
Send your Alamo Heights Weekly public event notices (including recreational sports) for free to Edmond Ortiz at eortiz@express-news.net; by fax at 250-3350; or by mail to him in c/o Alamo Heights Weekly/S.A. Express-News, P.O. Box 2171, San Antonio, TX 78297-2171. Submissions must be received by noon Thursday prior to the next desired Wednesday publication date. Items run on a space-available basis.



The Twig Book Shop, 306 Pearl Parkway, Suite 106, hosts storytime with Miss Anastasia 10:30 a.m. Fridays, among other activities and special events. Jeanne Meeks will discuss and sign copies of her novel, “Rim to Rim,” 5-7 p.m. today. Dianne Morris Jones will discuss and sign copies of “Stop Breathe Believe, Mindful Living One Thought at a Time” 5-7 p.m. Monday. Larry Johnson discusses and signs copies of his account of being a blind American DJ in Mexico, “Mexico by Touch,” 4-5 p.m. Sept. 21. Jay Brandon discusses and signs copies of “Shadow Knight’s Mate” 5-7 p.m. Sept. 25. Visit: http://thetwig.indiebound.com.

Source of Light (SoL) Center at University Presbyterian Church, 300 Bushnell, is offering a variety of community courses, covering topics such as race, yogaia peace yoga, interfaith issues, social justice, writing, ecology and environmentalism. Learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 7-9 p.m. Sept. 17 and 24 ($35). Learn to appreciate individual development, multiple intelligences, and the spirituality of children 5:30-7 p.m. Mondays, Sept. 22-Oct. 6 ($45 -register by Monday); “The Forbidden Books of the Prophet Enoch: Their Influence on the Earliest Christians” 7-9 p.m. Sept. 23 and 30 ($35). “Teaming with Wildlife” is offered 7-9 p.m. Tuesday ($15) Contact: www.upcsa.org/sol_center or 732-9927.

The Playhouse, 800 W. Ashby Place, hosts live theatrical workshops, camps and classes. Contact: 733-7258 or www.ThePlayhouseSA.org.

Woodlawn Theater, 1920 Fredericksburg Road, hosts workshops and programs for adults, children and teenagers. Final performances of “Smokey Joe’s Café,” a revue of the songs of Leiber and Stoller, are offered 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 3 p.m. Sunday. Broadway Cabaret Nights are offered 10:30 p.m. Saturdays. Contact: www.woodlawntheatre.org or 267-8388.

Inspire Fine Art Center, 200 Queen Anne Court, hosts the free “Passport to Inspiration”/Family Art Day 10 a.m.-1 p.m. second Saturdays. Participants pick a stamp, stamp their “passport,” create art projects and have a snack. When the child has four stamps in their passport, he/she receives a free T-shirt and when a child has seven stamps, he/she receives 50 percent off the registration fee for an art class. Contact: 829-5592 or www.inspirefineart.org.

North East Independent School District is offering a variety of community education courses, from beginning Spanish to Spanish literature. Class sizes are limited. Contact: https://communityed.neisd.net or Carrie Smith, 407-0140.

Brackenridge Park Conservancy presents free, educational programs and special events. Visit: http://brackenridgepark.org.

Registration is open for the 2014-2015 season of Picture Your World hosted by Green Spaces Alliance of South Texas. Open to ages -18, Picture Your World program introduces children to photography and the wonders of nature through weekend workshops. Participants may bring their own digital camera or one will be provided. Fee: $10 per student for GSA members, $20 per student for non-members. Visit: www.greensatx.org.

Learn chanting “hu,” an ancient name for God, during a free class discussion at 6 p.m. Fridays at the Eckankar Spiritual Center of San Antonio, 1603 W. Lullwood. Regardless of your beliefs or religion, you are invited sing hu with the Texas Satsang Society. Contact: www.Eckankar-Texas.org or 737-6863.

Viva! Bookstore at Viva Galleria, 8407 Broadway, hosts classes, workshops and special events, ranging from exercise and meditation to writing and art. Contact: 826-1143 or www.vivabooks.com.

Church of the Holy Spirit, 8134 Blanco Road, hosts a four-part seminar series, Life Beyond Divorce, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays in October. The seminar will be closed session after it begins Oct. 4 to ensure a safe environment for participants. Facilitators, having been through the divorce experience themselves, will guide participants. Cost: $25. Scholarships are available. Contact: www.holyspiritsa.org or Rosantina Aranda, 819-1156, or Gladys Hernandez, 341-1395.

