Job Summary
AKES, UGANDA is an organization committed to enriching the lives of “many generations of multi-racial and multi-cultural student populations” through the provision of quality and affordable education. AKES, Uganda offers the CIE International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP).
The incumbent will be responsible for the administration and management of Key Stage 3 (English National Curriculum – Years 7 to 9), IGCSE (Years 10 & 11) and IBDP programme, and others which may be considered in the future (eg IBCP).
This is a senior post and the holder sits on the International School’s Senior Management Team, and may, from time to time, be asked to attend meetings with the Board of Directors, the Senior Management Team or other such Committees.
The three academic years (2015/16 to 2018/19) will see a period of intense repositioning of the AKES, Uganda schools. The Head of High School, International will play a key role in leading the change process.
Main Duties and Responsibilities
Take responsibility for the smooth running of the International High School and for assuring successful outcomes of its academic and co-curricular undertakings.
Act as an ambassador for AKES,Ugandaand model the values and ethos of AKDN. Lead by example, provide inspiration and motivation, and embody for the pupils, staff, and parents the reality of the school’s shared vision.
Provide educational vision and direction to secure the highest level of achievement for each pupil; sustain the growth of their spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
Ensure that at all times the school has a full complement of suitably qualified teaching staff, and that any staff absences are fully covered.
Facilitate training programmes for new staff and provide an on-going, in-house/external training programmes for faculty, taking advantage of AK networks within the region, where available.
Foster a conducive teaching and learning environment which manifests the values and ethos of AKDN and best educational practice.
Implement the school curriculum by enriching holistic and child-centered ways of teaching that promotes problem solving, critical thinking and pluralism.
Be actively involved in the design of academic subject policies, and to be responsible for their implementation, once approved.
Provide expertise in relation to the various curricular offered, taking an active leadership role in any registration or accreditation processes, as and when necessary.
Set targets to ensure that pupils make progress and achieve high standards and that staff work to their maximum potential.
Provide leadership in co-curricular activities that promote sports and artistic activities such as drama, music, dance, art, etc.
In consultation with the Executive Principal and based on approval of the Board of Directors, implement development plans to ensure agreed targets are met.
Drive the academic, sports and after school activities curriculum in accordance with best educational practice and the strategic objectives for AKES,U.
Participate in regional AKES programmes as required.
Establish appropriate links with other education establishments in Uganda and beyond.
Carry out effective monitoring, evaluating and reviewing procedures.
Think creatively and imaginatively to anticipate and solve problems and identify opportunities.
Provide information, objective advice and support to the Executive Principal to enable them to meet any/all statutory responsibilities and to provide effective learning and teaching, improve standards of achievement and secure excellent value for money.
Management and Administration
Evaluate pupil achievement and ensure that student portfolios are maintained as the progress through the school.
Maintain and improve teaching and learning standards through appropriate formative and summative assessment
Ensure the use of comparative data, which is pupil specific in order to establish benchmarks and set targets for improvement.
Ensure that teacher records are maintained and updated regularly (in collaboration with HR Department).
In collaboration with the Executive Principal, set appropriate priorities for inclusion in budgets, and ensure effective administrative control.
Monitor and review the range, quality, quantity and use of all resources in order to improve pupils’ achievements and secure value for money.
Participate in the annual budget process for the International school in consultation with the HoE&O, CFO and the Board of Directors.
Select and appoint staff in collaboration with the Executive Princial, HoE&O and Board of Directors (as appropriate), and ensure their effective deployment including their management, supervision, performance and professional standards.
Support high quality professional development to enable staff to fulfil their roles to the best of their abilities.
Maximise the contribution of staff to improve the quality of education provided and standards achieved and ensure that constructive working relationships are sustained between staff and pupils.
Lead professional development of staff through example.
Ensure that trainee and newly qualified teachers are appropriately trained, mentored, supported and assessed.
Ensure that professional duties and conditions of employment are adhered to, ensuring that teaching is observed on a regular basis, to maintain standards and ensure compliance.
Participate in the review and development of HR strategies polices and plans for the schools to ensure that quality staff are attracted and retained by the school.
Lead the induction and orientation programme for new staff.
Ensure that all staff have understood and internalized the strategic objectives and aims of the school and have set goals and targets agreed with their line manager.
Ensure that staff know the contribution expected of him/her and has agreed targets/success measures which are reviewed in the course of regular performance observations and annual reviews.
Ensure that staff is provided with a training programme in relation to relevant academic and pastoral matters and relevant aspects of marketing and relations with parents.
Ensure all staff uphold standards of professional and personal conduct at all times.
Curriculum and Student Welfare
Maintain a climate and code of conduct which promote and secure successful learning through effective teaching.
Sustain high standards of achievement and promote positive behavior.
Sustain monitoring and assessment procedures, acting upon any identified areas for development and improvement.
Monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and the standards of pupils’ learning including those identified with Special Educational Needs (in collaboration with the Head of Learning Support Unit) in order to set and meet challenging targets for all students.
Ensure that improvements in literacy, numeracy and information and communication technology are priority targets for all pupils.
Ensure that pupils develop strong study skills in order to learn more effectively and with increasing independence.
Make explicit to pupils, parents, teachers and the wider community, the school’s high expectations for all children.
Ensure staff are dedicated to achieve the highest standards for all pupils.
Ensure that effective mentoring and tutorial systems are in place to support student achievement.
Develop and implement a plan to strengthen the sports and extra curriculum programme.
Encourage staff and students to participate fully in all aspects of school life, including extra-curricular activities
Co-ordinate the International High School’s work/activities, where relevant, with the National High School and sister AKES schools.
Implement a pastoral care system within the school, utilizing best practices.
Ensure that the behavior policy is transparent, well understood and implemented by all stakeholders.
Ensure that theHigh School Student Handbook (International) is kept up to date and that the students, teachers and parents are familiar with its content.
Salary & Benefits
The salary and benefits package is sound and will be commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate.
3,800 – 4,500 USD (tax free) per month
Housing allowance, medical coverage, life insurance and one child’s tuition waiver at the school.
Excellent time management and organizational skills.
High level inter-personal skills enabling effective team leadership.
Able to inspire and value all members of a dedicated and active school community.
Excellent team-building skills, with proven experience in leading, motivating and empowering teams
Experience in Africa is desirable.
Evidence of experience to market and promote the school
Ability to be proactive and initiate action
Ability to manage a challenging workload and maintain a work life balance
Five years’ experience, with demonstrable achievements of leading a Grade 6-12 reputable international school
The experience and drive to lead an intense school improvement and change process and resilience when experiencing difficulties inherent in an emerging system;
A Master’s degree in Education from a reputable, accredited university.
A proven track record in the effective and efficient management of fiscal and human resources.
Experience with the International Baccalaureate Curriculum Diploma Programme and / or the IGCSE.