
Market Match is up and running at our three weekly farmers’ markets. This means that CalFresh recipients can come to the farmers’ markets to spend their benefits and get them matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $10 per visit, to spend on fruits and vegetables. Visit FMFinder.org to find a farmers’ market near you that accepts EBT, WIC or offers Market Match, then visit the farmers’ market info booth once you are there.

The Ecology Center not only offers Market Match at our farmers’ markets, we’ve also worked with partners to run the program statewide since 2013. Market Match received a huge boost this spring from a $3.7 million federal grant, funds that are now flowing down and being accessed through the match by low-income shoppers at farmers’ markets across California.

Local publication Edible East Bay captured the local, statewide, and big picture impact of this program, for shoppers and for farmers. You can find their article in print in their summer edition at locations through out the East Bay (our Store on San Pablo has them!) or online here. Worth a read!

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