
When it comes to our homes, how much space do we really need?

Vancouver-based design company, NOMAD, is out to prove that the answer is not very much at all.

The concept is called a Micro Home, and NOMAD sees it as the future of affordable and sustainable housing. In an Indiegogo campaign launched Oct. 18 and ending Dec. 2, NOMAD is hoping to raise $120,000 for the product’s construction and testing, as well as large-scale production.

See what NOMAD homes will look like. Story continues beneath slideshow:

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NOAMAD Micro Homes

NOAMAD Micro Homes

NOAMAD Micro Homes

NOAMAD Micro Homes

NOAMAD Micro Homes

NOAMAD Micro Homes

NOAMAD Micro Homes

emUp Next: 20 Of The Tiniest Homes In The World/em

Odoms’ 248-Square-Foot Tiny Home

a href=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/28/house-tour-andrew-crystal-odom_n_2376416.html?utm_hp_ref=tiny-homes#slide=1929488″ target=”_blank”Andrew And Crystal Odom/a’s 248-square-foot space also houses their baby daughter.

300-Square-Foot Apartments In New York

If you weren’t already in the loop, Mayor Michael Bloomberg is building a href=”http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Tiny-Apartment-New-York-City-Micro-Unit-Bloomberg-Manhattan-Cost-187887961.html” target=”_blank”300-square-foot apartments in New York City/a. And they’re allegedly going for a pricy $2,000 each.

224-Square-Foot Tiny Yellowstone Cabin

This authentic, 224-square-foot Yellowstone cabin may have been a place where a href=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/15/yellowstone-cabin-tiny-home_n_2695555.html?utm_hp_ref=tiny-homes” target=”_blank”President John F. Kennedy once hung out/a.

198-Square-Foot Tiny Home In Portland

According to the a href=”http://tinyhouseblog.com/stick-built/tiny-house-in-portland/” target=”_hplink”Tiny House Blog/a, this 9 foot by 22 foot home was made from an old greenhouse foundation.

Macy Miller’s 196-Square-Foot Tiny Home

a href=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/31/macy-miller-tiny-home_n_2590835.html?utm_hp_ref=tiny-homes#slide=2050286″ target=”_blank”Macy Miller/a’s 196-square-foot abode is really her dream come true.

Elizabeth Turnbull’s 144-Square-Foot Tiny Home

When Elizabeth Turnbull got accepted to Yale’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies as a graduate student, she, like any other student, thought about where she would live. But unlike any other student, she decided to build her own 144 square foot home.

Tacks’ 140-Square-Foot Tiny Home

a href=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/07/chris-malissa-tack-tiny-home_n_2422393.html?utm_hp_ref=tiny-homes” target=”_blank”Chris and Malissa Tack/a say they would be willing to live in their 140-square-foot home “indefinitely.”

130-Square-Foot Tiny Apartment In Paris

A small Paris apartment has been the object of many a real estate fantasy thanks to the iconic Audrey Hepburn film, “Sabrina.” Marc Baillargeon and Julie Nabucet designed an a href=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/10/small-paris-apartment-photos_n_3054908.html” target=”_blank”apartment in Paris that measures a tidy 130 square feet/a. Do you think this home is emtoo/em tiny?

128-Square-Foot Tiny Home In Arkansas

The compact, a href=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/27/tiny-home-23k-dover-arkansas_n_2963780.html?utm_hp_ref=tiny-homes” target=”_blank”128-square-foot house/a hit the market for an asking price of $23,000.

100-Square-Foot Tiny Home In Vermont

Peter King decided to build tiny homes because he was sick of being a slave to debt and mortgages, and wanted to indulge in life’s small, 10 by 10 foot pleasures.

Jay Shafer’s 96-Square-Foot Tiny Home

Jay Shafer’s home, “Tumbleweed”, is a mere 96 square feet. “I don’t like to think that I’m spewing a bunch of extra greenhouse gasses into the environment or consuming a lot of non-renewable resources just for the sake of wasted space,” Shafer said.

Dee Williams’ 84-Square-Foot Tiny Home

Dee Williams decided to downsize from a 1,500 square foot home to a 84 square foot home after a trip to Guatemala. She built her current home, “The Little House,” herself for about $10,000. With a propane tank for heat and electricity coming from solar panels, Williams cost of living runs extremely low.

60-Square-Foot Tiny Home In United Kingdom

This 60-square-foot tiny home is apparently the country’s smallest house ever. It’s also known as the a href=”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smallest_House_in_Great_Britain” target=”_blank”Quay house/a.

46-Square-Foot Tiny Home In Poland

You’ll never believe how a href=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/19/narrow-house-opening-as-a_0_n_1987050.html#slide=1665867″ target=”_blank”slim this home in Poland is/a.

