
This post is part of a series in which I share some of my favorite Internet finds (related to career advancement and professional development) from the past week. Enjoy!

From Yours Truly

I wrote a few new articles for Ivy Exec over the past week. If you missed them, take a peek here:

What to Do When You’re Overwhelmed at Work

This time of year, many professionals are overwhelmed with work and life obligations.

The holidays, end-of-year wrap-up, and new year preparations all compound to create a perfect storm of stress and anxiety. If you’re struggling, you’re not alone—and you have options. There are things you can do to help minimize the pain of the season, both personally and professionally. Try these strategies for starters.


New Year, New Job? 5 Quick Ways to Prepare Now

Right now, everyone is looking ahead and setting goals for the new year. If you’re considering launching a job search in 2017, there’s no reason to wait for January 1st to start taking action. Be proactive and set yourself up for future success by getting your job search off on the right foot today.


Note: Learn more about being proactive in my new book, The Proactive Professional: How to Stop Playing Catch Up and Start Getting Ahead at Work and in Life

Do You Care Too Much About Work?

I really enjoyed this very realistic article and related discussion around the topic of caring too much about work. It’s written by one of my favorite career advisors, Alison Green. If you’re aren’t familiar with your work, I highly recommend setting aside some time to explore the vast archives of her website. But beware: It’s addictive.

I love this particular article because career coaches, like me, usually focus on the importance of being passionate about your work. (Yes, I talk about it a lot!) But you can be too emotionally invested and that can lead to many negative impacts.

Here’s a quick quote from the article:

“When you find that you’re more upset that things aren’t running well than the people at the top of your organization are and that frustration is interfering with your quality of life and peace of mind, you probably care too much. The same thing is true if the amount of emotional energy that you’re putting into your job doesn’t match up with what you’re getting back from your employer.”


Bloom Where You’re Planted!

Here’s another great article from Business Insider that brings to mind that silly old phrase, “Bloom where you’re planted.”

It’s all about creating meaning from work (any work!) through the process of job crafting.

Here’s a key point I love:

“…we need to move away from a black-and-white concept of passion for work. Working adults, they write, aren’t either happy or miserable depending on whether their job allows them to pursue their pre-established passion. Instead, you can work with the present circumstances to create a job or a career that’s meaningful and fulfilling — even if it’s not the ideal one you imagined.”

To me, this is a very empowering way to think about work. I’ve always said that people shouldn’t focus on one single dream job. There are probably many jobs out there that any given person will find fulfilling. But this is also an important reminder that you have to do YOUR part too.


Photo credit: Quan Ha (Flickr)

The post Tasty Tidbits: Professional Development News & Views
Dec. 9, 2016 appeared first on Eat Your Career .

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