
John Upham wrote:

Relevant dates:
Registered on: 01-Jun-1998
Expiry date: 01-Jun-2018
Last updated: 18-Apr-2016

However, what is less easily discoverable is when the hosting fee requires renewal. That will terminate matters regardless of the domain expiry date.

It is excellent that all of the content is archived.

The earliest archive I could find was from a snapshot taken on June 20th 2000 here: http://web.archive.org/web/20000620212730/http://www.sccu.ndo.co.uk/

I presume you have earlier content.

Richard's site is actually a subdomain of ndo.co.uk (NetDirect Internet Ltd) one of the first companies to offer hosting in the UK. NDO acted as the registrar for the subdomains which it hosted. SCCU do not have invoices relating to the hosting since Richard paid the hosting fees himself. With the passage of time and takovers the current Hosting Company is names.co.uk (Namesco Limited).

All snapshot archives on Richard's site are available on the new site. The earliest corresponding to the one identified by RdC is http://sccu-chess.com/archive/9899/index.htm.

Everything on the original site is available in the new archive. The earlier years of Richard's SCCU Bulletin were never put on his site but they could be if anyone has copies which can be scanned. Richard would have done it himself but was worried about how much space they might take up.

Statistics: Posted by Michael Flatt — Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:18 pm

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