Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, in which bloggers share the books and swag they've received in the past week!
So, what did I get in the week of Sunday, July 13th to Saturday, July 19th?
(all links to Goodreads are provided!)
In the mail:
An ARC of Split Second by Kasie West
Thank you for the trade, Stephanie! Now I have an ARC set of Pivot Point and Split Second! I know my good friend Pili will be happy ;D
An ARC of Like Water on Stone by Dana Walrath
Thank you, Random House! I featured this one as a WoW choice a little while back. I'm honored to have the chance to read it!
An ARC of Lark Rising by Sandra Waugh
AHHH, SO EXCITED!! Fantasy fantasy fantasy! Thank you so much, Random House!
An ARC of Invaded by Melissa Landers
Thank you so much, Celeste! She is seriously the best. So many huggles.
From NetGalley:
Take Me On by Katie McGarry
Dang, I've been waiting for this request to be approved since April O_O But I haven't read the book yet, so I guess that works out!
I Want It That Way by Anne Aguirre
I usually steer clear of New Adult contemporary romance novels these days, but it's Ann Aguirre. How could I stay away?!
As Long As You Love Me by Ann Aguirre
Is it bad that while everyone is thinking of the Backstreet Boys song, I'm thinking of Justin Bieber? I hate Bieber, but I didn't grow up with the Backstreet Boys so...
Another great week! Especially in books ;D