Derek Dierdricken’s 32-Square-Foot Tiny Home

Just recently did a href=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/06/derek-dierdricken-tiny-home_n_2813697.html?utm_hp_ref=tiny-homes” target=”_blank”Derek Dierdricken/a put the 32-square-foot tiny home up for sale — for a mere $1,200.

11 Square Feet – Germany

This German architects claims his 11 square foot structure is the tiniest home yet. Do you agree?

Drina River Tiny Home In Serbia

Though we’re not sure of it’s exact size, this a href=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/11/tiny-home-drina-river-serbia_n_2854502.html?utm_hp_ref=tiny-homes” target=”_blank”small structure/a has survived the unpredictable Serbian weather and has become a hot spot for tourists lucky enough to take a dip

Woodland Home

Simon Saville’s home looks like it came straight out of the Shire. The a href=”http://www.simondale.net/house/index.htm” target=”_hplink”Woodland Home/a in Wales has a compost toilet and a fridge that is cooled by air coming from foundations underground, just a couple of the many eco-friendly attributes of this home.

Twelve Cubed Tiny Home

Designer James Stuart’s company a href=”http://www.twelve3.ca/about_us.html” target=”_hplink”Twelve3/a makes 10 and 12 cubic meter homes that anyone can purchase. According to their Web site, their goal was “to produce the least amount of waste possible, and house two people in as small a space as would be practical and comfortable.”

Tiny Trailer

a href=”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/02/tiny-trailer-bicycle-home_n_3001878.html?utm_hp_ref=tiny-homes” target=”_blank”The mobile space/a, which can’t be more than thirty square feet, has just enough room for a tiny kitchenette with a built-in bench, a sleeping loft and various drawers and shelves tucked into its nooks and crannies.

emUp Next: Quirky Suites at Deule Insolite/em

emUp Next: Most And Least Expensive Laneway Houses/em

The Most Expensive Laneway Homes For Rent In Vancouver

#1- $2950 Laneway Home in Shaughnessy

a href=”http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/van/apa/4107579177.html” target=”_blank”This one/a costs just less than $3000, but it is also 900 square feet, bigger than most laneway homes. It boasts all stainless-steel appliances, granite countertops and its own tiny lawn.

#1- $2950 Laneway Home in Shaughnessy

Look at those hardwood floors!

#2- $2695 In Point Grey/Kitsilano

We’re not super surprised about the a href=”http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/van/apa/4106304264.html” target=”_blank”cost of this one/a, given the neighbourhood. It has a flat-screen TV, a fireplace and its own private patio, as well as ensuite laundry. Perfect for someone who wants a cozy place to entertain. However, you might have to split it with two other someones in order to afford it.

#2- $2695 In Point Grey/Kitsilano

Do the bowls come with it?

#3 – $2500 in Point Grey

This one is a href=”http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/van/apa/4067805296.html” target=”_blank”750 square feet/a, so also roomier than most. It has two bedrooms, a balcony, and apparently a very pleasant view of the mountains. The seller also claims it’s close to UBC. Can’t imagine they’re pitching this place to students, though.

#3 – $2500 in Point Grey

#4- $2500 in South Granville

a href=”http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/van/apa/4047069021.html” target=”_blank”This one/a is also pretty big at 980 square feet. It has hardwood floors, ensuite laundry, and a separate entrance. Darn, all these laneway homes look pretty.

#5- $2390 in Cambie Village

a href=”http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/van/apa/4047069021.html” target=”_blank”750 square feet/a, with two bedrooms and all the fixins’.

#5- $2390 in Cambie Village

Ohh, that kitchen.

Next: The Cheapest Laneway Homes For Rent

On the campaign page, the Micro Home is described as:

With a cool factor set at maximum, this groundbreaking tiny house is flat-packed in a box that’s ready for shipment anywhere on the planet and is easily assembled by our purchasers. Living room, kitchen, bathroom, stair, and sleeping area are all seamlessly integrated into a 10′ x 10′ space.

Priced at $25,000 for the base model, NOMAD’s goal is to reduce consumerism and focus on an affordable and sustainable housing option for the largest portion of our society: hard-working individuals who can’t make ends meet due to the high cost of living. Adding our pre-engineered green packages for solar energy, rainwater collection and grey water treatment can take NOMAD’s right off the grid.

At the time of publication, NOMAD had already raised nearly $16,000 from the campaign. Perks for contributing include product T-shirts and scale models, and access to the “Steve Cam”—a live video feed that records the daily life of a man named Steve, who is living in a NOMAD Micro Home for 60 days.

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