Unlimited Thought Life Enrichment Center, 5525 Blanco Road, hosts Hatha yoga classes 7-8:30 p.m. Thursdays. Cost: $12 per drop-in, $40 for one month. This is open to all ages and levels. Call: 525-0693.

Art Works, 1840 Nacogdoches Road, hosts art classes for ages 2-18, as well as occasional Arts Night Out (parents’ night out). Contact: 826-2787 or www.artworkstx.com.


Paseo del Rio and Bud Light present the Taste of Houston Street and Taste of the River Walk today and Thursday. Participants get to sample their favorite River Walk cuisine as they travel from restaurant to restaurant, including The Palm, Texas de Brazil, Bohanan’s, County Line, Barriba Cantina, Iron Cactus, Landry’s Seafood, Charlie Wants a Burger, and Mad Dogs between 6 and 9 p.m. Admission: $25 each night. Visit: www.thesanantonioriverwalk.com.

Piranha Killer Sushi, 260 E. Basse Road, Suite 101, hosts a sake-tasting event each first and third Tuesday night. Cost: $25 (includes five different sakes paired with a small tasting as well as dessert).

Pearl Brewery, 200 E. Grayson St., holds First Thursdays 5-8 p.m., featuring special deals from Pearl shops along with pop-up sidewalk sales, music and refreshments. Admission is free and open to the public.

Barriba Cantina, 111 Crockett St., open 11 a.m.-2 p.m. daily, offers Mexican street food available until closing time. There’s live music 9 p.m. daily, and during the day Fridays through Sundays. Admission is free. Visit: www.barribacantina.com.

Clubs/special interest/business

Join the Alamo Metro Chorus’ Sweet Adelines, the world’s largest women’s singing group, for voice lessons and high-energy performance techniques at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at Beitel Memorial Lutheran Church, 2515 Austin Highway. Contact: 514-0976 or www.alamometrochorus.org.

Alamo Heights United Methodist Church, 825 E. Basse Road, hosts Thursday Lunch Bunch at 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Thursdays. People age 50 and older are invited to eat lunch in or takeout. Cost: $5. Call: 805-3215 for reservations.

BNI=Stone Oak Business Network meets 11:30 a.m. Thursdays at The Club at Sonterra, 901 Sonterra Blvd. Contact: http://www.bnidfw.com/tx-san-antonio-bni-stone-oak-business-network-(so).

Alamo Heights Chamber of Commerce has a luncheon 11:30 a.m. first Wednesdays at Paesano’s, 555 E. Basse Road. Mixers are held third Thursdays at various member locations. Restaurants are invited to take part in the chamber’s 21st annual Taste of the Heights, set for Sept. 25 at the Witte Museum. Visit: http://alamoheightschamber.org.

“The Book Was Better” Book Club meets at 6:30 p.m. second Wednesdays at Pruitt Library at Roosevelt High School, 5110 Walzem Road. Members pick a novel that has a film adaptation to discuss at every meeting.

San Antonio Herb Society meets at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the San Antonio Garden Center, 3310 N. New Braunfels. Mike Bolner from Bolner’s Fiesta Spices will talk about creating spice blends, things consumers should know about herbs and spices, and the process of getting herbs and spices from the plants to the consumers. Admission is free. Contact: 826-6860 or mbelisle@satx.rr.com.

Register by Friday for the Woman’s Club of San Antonio’s fall luncheon and fashion show, which starts at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 17 at Oak Hills Country Club, 5403 Fredericksburg Road. This includes a social, silent auction, and boutique shopping. Free parking is available. Admission: $55. Call: 732-4811.

San Antonio Audubon Society presents its second Saturday beginners’ bird walk, starting at 7:30 a.m. Meet trip leader Georgina Schwartz at the Judson Nature Trails in Alamo Heights, 246 Viesca. Non-members are welcome and binoculars with instructions can be provided. Contact Schwartz for details: 342-2073 or www.saaudubon.org.

San Antonio Audubon Society meets at 7 p.m. first Thursdays at The First Tee, 915 E. Mulberry Ave. Admission is free to the public. Contact: 308-6788 or www.saaudubon.org.

