
Hello and welcome to issue #1410 of Edi's Weekend Wave.
On Friday evening I was too tired to work on this issue of the Weekend Wave. On Saturday good friends visited us. We have had a great day. So I was in a good mood to write the post in the evening. But I underestimated my body. I started to work on the post while my wife fell asleep on the sofa. Around two hours later she woke me up. Not for the first time I fell asleep in front of my laptop. Fortunately I did not delete the part I finished writing before I fell asleep.
I decided to go to bed and finish the post on Sunday.
I'm sure it was the right decision.
Now you know the reason why it took so long to get this post ready.


Edi's Guidepost

The Lighthouse
News and information straight from the horse's mouth by Lighthouse keeper ediFanoB

Reading progress

The latest report from our shelf shop net correspondent Bona

New books on my shelf/reader or when one book leads to another

Alec of Kerry and Seregil of Rhiminee

eBook promotion

E. L. Tettensor news

Messages from the depths of the blogosphere by spheronaut Bona Fide

The way of electronics

Tichborne Claimant

Special fences

Frederik Ruysch

Black House

Back to the 1950s


Remote control junkie Fide and his zapping highlights

Captain America: The Winter Soldier or The Return of the First Avenger

The member of the house of quotes and a quote himself the Keeper of the minutes ( we call him Kotm) fished for you

German proverbs, sayings and idiomsQuote related to the center of the universe

The Lighthouse
Slowly but surely or in other words page by page I go through my current reads. It is a waste of time to complain about the lost time for reading. Instead I started to enjoy every minute. That means I try to have always a book at hand. It is possible with a digital reader. So if I have to wait somewhere, I read and so on. To be honest nobody thinks you are a strange guy because it is a rare view to see someone on the street or in shops without a digital device in use. Sometimes I think people replaced one of their hands by a smart phone or something similar.
I'm really happy that I could finish one book and I could continue reading two other books.

I finished

- Prophecy (paperback, UK 2011) [ISBN-13: 978-0007317646] by S. J. Parris
I rote on GOODREADS:
" I admit I'm a fan of the Giordano Bruno series since the first book.

For me S.J. Parris delivered with PROPHECY a most satisfying read. I like Giordano Bruno a lot.
If you read the first book in the series then you will easily recognize the character development.
Superb written and excellent researched. Elizabethan London comes alive."


- 471 pages in Deadhouse Gates (pb, 2006; first published in 2000) [ISBN-13: 978-0765348791] by Steven Erikson

- 402 pages in Arcanum (digital 2013) [Amazon Kindle ASIN: B00DI7HKHS] by Simon Morden
Nearly every chapter shows a new turn. The character development is amazing

No progress

- 241 pages in the Amelia Peabody's Murder Mystery Omnibus (digital, pb, 2012) [Kindle Edition ASIN: B007PRZJAW] by Elizabeth Peters.

- 98 pages in The Invention of Murder: How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime (digital 2011) [ Kindle Edition ASIN: B004FPYX72] by Judith Flanders.

- 172 pages in the Emperor of Thorns (pb, August 2013) [ISBN-13: 978-0007439058] by Mark Lawrence,

Enjoy your weekend ....


Dear readers, I'm the one to tell you about books - only books? What about novellas and other stuff? My name is Bona. I scour shelves, shops and the net for books. If you call me a book whore I would not gainsay you. But be aware I have my own, sometimes elusive taste.

New books on my shelf/reader or when one book leads to another

So far I read just one book by by Alastair Reynolds: Revelation Space (pb, digital) [ISBN-13: 978-0441009428; Kindle Edition ASIN:  B001QL5MAA]. Then I read the description of  Revelation Space (pb, digital, 2011) [ISBN-13: 978-0441020430; Kindle Edition ASIN:  B003FXCSVI] and I knew that this would be my next  Alastair Reynolds novel.

"Spearpoint, the last human city, is an atmosphere-piercing spire of vast size. Clinging to its skin are the zones, a series of semi-autonomous city-states, each of which enjoys a different - and rigidly enforced - level of technology. Horsetown is pre-industrial; in Neon Heights they have television and electric trains . . .

Following an infiltration mission that went tragically wrong, Quillon has been living incognito, working as a pathologist in the district morgue. But when a near-dead angel drops onto his dissecting table, Quillon's world is wrenched apart one more time, for the angel is a winged posthuman from Spearpoint's Celestial Levels - and with the dying body comes bad news.

