
Dustin Carlson - not settling

"My musical life now, consists of a lot of touring! I just got off tour from the Midwest and Canada with a Band named Sweet Talk - a sort of math-rock sound with trumpet, of which I am its guitarist" - Dustin Carlson, when asked to describe his present musical career.

Partnered in a record label called Promnight Records, a member in several bands, Dustin Carlson, sits with me about a different kind of performance - a solo performance.

It is very exciting for me to see Dustin perform solo on the 25th, being a widely circulated guitarist I have been fortunate to see him perform previously with The Nat Osborn Band. But it's not about strumming a guitar that makes someone a great musician, it's very much about having a musical identity. So Dustin and I shift through lots of back-story (heavy on the name dropping) on how via playing in many genre varying bands, gave him a veracious and broad musical identity.

With that being said, I'll take you through the early adaptation of Dustin's playing, through the varying bands, groups and experiences, that led him to his musical identity. Starting with learning guitar with a punk rock band later becoming the So So Glos, all the way through his current bands and record label, giving credit to select individuals whom he has collaborate and  by listening to masters of certain genres.

Here a direct synopsis:                                                                                                                     At 14 joins punk rock band, learns power chords---->Joins jazz program senior year of High-school & discovers emotional connection to genre listening to artist Jim Hall ----> studies under master-guitarist and Professor Dan Balmer at Lewis and Clark College ----> moves to NYC meets Nat Osborn, first introduction to live performance -----> Joins a wedding band and learns popular music -----> goes to Sarah Lawrence College, meets Will McEvoy of Mutasm  learns the connection between sociological ideas and art----> rejoins Nat Osborn Band ----> co-starts Promnight records and tours with Sweet talk (mentioned above)

his influences range from friends to well known musicians such as: Brad Hankel of Sunshine Soldier - Ben Monder - Marc Ducret  - Townes Van Zandt - Mississippi John Hurt - Stevie Ray Vaughan

Why am I going into such great detail of his musical history? Well... quite simply to show you the level of sophistication that you can expect from his performance at this weeks 'For Locals By Locals' event. We are getting a rare glimpse into a an extremely talented musician and guitarist, who will be performing new music for the event. The Event takes place on February 25 at Mister Rogers, 231 Roger Ave in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Door opens at 8pm.

To find out more about Dustin's music, like his Facebook page here. and by listening to the unabridged audio below.

For more on the upcoming For Locals By Locals Event, click here.

Article By Avi Werde --- Photos by Schneur Menaker Photography 

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