San Antonio Calligraphers Guild meets 7 p.m. first Thursdays at Christ Episcopal Church, 510 Belknap Place (except for the summer). Visitors are welcome and may attend two meetings without paying memberships dues. Visit: www.sanantoniocalligraphy.com.

Greater San Antonio Camera Club meets at 7:30 p.m. each first and third Thursdays at the Lions Field Adult Center, 2809 Broadway. The first gathering is an educational meeting, the third Thursday is a competition with members presenting alternating digital and print photographs for peer judging and commentary. Admission is free and all skill levels of photographers are welcome. Visit: www.gsacc.org or Facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Greater-San-Antonio-Camera-Club/121865424504012.

Northeast Bexar County Democrats meet at 10 a.m. first Saturdays at TriPoint, 3233 N. St. Mary’s St. (Though the rest of this campaign season, the group meets at 3300 Nacogdoches Road.) Admission is free and open to the public. Visit: www.nebcd.org.

Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society holds its monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m. first Saturdays with a social coffee at Central Library, 600 Soledad, first floor auditorium. Contact: Louis Benavides, 735-8717.

Alamo Sierra Club meets at 6:30 p.m. third Tuesdays at the Witte Museum, 3801 Broadway. Admission is free and open to the public. Socializing and snacks begin at 6 p.m. Contact: 828-1233 or gaywright46@yahoo.com.

North San Antonio Retired Teachers Association meets 9:45 a.m. third Wednesdays at San Pedro Presbyterian Church, 14900 San Pedro Ave., including refreshments and a guest speaker. Contact: Michele Bibb, 494-8197.

San Antonio Chapter, Sons of The American Revolution, holds its monthly meeting and luncheon at 11:30 a.m. third Wednesdays at The Petroleum Club, 8620 N. New Braunfels Ave. Cost: $23. There will be a guest speaker. Guests and prospective members are welcome. RSVP by the preceding Monday to treasurer Bob Clark, reservations@sarsat.org or 402-0871.

National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, Chapter 1320, has a meeting/luncheon at noon first Tuesdays at Oak Hills Presbyterian Church, 6739 Callaghan Road. This includes a social hour and a guest speaker. Contact: David Morin, 822-9636 or dmorinenter@sbcglobal.net.

Retired Officers’ Wives and Widows Club holds a fashion show luncheon at 11 a.m. Sept. 22 at Fort Sam Houston Golf Course. Call: 274-9818.

Alamo Chapter of MOAA (Military Officers Association of America) has a Solitaires’ Sunday brunch once a month at the Randolph Officers’ Club. This monthly gathering of single officers (active and retired) or widow(er)s of officers is an opportunity to socialize and just have fun. No registration is necessary; pay as you go. Must be a member of the Alamo-MOAA chapter or be willing to join at the meeting. Visit: www.alamomoaa.org.

Newcomers of San Antonio is a non-for-profit social organization founded in 1981. Membership is open to anyone residing in the greater San Antonio area for two years or less. The group sponsors social events (monthly luncheons each first Thursday, and monthly morning coffees each third Thursday), interest groups (games, book club, evening groups and local day trips), and opportunities for community involvement. Visit: NewcomersofSanAntonio.org.

Rotary Clubs: Alamo Heights, noon Tuesdays at The Petroleum Club, 8620 N. New Braunfels Ave. (www.ahrotary.org).

Lions Clubs: Alamo Heights, 7 p.m. first and third Wednesdays at the Magic Time Machine, 902 N.E. Loop 410. Visit: http://texaslions2a2.org/clubs.html.

Optimist Clubs: Alamo Heights, 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at The Barn Door; Towne and Country, 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at Grady’s BBQ on San Pedro Avenue. Visit: www.stxd.org.

Toastmasters Clubs (learn how to get ahead by improving your communication and leadership skills): Alamo Heights, 7 p.m. Wednesdays at University of the Incarnate Word – administrative building Room 265 (www.alamo.freetoasthost.org).

San Antonio Astronomical Association meets at 6:30 p.m. each second Friday at Christ Lutheran Church, 6720 Broadway. Visit: www.sananantonioastronomy.org.


TMI Alumni Association presents its 14th annual modified clay shoot at 12:30 p.m. Friday at the San Antonio Gun Club, 928 Contour Drive. This is followed by an awards program and a barbecue dinner. Proceeds benefit TMI scholarships. Contact: http://tmi-sa.com or 564-6159.