If Quillon is to save his life, he must leave his home and journey into the cold and hostile lands beyond Spearpoint's base, starting an exile that will take him further than he could ever imagine. But there is far more at stake than just Quillon's own survival, for the limiting technologies of the zones are determined not by governments or police, but by the very nature of reality - and reality itself is showing worrying signs of instability . . .

TERMINAL WORLD is a snarling, drooling, crazy-eyed mongrel of a book: equal parts steampunk, western, planetary romance and far-future SF." [Source]

A few days ago I received a kind mail from Rebellion.co.uk which you may know as a game development company. But there is more behind:

"In addition to games and comics, Rebellion’s book publishing arm - Abaddon Books - was launched in the summer of 2006. Focusing on science fiction adventure and fantasy stories, Abaddon was joined by Solaris, bought from BL Publishing, and the two imprints have built up a substantial body of critically-acclaimed and bestselling work." [Source]
I have been asked if I would like to read and review following book.

Talus and the Frozen King by Graham Edwards

26th March (US & Canada) and 10th April (UK) 2014 in paperback and digital

£7.99 (UK) ISBN 978-1781081983; $8.99/$10.99 (US & CAN) ISBN 978-1781081990

"Meet Talus-the world's first detective.

A dead warrior king frozen in winter ice. Six grieving sons, each with his own reason to kill. Two weary travellers caught up in a web of suspicion and deceit.

In a distant time long before our own, wandering bard Talus and his companion Bran journey to the island realm of Creyak, where the king has been murdered. From clues scattered among the island's mysterious barrows and stone circles, they begin their search for his killer. But do the answers lie in this world or the next?

Nobody is above suspicion, from the king's heir to the tribal shaman, from the servant woman steeped in herb-lore to the visiting warlord whose unexpected arrival throws the whole tribe into confusion. And when death strikes again, Talus and Bran realise nothing is what it seems. Creyak is place of secrets and spirits, mystery and myth. It will take a clever man indeed to unravel the truth. The kind of man this ancient world has not seen before." [Source]
Let me quote the press release to give you more information

"3000 BC: A dead warrior king frozen in winter ice. Six grieving sons, each with his own reason to kill. Two weary travellers caught up in a web of suspicion and deceit. Meet Talus – the Bronze Age Detective!

Even at the dawn of society, murder is an ancient habit. But Talus is the first man who understands that the identity of an unknown killer can be found, if you can start asking the right questions.

Neither historical fantasy nor crime fiction has ever seen anything like Talus before – a wandering bard who, with his companion Bran, journey to the island realm of Creyak, where the king has been murdered. From clues scattered among the island’s mysterious barrows and stone circles, they begin their search for his killer. Nobody is above suspicion, from the king’s heir to the tribal shaman, from the woman steeped in herb-lore to the visiting warlord. And when death strikes again, it will take a clever man indeed to unravel the truth. The kind of man this ancient world has not seen before.

Edwards brings a unique character to the world of crime fiction while blending myth, legend, and fantasy into a rich tapestry about a bright light amidst humanity’s darkest dawn."
And this is the author

"Graham Edwards was born in England near Glastonbury Tor and now lives in Nottingham. His formative years were spent on the UK’s Jurassic Coast making disturbing movies on Super-8 film. Since then he’s worked as a graphic designer and animator. He’s also written and produced multimedia shows for theme parks and visitor centres. His novels include Dragoncharmand Stone & Sky."

For more information about the author and his work please visit
Graham Edwards

I know, I know, I know, you will ask me why the hell did he agree to review the book instead to write and finish the ones who are still in progress. I will be honest. I could not resist the description. I love to read the mix of of historical fantasy and crime fiction.  Instead of denying I downloaded the review copy.

Alec of Kerry and Seregil of Rhiminee
I assume most of science fiction and fantasy readers have a bunch of favorite characters. I'm no exception in this case. Last week I talked about FitzChivalry, the hero of the Farseer trilogy and the Tawny Man trilogy by Robin Hobb. This week is time to talk about Alec of Kerry and Seregil of Rhiminee. Does these two names ring a bell for you?
It was back in 1996 when they both saw the light of the day for the very fist time in Luck in the Shadows (pb, 1996) [ISBN-13: 978-0553575422] (digital 2010)  [Kindle Edition ASIN: B00486U8JK] the first book in the Nightrunner by Lynn Flewelling.

