
Are we really into February already? And already on our fifth month of Family Foodies, gosh. What a lovely challenge it’s proving to be with an enormous catalogue of family-friendly inspirations already. If you haven’t already done so, please do check out all the entries over on our Family Foodies Pinterest Board, or the winning entries so far in the Family Foodies Winners Hall of Fame.

Last month for me was our most exciting so far, Vanesther’s Hidden Goodies theme showcased the cunning ploys and devious deeds you employ to fill little tums with more the good stuff. Please do check out her no less than fabulous round up. I’m not sure I’ll be able to top that one but being as we can’t escape the fact it’s Valentines Day this month we’ve decided on a theme of LOVE. Since this is a children’s food challenge we’re not going all slushy, but asking you to link up the food you make your kids to show them you love them. Big grown up kids included, also grandchildren, nieces, nephews or any other special little people in your lives! Those times they’re a little under the weather or down in the dumps and in need of a little foodie cuddle. Or when they’ve made you proud or achieved something amazing. In essence your children’s outright go-to favourites! Whether they be sweet, savoury, breakfasty, cakey or chocolatey! Anything goes, just as long as it’s made with love.

You might even be planning a special Valentines feast for your little (or big!) ones. I have to confess, with the absence of a special big person to be cooking for this year, I have a few lovely treats planned to spoil the mini monsters who afterall are the loves of my life. I’m planning on their favourite dinner on Valentines plus an uncharacteristic (for me!) naughty treat or two. Maybe you’re thinking of something special for yours too? I’m very excited to see what you all come up with! Entry is by the InLinz link up at the bottom of the page. I should also add there’ll be a special prize for this month’s winner, do watch this space for details….

Closing date 28th February, go share the love!

Louisa x

Here’s a few guidelines for the Challenge:

● You may submit any recipe that fits the current theme, past or current, and feel free to enter as many times as you wish! You’re also welcome to submit the post to other challenges too. If the recipe is not your own please give the appropriate credit.

● Post your recipe url to the Linky at the bottom of each month’s challenge, including your email address and the title of the recipe.

● Display the Family Foodies badge on the recipe post, with a link back to Eat Your Veg and Bangers & Mash, and details of the current monthly challenge you’re entering.

● If you’re on Twitter then please tweet your post to myself @Eat_Your_Veg and Vanesther @BangerMashChat and include the hashtag #FamilyFoodies. We’ll retweet all that we see.

● You may enter from anywhere in the blogosphere of the World, any prizes will be happily posted out.

● At the end of the month a guest judge will choose a winning recipe and any prizes sent out. The winner will be announced in a monthly round-up of all the entries. Winners will get to display a Family Foodie Winner annotated badge on their blog if they wish and their recipe will go through to the Family Foodies Hall of Fame on each of our sites.

● All entries will be added to the Family Foodies Pinterest Group Board


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