
By Economy Watch

Despite the global economic slowdown, Chinese investments overseas actually tripled in the first half of 2012, according to a recent PwC report. The growing outflow of Chinese money has also shaken up numerous industries abroad – particularly the foreign energy sector as Chinese oil companies continually set ambitious targets for international production.

But not everyone is welcoming China’s investment, especially with ongoing concerns about domestic energy security. The unrest is strongest in North America, where major transactions such as the CNOOC-Nexen deal have grabbed headlines.

Check out this infographic by Firmex, a virtual data room provider used to facilitate financial transactions, exploring China’s overseas investment patterns for this year; and judge for yourself whether concerns in North America are justified.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the author's own, and do not necessarily reflect those of EconMatters.

Courtesy Economy Watch, (EconMatters author archive here)

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