Annual San Antonio Walk for PKD takes place Saturday, starting at 9:15 a.m. at O.P. Schnabel Park, 9606 Bandera Road. Proceeds benefit research into Polycystic Kidney Disease. Contact: Patti O’Grady Ruffin, 414-6614 or sanantoniowalk@pkdcure.org or walkforpkd.org/sanantonio.

San Antonio Water System hosts its third 5K run/walk to benefit Project Agua at 8 a.m. Sept. 20 at the SAWS customer service center, 2800 U.S. 281 North. Contact: Celina Garza-Alvarez, 233-3860 or calvarez@saws.org.

San Antonio AIDS Foundation holds its 23rd annual Run Walk for AIDS fundraiser Sept. 27 at the Blue Star Arts Complex, 1400 S. Alamo St. The 5K run begins at 7:30 a.m. and the 2-mile walk starts at 8 a.m. There also will be music, booths and activities. Visit: www.runwalkaids.org.

Olmos Park residents are free to take part in Cycle at the Circle 9-11 a.m. first Saturdays around Alameda Circle. Nearby streets are closed to through traffic during those two hours while bicyclists enjoy the scenery and other activities.

Seventh annual Karen Franklin Gastrointestinal Cancer Memorial Fund Charity Golf Tournament starts at 1 p.m. Oct. 2 at the Quarry Golf Club, 444 E. Basse Road. Contact: 593-5949 or www.ThriveWell.org.

National Association for Mental Illness-San Antonio holds its NAMI Walks-San Antonio fundraiser 8-10 a.m. Oct. 4 at the Wheatley Heights Sports Complex, 200 Noblewood Drive. Registration starts at 7 a.m. This event is family and pet friendly. Join an existing team, create your own team or walk as an individual. Visit: http://namiwalks.org/sanantonio.

San Antonio River Foundation will present its first River Relay benefit Nov. 1 at the future site of Confluence Park, West Mitchell near Probandt. Participants are asked to gather at 7:30 a.m. Kayakers will travel three miles down the San Antonio River before tagging their partner. The tagged team member will run a 5K up the Mission Trail. For only runners, there will be a 5K run starting and ending at Confluence Park. Fees: $45-$100. All registrants will receive an eco-friendly water bottle, a shirt and a beer ticket. Festivities take place for everyone after the race at the park. Visit: www.sariverfoundation.org.

Alamo KidSports is a sport development company teaching soccer, baseball and basketball to children 18 months to 6 years in a non-competitive, fun environment. Alamo KidSports offers weekly 50-minute classes at Spectrum Athletic Club at Alamo Heights. Visit: www.alamototsports.com.

The 13th Floor haunted house, 1203 E. Commerce St., is seeks actors and actresses interested in displaying their best scaring abilities. Audition times and dates vary now through late October. Contact: www.13thfloorsanantonio.com or 388-0382.

Geeks Who Drink presents trivia games at 8 p.m. Tuesdays at Lion and Rose Pub, 5148 Broadway. Prizes and free pints are up for grabs. Visit: www.geekswhodrink.com.


ProjectMEND benefits from its “Toast of the Town” gala 6:30-9 p.m. Friday at the Omni Hotel at the Colonnade. Individual tickets: $60. Project MEND’s mission is to provide refurbished home medical equipment and specialized assistive devices to veterans, children, seniors, and others living with illness and disability. Contact: Cathy Valdez, 223-6363 or Cathy.valdez@projectmend.org.

Through this weekend, Durty Nelly’s Irish bar and restaurant beneath the Market Street bridge will donate 10 percent of sales proceeds from its 40th anniversary week to the 100 Club of San Antonio, a non-profit that supports the families of fallen law enforcement and firefighters in Bexar County. A drawing is included. Visit: www.100clubsa.org and www.durtynellyspub.com.

Goodwill’s fall donation drive runs through Sept. 21, as all locations seek gently used clothing, small appliances, housewares, furniture and computers. Visit: www.goodwillsa.org.

Holy Cross of San Antonio presents its third annual President’s Blue and Gold Gala at 6 p.m. Sept. 20 at JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort Spa, 23808 Resort Parkway. This includes a dinner, auction and entertainment with proceeds benefiting student scholarships at Holy Cross School. Contact: 433-4502 or RSVP@HolyCross-SA.org.

Solar San Antonio seeks vendors to take part in its annual Solar Fest, set for Oct. 4 at Sinkin EcoCentro, 1802 N. Main Ave. Visit: www.solarsanantonio.org.

