
Go Beyond Investors realized a 100% annualized return with the sale of Sensima Technology SA to Silicon Valley based Monolithic Power Systems. The purchase price included an initial cash payment of $11.7 million and a subsequent cash earn-out payment of up to $8.9 million which will be based upon Sensima’s achieving certain performance goals. Sensima, a fabless semiconductor company located in Gland, Switzerland, specializes in the design and distribution of fully integrated magnetic sensors. Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) is a leading fabless manufacturer of high-performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors. “Combining Sensima’s real time precision magnetic angle sensing with MPS’s technologies could offer revolutionized solutions for key industries such as automotive, industrial and cloud computing” MPS stated.

The Sensima/GBI partnership is a good example of angel investing at its best – bringing rewards both to the entrepreneur and to the investors. Sensima was introduced to GBI in 2011 by Andreas Huerlimann, a member of GBI’s investor group in Zurich. Recognizing the company had great technology but needed support in financing as well as in strategy and business development, GBI leveraged its network to help with recruiting, business guidance and financial support. A first investment was made in 2012. Huerlimann became the Deal Leader, representing Go Beyond investors, and also an active Board Member of Sensima. In 2013 with the prototype proven, GBI members reinvested and GBI brought in new investors. In 2014 Sensima was approached by a number of potential acquirers. Huerlimann, the GBI investor community and team again stepped in to support Sensima in the exit process.

“Because of their access to a wide pool of knowledge, their agility and simultaneous financial strength, working with the GoBeyond network was perfect for us: they recognized the benefits and value of our technology early, despite the still unfinished business model. In the second round of funding, we continued to work and focus on expanding our business with the same partners. ” Jens Muttersbach , CEO Sensima.

Sensima is a highlight of the successful approach used by Go Beyond Investing to identify quality deals and leverage its investor community to help companies achieve success.

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