
Episode 17 – 2010 Year in Review

Our colleague Kyle joins us to discuss 2010: the year of the eBook.


iFlow Reader HD

very cool scrolling, or screen-by-screen

store purchases only

mobipocket ending distribution for Kindle store in favor of DTP. Wait, what?




Agency Model takes over eBooks (Amazon caves to Macmillan in January)


Bowker releases official position paper confirming practice of each format getting a unique ISBN

Ibis Reader goes live/li>


Joshua hires Toby — nepotism at its best (or worst)

Pew releases research stating internet now more popular than newspapers for news (didn’t this happen in 2002?)


iPad Released (wow!) — 450,000 sold in first week; predictable slew of iPad killers fail at “killing”

US GAO says most piracy studies are junk (http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/04/us-government-finally-admits-most-piracy-estimates-are-bogus.ars)

Bowker releases numbers for 2009: Traditional books 288,355 — Non-traditional (self-published) books 764,448, 181% increase over 2008 (http://www.bowker.com/index.php/press-releases/616-bowker-reports-traditional-us-book-production-flat-in-2009)

Kobo eReader ships, world yawns


eBook Architects moves into new office, Chris starts

B&N announces PubIt!, author/publisher upload platform like the Amazon DTP


Clearwater High School in St. Petersberg, FL, announces plans to give every student a Kindle in 2010 Fall semester

iPhone 4 announced

Bowker says that the Kindle has become the dominant eBook platform (over computers) (http://www.thebookseller.com/news/120138-dont-be-handcuffed-over-e-books-bowker-warns-bea.html)

WiFi-only nook released, price war with Kindle starts

Plastic Logic Que postponed indefintiely

Kindle Android App released

Amazon starts offering 70% royalty on titles within certain price range (competing with Apple)

Amazon announces video and audio support in some books in the iPad and iPhone apps


Amazon awarded patent on Nook-like interface (large eInk, small LCD); Microsoft awarded patent on curling page turn

Cooler Reader in bankruptcy proceedings

Kindle eBook sales pass hardback books on Amazon

Apple announces support for HTML5 video and audio in iBooks

B&N releases Android app

Wilie Agency sidesteps publishers and offers some books on Kindle exclusively

Kindle 3 released


B&N starts looking for money, trying to put itself up for sale

Foxit eSlick discontinued

Plastic Logic Que got kicked to the curb — finally

Apple Pages supports ePub generation

OPDS hits 1.0


Cool-er reader comes back with new funding

US Court of Appeals says that re-selling digital licenses can be excluded by EULAs

B&N’s PubIt! system finally released — very good interface


Amazon rumored to be working on Android app store and tablet

Bluefire reader released on iPad

Study says that iPad sales are helping Amazon; Amazon has 76% of eBook market

Kindle device sales surpass Q4 2009 sales

Kindle eBook sales surpass print (hardback and paperback) for top 10 bestsellers

Amazon begings talks about ebook lending

NOOKcolor released


Forrester Research releases some numbers on eBook reading: 35% read on a computer, 32% on Kindle, 15% iPhone, 12% Sony, 10% netbooks, 9% Nook, 9% iPad.

Plastic Logic gets Russian funding to create a new business-focused eBook device.

New York Times will finally start ranking eBooks.

Copia goes live. eBook world yawns…

Havnon make color e ink devices, looks like Tammy Faye Baker in pastel


Google launches eBookstore finally — it’s in beta, even if they say it isn’t

Amazon announces Kindle for the Web will allow consumers to sell and view complete Kindle eBooks on the web. Fighting back against Google eBooks.

Amazon gives authors access to Nielsen BookScan data. Very cool.

Kindle sales in 2.5 months of Q4 exceed all of 2009. Looks like they will sell 8 million Kindles this year.

Predictions for 2011

iPad 2.0

Amazon Android? Tablet

Nook Color will Become a Tablet device

People will still have christmas lights up in january

Sony will come out with another reading device no one uses

mirasol & pixel qi, or maybe havnon bigger in US

Kindle will lose a little bit of market share, but not significantly

Social media (Amazon Kindle app on iPad)

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