Tango of the Vines will be held Oct. 4 at the Witte Museum, 3801 Broadway. This “taste of” event will feature samples of dishes from area restaurants and bars, such as Boiler House, TBA, Lick Ice Cream, Acenar, Paesanos, Max’s Wine Dive, Charlie Wants a Burger, and Blue Box, and wines from Hill Country vineyards. There also will be live entertainment and a silent auction as well. Proceeds will benefit the local AEE (Amniotic Fluid Embolism) Foundation. Contact: tangoofthevines@gmail.com or seek Tango of the Vines on Facebook.

Child Advocates San Antonio (CASA), 406 San Pedro Ave., is a nonprofit that recruits and trains volunteers who are appointed by courts to advocate for the “best interest” of abused and neglected children. Volunteers visit with the children and gather information to help a court make informed decisions and ensure that children are placed in safe, permanent homes. CASA offers free volunteer training throughout the year; daytime, evening and weekend training available. Contact: Belinda Cox, bcox@casa-satx.org or 225-7070; or www.casa-satx.org.

Animal welfare

San Antonio Pets Alive! seeks volunteers to work with shelter dogs and cats, as well as qualified individuals willing to foster animals awaiting permanent homes. SAPA also seeks donated items to help support animals in its care. SAPA works with San Antonio Animal Care Services. SAPA offers 50 percent off adoption fees of participating fosters noon-4 p.m. second Saturdays at Paul Jolly Center for Adoptions, 210 Tuleta. Visit: www.sanantoniopetsalive.org.

Spay-Neuter-Inject-Project San Antonio seeks donations of resources to help benefit volunteers and adoptable animals. Needed items include paper towels, bleach, trash bags, laundry detergent, collars, leashes, metal crates, cat carriers, copy paper, and gift cards to Office Max or Office Depot. Registration is open for SNIPSA’s seventh annual “Race for the Rescues” 5K benefit, set for Sept. 27 at 250 Viesca in Alamo Heights. Visit: www.snipsa.org.

San Antonio Animal Care Services, 4710 Texas 151, is accepting donations of dog and cat food 11 a.m.-7 p.m. weekdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays and noon-4 p.m. Sundays, for its pet pantry program. Pet owners in need can obtain pet food with proof of government assistance, a current driver’s license or picture ID and proof of their pet’s sterilization status and current rabies vaccination. Contact: www.saacs.net or 207-4738.

Pet Supplies Plus, 1248 Austin Highway, hosts: pet nail clippings for tips 4-7 p.m. third Tuesdays and first Wednesdays; adoption opportunities with Austin Boxer Rescue 10 a.m.-1 p.m. third Saturdays; adoptions with Alamo Heights Animal Care Services 10 a.m.-1 p.m. fourth Saturdays.

Tejas Rescued Pet Adoptions seeks donations of dry cat and dog food, dog leashes and collars. Monetary donations also are accepted. Visit www.tejasrescues.org to donate via PayPal. Donations can also be mailed to TRPA, P.O. Box 790372, San Antonio, Texas 78279. Call 416-3947 or email TRPA@wt.net for a donation pick-up at your chosen site.

Eagle Veterinary Hospital in Olmos Park has several dogs available for adoption. Call 822-5211 for details.

Non-profit Guide Dogs of Texas seeks area dog lovers to volunteer as puppy raisers and brood holders. Contact: 366-4081 or www.guidedogsoftexas.org.


The 2nd (Indianhead) Division Association seeks anyone who served in the U.S. Army’s 2nd Infantry Division at any time. A 93rd annual reunion is scheduled for Sept. 16-20 in Omaha, Nebraska. Contact: Bob Haynes, 2idahq@comcast.net or 224-225-1202.

Jefferson High School Class of 1974 meets 6-11 p.m. Nov. 8 at Embassy Suites Northwest, 7750 Briaridge Road. Cost: $100 per person through Nov. 7; $125 at door. Contact: Pam Wilson, 373-8415.

Brackenridge High School Decades of Memories Committee invites classes of 1964 and 1969 on Nov. 22 at the San Antonio Shrine Auditorium, 901 N.W. Loop 1604. Visit: http://www.brackenridgereuniondance.com.

