
Coping with Pet Loss: Allowing Yourself to Grieve by Marianne Soucy

Part 1

As animal lovers we consider our pet as part of the family, and the bond we develop with them can be very strong. They bring so much joy and unconditional love into our lives and when we lose our animal friend, it can be very difficult to cope with the loss. Grieving the loss of an animal friend can be just as painful as grieving the loss of a human friend or relative, but although grieving the loss of a pet has become more commonly accepted, many people still feel that the depth of their grief is not truly understood by those around them. However, as with any loss, it is important to allow yourself to grieve.

In this article I will share a simple piece of advice, which I received from my angel cat Kia. Connecting with the animals themselves – those alive as well as those that have passed – can be a tremendous source of healing, because, who better to ask and learn about guilt and forgiveness than from the animals themselves.

Kia was my close companion for 12 years, and her wisdom and love has brought much comfort and peace to those grieving their animal friends, as you can see if you visit my website or read my book. Here is an exercise she shared for allowing yourself to grieve.

As I connect with Kia in spirit, I sense we are sitting on the beach. She’s sitting on my right. Then she says:

The most powerful way of coping with and healing after pet loss is by becoming present – present where you are, present in your body, present in your life. It can also be the hardest thing to do, because after losing a beloved animal friend, the last thing you want to do is to accept and be in this new reality which involves a life without your pet. And that’s also what makes the pain worse: the thinking and feeling that your life will now be empty and without your pet; the thinking that you could or should have done something differently, etc.

A big help can be to go to a special healing place in nature – like we’re here by the sea. To you being by the sea brings you healing and peace, and you can visit this place in journeys, dreams, or your imagination, when you can’t go there in ordinary reality. The surroundings you’re in can help and support your healing process.

So my advice to anyone who is grieving the loss of an animal companion is to find or choose their own special place in nature, and there, practice just being, allowing, becoming present without judging. It’s not about suppressing the grief, it’s about finding an environment where you can feel embraced and supported as you let yourself grieve.

Allowing and acknowledging your grief is the first step.

Action Step

Find a place in nature where you can spend some time just being.

Alternatively you can do a guided meditation such as The Inner Peace Meditation.

Part 2

In Part 2 of this mini-series on coping with pet loss you will learn techniques for coping with the guilt after pet loss. Go here.


Marianne Soucy is a Healing Pet Loss Guide, life coach and the author of Healing Pet Loss: Practical Steps for Coping & Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides. She helps grieving pet owners cope with and heal after the loss of a beloved animal companion. Her work is based on many years of spiritual practice and on her own experience with loving and losing animals that were close to her heart.


This article is a stop on Marianne’s virtual book tour celebrating the launch of her book.

Marianne Soucy is a guest on Change Your Life Radio.

You can listen to the episode here.

cat photo credit: Difusa via photopin cc

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