"When young Alec of Kerry is taken prisoner for a crime he didn’t commit, he is certain that his life is at an end. But one thing he never expected was his cellmate. Spy, rogue, thief, and noble, Seregil of Rhiminee is many things–none of them predictable. And when he offers to take on Alec as his apprentice, things may never be the same for either of them. Soon Alec is traveling roads he never knew existed, toward a war he never suspected was brewing. Before long he and Seregil are embroiled in a sinister plot that runs deeper than either can imagine, and that may cost them far more than their lives if they fail. But fortune is as unpredictable as Alec’s new mentor, and this time there just might be … Luck in the Shadows." [Source]
I read the book in April 2008 and was stoked. Unfortunately I never reviewed it. But at this time I was far beyond to be a blogger. I read Stalking Darkness, which is the second book in the series, in August 2008.  After that I stopped to continue reading the series but still bought the books. I tried to return to the Nightrunner series in 2012 but failed. It is a shame because it is an excellent series. Now the publishing date of Shards of Time (pb, April 2014) [ISBN-13: 978-0345522313] (digital April 2014)  [Kindle Edition ASIN: B00FO5YFUM] which will be the seventh and the last for now Nightrunner book is coming nearer.
Lynn Flewelling said:

"[...], this is the last book of the Nightrunner Series, at least for now. That's something I am grieving (at this moment, even). I've know Alec and Seregil longer than I've known my own kids. Never say never, but it feels like it's time for me to move on. The last thing I want is to pump out bad books just because I don't want to let go. I want the boys to leave the stage while people are still applauding. But I promise you, I've worked hard to make it a really good book!" [Source]
I have mixed feelings. As a series junkie I can't get enough. But I fully understand the reason why Lynn Flewelling decided in this way. Of course I ordered a paperback copy of Shards of Time in advance and there is an idea running around my head for some time .... To read the for me remaining five books during my holiday in May ... It is not decided yet but it is definitely one of the options.

eBook promotion
I like to share information when it comes to special offers for books.
If you follow the Gollancz Blog then you can skip this part of the post because you know what I will tell now.

On 7th of March 2014 you could read following post:

Gollancz Announces £1.99 eBook promotion for all 2014 debuts

Let me quote the important parts of the post

"We have decided to reduce the price of the eBook editions of Gollancz debuts this year to £1.99 for the week of publication. What’s more, we’ll make this price available for pre-order as well, so, in effect, if you decide to purchase one of these books at any time up to a week after it’s been published, you’ll do so for less money than a Saturday newspaper."

"Gollancz’s 2014 debuts are:
March 20:      The Boy With The Porcelain Blade by Den Patrick
May 15:        In Dark Service by Stephen Hunt
June 19:        Barricade by Jon Wallace
July 17:         The Seventh Miss Hatfield by Anna Caltabiano
August 14:     The Incorruptibles by John Hornor Jacobs
Sept 18:        The Relic Guild by Edward Cox"

I would lie if I would say that I'm not interested in the offer. You may assume that the promotion price is only valid in UK but that is not true. At least Amazon.de shows also the promotion price plus German tax.
If you are interested in one of the books and you live outside UK you should check your eBook dealer if he offers the promotion price or not.

E. L. Tettensor news
I just finished the spell checking of the post and looked at my mailbox before before releasing this post.
On 8th of January 2014 I posted my review of Darkwalker (pb, digital 2013) [ISBN-13: 978-0451419989; Kindle Edition ASIN:  B00C5QULVK] by E L Tettensor. It has been a great read.  Today the author posted unexpected and exciting news!

"About five months after I’d sold DARKWALKER, I made a second sale to Ace/Roc, the first book in a fantasy trilogy. THE BLOODBOUND was the fastest manuscript I’d ever turned out. Still is. Something about that book just flew. It wasn’t quite Athena springing fully formed from the brain of Zeus, but it was as close as I ever expect to get. It was a romp to write, and it’s a romp to read, or so I’m told.

THE BLOODBOUND is very different from DARKWALKER — so much so that Ace/Roc suggested I write it under a different name. I’ll have a separate website for it too, eventually. But for now, this is the right place to announce that THE BLOODBOUND hits shelves September 30, 2014. You can pre-order it here. You should. I’m tremendously proud of it."

The Bloodbound (pb, September 2014) [ISBN-13: 978-0425272688] (digital September 2014)  [Kindle Edition ASIN: B00ISEONZI] by Erin Lindsay.

"Of all those in the King of Alden’s retinue, the bloodbinders are the most prized. The magic they wield can forge invaluable weapons, ones that make soldiers like Lady Alix Black unerringly lethal. However, the bloodbinders’ powers can do so much more—and so much worse….