Farmers’ markets

San Antonio Farmers Market Association —7:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesdays and Saturdays at Olmos Basin Park, 100 Jackson-Keller Road. Visit: www.sanantoniofarmersmarket.org.

Pearl Brewery Farmers Market Association — 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays at 220 E. Grayson St. (Pet adoption opportunities Sept. 20.) Visit: www.atpearl.com.

Quarry Farmers and Ranchers Market — 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sundays at Alamo Quarry Market, 255 E. Basse Road. This includes live music, food trucks and the occasional cooking demonstration. Contact: www.quarryfarmersmarket.com or 722-5077.


“Education by Design: Drawings from the Collection of Ford, Powell and Carson, 1939-1970” is an exhibit to be held Thursday- Nov. 1 at Trinity University’s Neidorff Art Gallery. The exhibit features rediscovered architectural drawings for an early version of Trinity, alternative versions of HemisFair Tower, among other renderings of famed city scapes. Call: 999-7682.

Bihl Haus Arts, 2803 Fredericksburg Road, hosts an “HOT!” a multi-arts exhibit, through Saturday. It features over 30 original works by local and regional artists, writers and performers who were invited to respond to the climate change crisis. Visiting nature poet Melissa Kwasny reads her related works during a closing exhibit reception 2-4 p.m. Saturday. Visit: www.bihlhausarts.org.

North Star Mall, 7400 San Pedro Ave., hosts exhibits made out of canned goods as part of the ninth annual CANstruction design/build competition through Sept. 21. The display is part of the San Antonio Food Bank’s SA Goes Orange for Hunger campaign. All canned goods used to create the exhibits will be donated to the food bank at competition’s end. Food bank chefs will prepare gourmet tastings noon-3 p.m. this Saturday. The public may cast a vote for the People’s Choice Award to be announced on Sept. 19. The public is encouraged to donate canned food at a food drive within the mall at guest services in the Saks Fifth Avenue wing.

Cathedral House Gallery, 111 Torcido, hosts “Photo Contemplo,” a FotoSeptiembre USA exhibit featuring works by Mary Ellen Archer, Jim Elliot, Maureen Leach, Jana Orsinger, Edwin Sasek, Christie Schroeter, Peter Szarmach and Dan Tharp through Oct. 15. The gallery is open to the public 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays or by appointment, 824-5387. An open gallery and visit with the artists is set for 2-5 p.m. Sunday. A portion of art sales will benefit Episcopal Diocese of West Texas programs. Visit: www.dwtx.org.

McNay Art Museum, 6000 N. New Braunfels Ave., hosts these exhibits: Paul Villinski’s “Burst,” an installation of recycled LP records, aluminum cans, and other found materials, through July 26, 2015; “Intimate Impressionism from the National Gallery of Art” through Jan. 4, 2015 (Oui! Wednesdays will offer lunches and guided group tours, among other activities, as part of “Intimate Impressionism”); “School at Sunset Hills” through Jan. 4, 2015; “Artists Take the Stage” through Jan. 25, 2015; “American Masters from The Collection of Janet and Joe Westheimer” through Dec. 14; “Guillermina Zabala: I, Me, Light” through Dec. 14; “Manet to Gauguin” through Jan. 4, 2015. Yogiños: Yoga for Youth is offered 10-11 a.m. first Saturdays, featuring children’s yoga curriculum in English, Spanish, and Sanskrit that weaves together the eight limbs of yoga with original art, music, games, stories, and other sensory-integrated activities. “Art Music Food Drinks” is a night of free fun 6-9 p.m. second Thursdays, including guided collection tours at 6 and 8 p.m. Camerata San Antonio performs chamber music from the era of impressionism at 2 p.m. this Sunday. Annual benefit “Art to the Power of Ten” will be held 7-10 p.m. Sept. 19 with gourmet food, cocktails and live music ($50 ticket includes individual admission, an art door prize entry and a Bohanan’s door prize ticket). Contact: 824-5368 or www.mcnayart.org.

San Antonio Museum of Art, 200 W. Jones Ave., hosts these exhibits: “Diego Rivera in San Antonio”; “Glories of the Baroque: 17th Century European Art in the Collections of the San Antonio Museum of Art” through Sept. 28. First Sundays for Families is noon-4 p.m. with free activities (after admission). Free public tours of the permanent collection are held at 3 p.m. first Sundays. Art pARTy offers cocktails, art and music 6-8 p.m. second Fridays. Playdates are offered 10-11 a.m. Wednesdays, with free art-related activities for young children. Contact: 978-8100 or www.samuseum.org.

