shelves, shops and the net for books. If you call me a book whore I would not gainsay you. But be aware I have my own, sometimes elusive taste.
New books on my shelf/reader or when one book leads to another
As I wrote above, I discovered an adventure series new to me and bought digital copies of all fore available books. I spent in sum 3,96 EUR (4.29 USD, 2.83 GBP) for all copies.
As mentioned on the back of the second book this is for all fans of Indiana Jones, pulp fiction and "classic" adventure stories"
(Für alle Fans von Indiana Jones, Pulp-Stories & „klassischer“ Abenteuergeschichten!)
And that is exactly what these books deliver.
Geheimakte Labrador (digital, January 2013) [ Kindle Edition ASIN: B00AS9ZW4C] by André Milewski.
"Oslo 1952
Der junge Deutsche Max Falkenburg arbeitet als Museumswärter im Wikingerschiffmuseum. Als er den Diebstahl eines geheimnisvollen Medaillons verhindert, findet er sich unvermutet auf der Suche nach Thors legendärem Hammer Mjöllnir wieder.
Gemeinsam mit dem amerikanischen Archäologen Frederick Crichton und seinen Studenten setzt Max alles daran, um das mythische Artefakt zu finden. Doch eine Spezialabteilung des russischen Geheimdienstes ist ihnen dicht auf den Fersen und schreckt vor nichts zurück, um den Hammer in ihren Besitz zu bringen.
Die Suche führt Max und seine Freunde über Island nach Grönland und letztlich bis an die Küste Labradors, wo es schließlich zum alles Entscheidenden Kampf um Mjöllnir kommt …" [Source]
Geheimakte Aton (digital, March 2014) [ Kindle Edition ASIN: B00J1LK9KU] by André Milewski.
"Boston, 1957:
Der junge deutsche Archaologe & Abenteurer Max Falkenburg bekommt unerwartet Besuch von seinem alten Freund Howard, einem CIA-Agenten. Dieser tragt einen Zettel mit mysteriosen agyptischen Hieroglyphen bei sich, fur dessen Ubersetzung er Max' Hilfe braucht. Zudem ist er auf der Flucht - vor der CIA. Als Max feststellt, dass der Name seines Vaters auf dem Zettel erwahnt wird, zogert er keine Sekunde, um das Ratsel zu losen und begibt sich in Begleitung seiner Freunde Joe und Howard auf den Weg nach Agypten. Doch sie sind nicht allein. Verfolgt von der CIA und alten Gegnern, mussen sie feststellen, dass unter dem Sand der agyptischen Wuste nicht nur geheimnisvolle Tempel verborgen liegen, sondern auch eine uralte, finstere Macht auf ihre Wiedererweckung wartet." [Source]
Geheimakte Uxmal (digital, January 2015) [ Kindle Edition ASIN: B00S9TT0LE] by André Milewski.
"Boston, 1961:
Ein zwielichtiger argentinischer Millionär bietet dem Archäologen Max Falkenburg die Leitung einer Expedition in den Dschungel von Yucatán an. Dort wartet laut einer Legende seit Jahrhunderten ein mächtiges Artefakt der Maya auf seine Entdeckung. Obwohl Max ablehnt, wird er doch schneller in die Angelegenheit verwickelt, als ihm lieb ist - und stellt fest, dass manche Mächte lieber nicht geweckt werden sollten ...
Eine aufregende Jagd beginnt!" [Source]
Geheimakte Fenris (digital, October 2015) [ Kindle Edition ASIN: B016YXNZ44] by André Milewski.
"Boston, 1965:
Max Falkenburg, frisch zum Professor der Archäologie ernannt, steht kurz vor seiner Hochzeit, als ihn ein Schatten aus der Vergangenheit unbarmherzig einholt. Durch das Vermächtnis seiner Familie wird er in die Jagd nach der gewaltigsten Waffe aller Zeiten verwickelt. Max muss sich auf den Kampf gegen eine mächtige und skrupellose Geheimorganisation einlassen, um zu retten, was ihm am Wichtigsten ist: das Leben seiner Freunde.
Denn FENRIS ist entfesselt und schlägt gnadenlos zu." [Source]
No more today, see you next week ......
Hey, I'm Bona Fide. I just came back from my last foray through the blogosphere. What can you expect from me? I tell you: Everything from Art to Fart as long as there is any faint connection to books. And here is some honey from the beehive blogosphere...
Authors and publicity
One thing will never change. If you want to sell something you need publicity. What changes is the way how to raise attention.
In former times it was up to the publisher to arrange interviews, readings in book shops and so on. Nowadays more and more of these activities have to be managed by the author himself. One important question is to how to cope with social media and blogosphere. In the end it is a question which each author has to answer individually.