A cunning and impetuous scout, Alix only wishes to serve quietly on the edges of the action. But when the king is betrayed by his own brother and left to die at the hands of attacking Oridian forces, she winds up single-handedly saving her sovereign.

Suddenly, she is head of the king’s personal guard, an honor made all the more dubious by the king’s exile from his own court. Surrounded by enemies, Alix must help him reclaim his crown, all the while attempting to repel the relentless tide of invaders led by the Priest, most feared of Oridia’s lords.

But while Alix’s king commands her duty, both he and a fellow scout lay claim to her heart. And when the time comes, she may need to choose between the two men who need her most…." [Source]

Before I order a copy I need to know how much romance is in the book. I'm not keen to read romance.  I asked the author and will inform you about the answer.

No more today, see you next week ......


Hey, I'm Bona Fide. I just came back from my last foray through the blogosphere. What can you expect from me? I tell you: Everything from Art to Fart as long as there is any faint connection to books. And here is some honey from the beehive blogosphere...

The way of electronics
Nowadays we a surrounded - a growing mass is even dominated - by electronic devices. And from where do most of these devices come from? The answer is not unexpected: China!
Now let me ask you a second question. Where do all these devices go at the end of their usage? Is it a surprise from you when I tell you that both questions share the same answer.
There is an enlightening post over at CHINAHUSH which I highly recommend. Have a look at

Qingyuan: Where your electronics goes when you throw it away

Tichborne Claimant
The Tichborne case aroused a lot of interest in Victorian England. Of course you can get a lot of information about it. But has time to search and read all the sources? If you would like to get more information about the then I have two recommendations for you. First of all you should visit the English Historical Fiction Authors and read:

Butcher or Baronet: The Amazing Story of the Tichborne Claimant

by Pauline Montagna

Furthermore read my review of The Curious Case of the Clockwork Man (March 2011) by Mark Hodder. The Tichborne Claimant plays an important role within the story and you may discover an excellent series.

Special fences
I don't the reason for it but every time I see the word fences, it reminds me of following quote:

"The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."
That fits partly to the post over at WebUrbanist. enjoy

Invisible Borders: Mirrored Picket Fence Blurs the Lines

Frederik Ruysch
As long as you are no time traveller you will never had the opportunity to meet him in person. But in all likelihood you may have seen something of his work. I do not tell you more. Visit The Public Domain Review and enjoy

Fererik Ruysch: The Artistof Death

Black House

I know where the house touched ground after all these years .....   WebUrbanist shows the details here

Not in Kansas: Black House lands in Front of Oz museum

Back to the 1950s
I was born in 1959 and I like to have a look at the science fiction pulp and paperback covers from that time. Dark Roasted Blend is always a great source for such kind of art. I enjoyed following post a lot:

Exceptional British Scifi Artwork from the 1950s
Read more at http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2014/03/exceptional-british-scifi-artwork-from.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheThrillingWonderStory+%28Dark+Roasted+Blend%29#VDlLI2gtD7C0fyuY.99

Exceptional British Scifi Artwork from the 1950s


Exceptional British Scifi Artwork from the 1950s
Read more at http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2014/03/exceptional-british-scifi-artwork-from.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheThrillingWonderStory+%28Dark+Roasted+Blend%29#VDlLI2gtD7C0fyuY.99

When it comes to historical fiction, I always hope that the author spent enough time for research. Whenever I read historical fiction I check persons, dates and places. I do that in order to get more information and often that leads to new books for my list. From time to time you find posts where authors write about their research and I like it a lot. In case you like that too then I recommend following post over at the English Historical Fiction Authors :

From the Sands of Africa to a Hidden Frontier in Roman Britain

by Adam Alexander Haviaras

That's it for today. Come back next week for more ......

Hey, it's me Fide. I'm a remote control professional. I'm that fast that I can watch two movies at the same time.

I admit that I was not that interested in Captain America: The First Avenger. nevertheless I watched the trailer of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and I mus say this one is more after my fancy. In Germany the film will hit the cinemas with a different title. But to be honest I do not understand why the renamed it to Captain America 2: The Return of the First Avenger. It gets even better. Within the movie they use the name Winter Soldier!!
I show the trailer in English and in German. So you get n impression about the voices we get in the cinema

That's all for today. See you next time....

I 'm the Keeper of the minutes. But I don't mind when you call me Kotm. No, no. I don't explain to you how to pronounce.

I think the following quote is a good motto ....

"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?”

Steven Wright, US comedian and actor, 1955 -

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