Episcopal Church of Reconciliation, 8900 Starcrest, hosts a preview reception of “Creative Celebration: Paintings of Big Bend,” works by members of The Watercolor Gang, 6-8 p.m. Thursday. A grand exhibit opening is to be held 1-4 p.m. Saturday, followed by a finale noon-3 p.m. Sunday. Forty percent of exhibit sales will benefit ABODE Contemplative Care for the Dying, which will open its new home this month in Northeast San Antonio. Contact: 655-2731 or www.abodehome.org.

Witte Museum, 3801 Broadway, hosts these exhibits: “Grossology: The (Impolite) Science of the Human Body” through Nov. 3 “Two Women Look West: Photographs of King Ranch by Helen C. Kleberg and Toni Frissell” Sept. 19- Jan. 4, 2015. The new museum riverside entrance is located near the H-E-B Body Adventure off Tuleta during renovations. Contact: www.wittemuseum.org or 357-1910.

Lyn Belisle Studio, 1824 Nacogdoches Road, hosts art exhibits and workshops. Contact: Lyn Belisle, 860-9468.

French and Michigan, 115 Michigan Ave., is sponsoring a FotoSeptiembre exhibition, “Sarah Sudhoff: Supply and Demand,” on view by appointment only after Saturday and through Oct. 11. This is the local photographer’s first solo exhibit, an exploration of the politics of breastfeeding. Email: gallery@frenchandmichigan.com.


Unity Church of San Antonio, 1723 Lawndale, hosts a prayer vigil for World Day of Prayer at 7 p.m. today through Thursday. Admission is free. Call: 824-7351.

The public is invited to the Rivercenter Mall Lagoon at 9 a.m. for a chance to show the NCAA site visit delegation all that San Antonio can offer in again hosting the NCAA Final Four. The first 1,000 fans in attendance will receive a free t-shirt and poster. The University of Texas at San Antonio band, cheerleaders and more will be on hand. Free shuttles will run from the Alamodome lot A to Rivercenter Mall beginning at 8:30 a.m. Parking in lot A is free. San Antonio is one of eight cities vying for the chance to host the basketball tournament during the 2017-2020 bid cycle.


The 71st Alzafar Shrine Circus takes place at 7:15 p.m. Thursday, at 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Friday, at 10:30 a.m. and 3 and 8 p.m. Saturday, and at 10:30 a.m. and 3 and 7:15 p.m. Sunday at Freeman Coliseum, 3201 E. Houston St. Visit: www.Facebook.com/AlzafarShrineCircus or www.SanAntonioCircus.com.


Gustology, 1856 Nacogdoches Road, hosts a release party 6-9 p.m. to celebrate Ranger Creek Brewing and Distilling’s new .36 White whiskey. Admission ($15 advance, $20 at the door) gets you a souvenir to take home with you, and three drink tickets. Visit: www.gustologist.com.

Art on the Hill, held 6-10 p.m. every second Friday by the Tobin Hill Art Alliance, gives Tobin Hill neighborhood residents and visitors a chance to explore diverse homes, businesses and galleries between San Antonio College, Trinity University, U.S. 281 and downtown. Open studios, artist’s receptions, refreshments and music will be offered at this free event. Visit: www.tobinarts.com.

Arte y Pasión presents Angel of Gravity, a project juxtaposing flamenco with modern movement and fine art, at 7 p.m. at Uptown Studio 700 Fredericksburg Road. Admission: $20-$50; discounts available. Visit: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/811613.


Alamo Heights High School Spurs dance team presents its “Spur for a Day” dance clinic for pre-kindergarteners through eighth-graders 8:30 a.m.-noon on campus, 6900 Broadway. Fees: $35-$40. Contact: jsanchez@ahisd.net or alamoheightsspurs@gmail.com.

Alamo Heights residents are invited to a “Movie Nights in the Heights” screening of “Gravity” at 8 p.m. near the Judson nature trails, 250 Viesca. This is a screening rescheduled from July. Admission is free. Attendees may bring chairs, blankets and snacks.

The Extended Run Players in association with the University of the Incarnate Word Department of Theatre Arts present performances of “The Golden Age of Radio” at 7 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday at the campus Mabee Library auditorium, 4301 Broadway. Admission: $8-$10; free for UIW students, faculty and staff. Call: 829-3800.

