With much excitement and a great deal of anticipation Educational Experience released the 2014 edition of our Healthy Learning Handbook this week.
This 3rd issue of the Healthy Learning Handbook fosters the ideal of extending learning and development beyond the formal structure of a classroom or centre through the “discovery” theme.
Learning occurs in any place, at any time. Learning is an active process; students learn by doing, just as they learn to walk or talk. Studies prove when children learn by “hands-on” discovery; it is more likely to have a permanent effect. Learning through discovering provides children with the opportunity to investigate, critique and solve problems, and contributes to life-long learning and holistic (children’s physical, personal, social, emotional, spiritual and cognitive) development. More importantly, it is fun!
The Healthy Learning Handbook endeavours to discover new ways to support the dedicated educators and carers who work hard to provide an enriching learning experience for the children in their centres and schools. It also aims to provide high quality practical professional development guides through expert advice that is aligned to the Early Years Learning Framework, National Quality Framework and the Australian Curriculum.
Whether it be discovering ways to encourage healthy minds and bodies, fun experiences or yummy (allergy free) recipes for home or school, this issue has it all. The Handbook covers the developmental stages from newborns to Year 6 and beyond. Alongside contributions from experts in their field, we showcase a sample of brilliant work being done by centres and schools throughout Australia to provide healthier, enriching environments and experiences.
Educational Experience staff enjoyed discovering new learning facilities, exceptional educators from coast to country, hands-on science shows and music and movement classes throughout the production of this Handbook. We hope you enjoy discovering these people, places and things as much as we did.
We invite you to grab your copy, a cuppa and to sit back, relax and enjoy the discovery! Visit http://www.edex.com.au/healthylearning to read it online.