
Gynaecologists have seen all different types of vagina and have spoken to women who have encountered virtually every problem you can have down there. Thankfully, a group of experts have weighed in on what you should know about your lady parts.

1. Get To Know Your Female Anatomy

“I’m surprised by how many of my patients lack an understanding of their own vaginal anatomy,” says gynaecologist Dr. Russell Bartels. “So many patients tell me they’ve never explored their own vaginas to learn about how things look and what areas provide the most sexual pleasure for them when stimulated.”

You should not feel embarrassed about getting to know your vagina. It’s much easier to identify a problem and learn about what you enjoy in bed, if you examine your lady parts. There is never a wrong time to take a peak and understand what’s going on down there.

2. Your Lady Parts Look Great

At the moment, there is a lot of concern about how your vagina looks and many women are undergoing cosmetic surgery in order to attain the “ideal” vagina, which you may have heard about on the Internet. There is no need to be concerned about your vagina, as long as it’s all working how it should be, it’s healthy and perfect.

“I think there is a perception among patients that there is a single correct shape or size that is ideal, normal, or attractive for vaginas,” says gynaecologist Dr. Mira Aubuchon. “The reality is, just like people themselves, vaginas come in all shapes and sizes, and the majority of the time that is perfectly normal. I wish that patients and their partners would celebrate and take pleasure in each other’s particular unique qualities, vaginal or otherwise.”

3. Look After Your Vagina

Your vagina needs TLC, just like the rest of you. “Take a mirror and check her out at least once a month to make sure it looks like ‘your normal’,” recommends Octavia Cannon, doctor of osteopathic medicine.

4. Your Vagina Will Age Like The Rest Of Your Body

The ageing process affects your whole body, but the skin often ages the most noticeably. The skin around your vagina will undergo certain changes too. “Vaginal skin can become very dry as a woman ages, and there are products available to provide relief of dry vaginal skin, specifically formulated for use on a woman’s delicate, intimate areas,” says gynaecologist and chief surgeon Dr. Ronald Blatt. These products will help soothe dryness and leave skin feeling firm and hydrated.

5. A Healthy Diet Means A Healthy Vagina

Your gut and your vagina are connected, so it is important that the two are looked after. “A healthy vagina needs a healthy gut,” says gynaecologist Dr. Jennie Ann Freiman. “Tunnel-vision treatment of vaginal infection with antifungals or antibiotics is a prescription for more infection and more treatment. A better plan is to eat a healthy diet rich in lactofermented food to keep the gut teeming with beneficial bacteria, which in turn colonize and protect the vagina.”

6. Choose Hygiene Products Carefully

“There are lots of stuff I wish women knew. First, vulva and vaginal tissue is among the most delicate in the body, so don’t use any irritating soaps and perfumes in that area,” says gynaecologist and clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. Mary Jane Minkin. Opt for natural products without chemicals that can irritate the delicate vaginal skin. Also, choose products specifically designed for your lady area.

“Next, taking a probiotic like RepHresh Pro-B on a regular basis can be helpful. And finally, the vagina can get dry, but that doesn’t mean women need to suffer. Using a moisturizer like Replens on a regular basis can help maintain vaginal moisture,” she adds. Although, if you don’t suffer from dryness, do not over moisturise, as this can affect your body’s natural hydrating ability.

7. A Strange Smell Can Indicate A Problem

Your vagina will have itself own natural scent, but if it doesn’t smell like it does usually, this can mean that you have an infection. Gynaecologist Dr. Mache Seibel explains, “The vagina is an amazingly elastic organ, tight enough to accommodate a man’s penis and expandable enough to allow a baby to pass through. It acts like a self-cleaning oven, so odours usually mean there is an infection.”

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8. Discharge Is Normal

Your vagina naturally produces discharge as a way of self-cleaning. “I wish women knew that discharge is normal. Like earwax or nasal mucous, it’s a way for the vagina to clean itself,” says gynaecologist Dr. Maria Sophocles. “Even normal discharge can have some odour or variable colour, but abnormal discharge is usually accompanied by itching or a strong odour.” Keep an eye on the type of discharge coming out of your vagina, if you’re concerned, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor.

9. Embrace Your Sexual Power And Essence

“I wish my patients knew that their vaginas are beautiful, sensual, and functional organs of their bodies and that not all vaginas are alike,” says  gynaecologist Dr. Susan Murrmann. “Women are unique on an individual and a cultural basis with their own anatomical ‘spirit,’ and if they embraced the power of their own sexual essence.” She believes that if women could harness their sexual power just like men do, “we would all have better quality of lives and relationships that last.”

READ MORE: Four Times You Should Get Your Vagina Checked ASAP

The post Nine Things Experts Wish You Knew About Your Vagina appeared first on Eat Live Glow.

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