“Heal the Healer” symposium will be held 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the University of the Incarnate Word Grossman International Conference Center, 847 E. Hildebrand. This is for anyone who provides care for the suffering, sick or chronically impaired. Fee: $45 per person. Visit: www.hthsanantonio.com.

Alamo Heights High School students will offer to wash your car between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. at the Ram Car Care Center, 6510 N. New Braunfels, for a donation toward the campus football team. Additionally, order food at EZ’s Brick Oven and Grill, 6498 N. New Braunfels, between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. and place your receipt in the football bucket to benefit the team.

The 32nd annual 99.5 KISS Margarita Pour Off takes place 2-11 p.m. at Sunken Garden Theater, 3875 N. St. Mary’s St. Contestants compete for the Best Margarita Crown in town. The popular sampling period runs 2-6 p.m., where each admission ticket allows for a chance to sample up to 10 contestant concoctions. There will be also food, live music and cab rides for anyone needing a ride home. Some proceeds benefit KISS Kids charities. Admission: $15-$20. Visit: www.kissrocks.com.

Alamo Heights High School choir will hold a donation drive 7 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Alamo Heights ISD central office, 7701 Broadway. Choir members will seek to fill up trucks with a variety of gently used items to benefit Goodwill. In turn, Goodwill will pay the choir for every filled truck. The choir has a fundraising goal of $5,200.

San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition holds a public, free workshop noon-2 p.m. at the Church of Reconciliation (Brown Hall), 8900 Starcrest, on how to properly trap, neuter and release feral cats. Visit: www.sanantonioferalcats.org.

Esperanza Peace and Justice Center, 922 San Pedro Ave., hosts its monthly Noche Azul concert with singer/songwriter Azul Barrientos at 8 p.m. Admission: $5.

Echale Block Party 1-6 p.m. at Pearl, 200 E. Grayson St., features live Latin music, food and more. Admission is free. Visit: www.atpearl.com.

San Antonio Urban Pet Market happens 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Travis Park, 301 E. Travis. Admission is free to the public. The event takes place each third Saturday but is early this month due to JazzSAlive. Exhibitors present pet foster and adoption opportunities, as well as information on spay/neuter and vaccinations. Proceeds from pet grooming, photography, training, food and accessories benefit local non-profit animal welfare and rescue organizations supporting the city’s no-kill initiative. Contact: www.saurbanpetmarket.com or 207-7819.

Grammy and Dove award-winning singer Sandi Patty performs at 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church-San Antonio, 515 McCullough. The church choir will accompany Patty. Tickets: $25-$30. This performance kicks off the second year of First Fine Arts, where upcoming performances will be free and open to the public. The church will also host an Advent and Lenten lunch series. Contact: Aaron Hufty, 226-0363 or aaron@fbcsa.org.

San Antonio River Authority holds its first River Arts Fest noon-6 p.m. at Confluence Park, West Mitchell off Probandt. The free, family-friendly event will have a pop-up art market, demonstrations, educational exhibits, recycled fashion show, children’s and other activities designed to foster conservation and sustainability through art and education. There will also be food trucks and entertainment.


University of the Incarnate Word celebrates Constitution Day with a free, public program at 6 p.m. at the campus Mabee Library auditorium, 4301 Broadway. Lydia Camarillo, vice president of Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP), will speak on the “Voting Rights Protections in the 14th Amendment and the Voting Rights Act.”

World Affairs Council of San Antonio presents a program, “Ethics and Espionage: The Moral Dilemmas of Spying,” at 6:30 p.m. at the San Antonio Country Club, 4100 N. New Braunfels. James Olson will speak about his undercover career in the CIA, and his undercover lifestyle and impact upon his family. Admission: free for WACSA members, $15 for non-members. Call: 308-9494.

Mahncke Park residents are invited to a workshop at 6:30 p.m. at Lamar Elementary School, 201 Parland. This will be the first of three community workshops to further discuss what potential historic district designation would mean to property owners and to solicit questions and comments. San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) staffers and a professional facilitator will coordinate the meetings, which are open to anyone who would like to learn more about historic district designation.


Comedy Sportz Improv celebrates its new location at 11950 Starcrest, Suite 210, with family-friendly, live comedy shows at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Improv shows will be taking place there each week. Visit: www.cszsa.com.

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