Here are three statements from three different authors which I found in the past days.
Author Mark Lawrence talks about his blog and his opinion about blogging.
After reading his post
Do author blogs matter? One million hits.
I must say he has a point.
Do you read blogs from authors regularly? Does this has an impact on your decision to books from these authors? Do you leave comments.
Author Christopher Fowler talks especially about blog tours and their advantages and disadvantages in his post
The Importance Of Social Media For Writers
As a blogger I must say I like blog tours as long as the content differs from blot to blog. I have been part of blog tours and I followed blog tours and got some new information.
I think one of the real hot topics is ratings and reviews. I would lie when I tell you that I never have a look at ratings and reviews. Sometimes they have an impact on my to buy or not to buy decision and sometimes not.
Author Guy Haley talks about what it means for him to ask people for reviews in his post
Do us both a favour, rate my books
It is an honest statement and I like it.
History has an impact on our life, on the books we we read and of course the books itself. I'm interested in history and love to read historical faction. There are a lot of epic fantasy books which show and clear impact of history. There is nothing wrong with that.
London is a place where you are confronted with history every day. More than 350 years passed since the Great Plague of London 1664 to 1666 and as soon as you start to dig you find remnant.
If you want to know more about this topic you should definitely have a look at following post over at Atlas Obscura
London’s Plague Pits Map Shows Where the Black Death Got Buried
London is also a place with a well documented history and a lot of lost things like buildings, streets, gates and so on come alive in paintings and chronicles.
I love to dive into the past coming alive in posts like the following one over at The English Historical Fiction Authors
The Wards of Old London: Farringdon Within - Prisons, Friaries & Book-Stalls By Mark Patton
Past and present
I like to see objects and places which shows the melting of past and present.
Wouldn't it be great to visit and see stonework back from 365 AD?
Fortunately there are people with such kind of visions. You can see one of those ideas over at WebUrbanist
Sunken Ruins of Alexandria to be World’s First Underwater Museum
Did you ever visit a medieval fair? It is an event where you see lots of people using drinking horns. But you never see them in daily life for example to transport and drink coffee. That may change soon depending on the result of a kickstarter presented over at WebUrbanist
Got Your Goat: Portable Drinking Horn Coffee Mug is Good to Go
This is a topic which is as extensive as the world of books. As different as we are we do not like everything labeled art. Whenever I share a link related to art it is an individual choice. There are a lot of things which do not interest me. But the paintings presented over at Atlas Obscura impressed me. I could not believe that these are real paintings. They look so real. And some of them reminded me immediately of Fallout 4. Look at the trailer and you will understand. Now go and enjoy
Photorealistic Paintings of Disappearing Americana
Epic Fantasy - Update
Some of you may find it boring when I post these links again and again. But Adam Whitehead is still adding new content and the post series is excellent.
Visit The Wertzone and enjoy the amazing post series. Maybe you will find some books you haven't read yet. In the meantime 24 posts are available.
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 1
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 2
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 3
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 4
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 5
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 6
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 7
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 8
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 9
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 10
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 11
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 12
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 13
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 14
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 15
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 16
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 17
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 18
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 19
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 20
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 21
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 22
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 23
A History of Epic Fantasy - Part 24
That's it for today. Come back next week for more ......
Hey, it's me Fide. I'm a remote control professional. I'm that fast that I can watch two movies at the same time.
Only a few days left until one of my most anticipated video games will be available:
Of course I must share the Fallout 4 Launch Trailer with you.
I did not see any other videos showing details of the game without permission by Bethesda.
The trailer promise a lot and contains some hints regarding the story.
I' so excited! I can't wait to play and I'm more than happy that I got a few days off from 12th of November. It may be possible that the next issue of the Weekend Wave will be a lot shorter than usual.
The Hateful Eight
Beside all the hype around Fallout 4 one should not forget that more things to entertain and enjoy are on their way.
Do you like Western? Did you enjoy Django Unchained by Quentin Tarantino? Then you should look forward to The Hateful Eight. The film will be shown in the States in selected theaters on Christmas day. The release in digital theaters will be on January 8th, 2016.
For me this will be the first film I want to see in 2016. Have a look at the second trailer which gives a good impression of what to expect. I definitely like it.
That's it for today. Come back next week for more ......
I 'm the Keeper of the minutes. But I don't mind when you call me Kotm. No, no. I don't explain to you how to pronounce.
Today's quote is coming from the Fallout 4 Launch Trailer above ............
"War never changes.”
Fallout 4, Fallout 4 Launch Trailer at 0:34