
maria menounos 40 pound weight loss

Maria Menounos Opens Up About Being Size 14

Maria Menounos, the attractive host of the entertainment show “Extra”, lives according to a healthy regimen of diet and exercise. She has a very attractive slender figure, but she recently admitted that wasn’t always the case. However, her pathway to corpulence was not the result of bad dietary choices by her parents. In fact, in her home, there was no junk food or even sugar cereals. She was often fed home grown legumes and vegetables. Her deserts were fruits. It was all well and fine. She entered high school at age 13 a size 3.

It was then she took up part-time work at a local donut shop and began to experience the power of sugar. Needless to say, she became addicted eating donuts, chips, and pizza. Her food habits extended to eating junk food late at night. From that time on she gained at least a size a year until she packed on 40 pounds and fit into size 14 pants. After she grew weary with her excess weight and the concomitant fatigue that sugar causes, she returned back to healthy eating.

“In my freshman year of high school I was a size 3, and I grew a size every year,” Menounos said, adding that “it got worse in college.” “I didn’t gain the Freshman 15—I gained the Freshman 40,” she admitted.

Looking stunning on the cover of Ladies Home Journal, the 35-year-old host opens up about growing up in an extremely health conscious household, which she says led her later to binge on all the sugary foods she was denied as a kid, causing her to quickly pack on the pounds.

“There were no chips, ice cream, or sugary cereals anywhere at home…I didn’t even know what bagels or waffles were until late in high school,” she tells the mag, describing how her parents, both immigrants from Greece, were raised on a Mediterranean diet and her father had type 1 diabetes. “For dinner we ate a variety of dishes made with lentils, vegetables, and beans from the garden. Our dessert? Fruit.”

“Then when I was 13 I got a job at a doughnut shop. Surrounded by sugar for the first time in my life, I couldn’t resist,” Menounos shares. “In my freshman year of high school I was a size 3, and I grew a size every year.”

It should be noted that she became Miss Massachusetts Teen USA.

Menounos says thing “got worse in college” once she was off her “parents’ proverbial leash” and as result, her weight only increased.

“I didn’t gain the Freshman 15—I gained the Freshman 40,” she revealed. “I could keep candy and chips in my room and eat all the late-night pizza I could afford. I grew to a size 14 and kept growing. I felt sick and lethargic. I wanted to nap all the time.”

Nowadays, she says she makes sure to always remain mobile and active. She eats a healthy breakfast and walks the equivalent of 5 miles per day.

“Since I couldn’t find a plan that worked for me, I decided to create my own,” she says. “Within a year I lost 40 pounds.”

Between running, recreational sports, and Pilates, she has maintained a body weight of 125 to 130 pounds which is fabulous given her height of 5’8″. She also practices martial arts to stay fit.

She also advises to keep your weight loss journey to yourself (“Why make it harder?”) in addition to tying your weight loss goal to an event.

“Before you change your diet, spend a week recording everything that you eat—and when you ate it—in a weight-loss journal,” she advises. “Now that you know what you’re eating,” Menounos says you should focus on cutting back slowly. And girl is serious! She admits to previously eating seven pizza slices in one sitting.

Ladies Home Journal

maria menounos 40 pound weight loss

maria menounos 40 pound weight loss

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