In order to support the Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( to drive down uncertainties and costs for developers, Ecofys WTTS has performed the first ever full uncertainty assessment of a floating LiDAR device. LiDAR, or Light Detection And Ranging, is a laser-based measurement device to determine wind characteristics up to 200 meters above ground level. Ecofys WTTS performed the uncertainty assessment to support in their preparations of the next round of Dutch offshore tenders. Aiming to increase the Netherlands’ offshore wind capacity to 4,500 MW by 2023, the Dutch Government executes a tender scheme to develop new wind farms in five designated offshore zones.
The aim of the study was to quantify the certainty with which the wind data, currently measured at the offshore wind farm zones Hollandse Kust and Borssele, can be used in calculation of final wind resource assessments. Ecofys WTTS took an innovative approach in the study by taking the assessment further and investigating what the accuracy of the device (a Fugro OCEANOR AS Seawatch Wind LiDAR Buoy) would actually mean for a typical (Dutch) offshore wind location.
The calculated uncertainty tables in the report can be used directly in wind resource assessments, together with the classification uncertainty and site-specific uncertainty components. The uncertainty tables apply specifically to the tested device although the results should be representative for similar devices, provided the International Energy Agency recommended practices are followed for the campaign design.
A clearer understanding of the accuracy of wind measurements improves the energy production forecast of a proposed project and enables developers to drive down costs.
Find the uncertainty assessment available at: