
The Zika Virus seems to be spreading to the most remote islands in the world!

After taking over almost all of the Caribbean islands (as you can see in my Discover Zika Free Caribbean Destinations), it is spreading in the South Pacific region also.

The thing is, for all of us, the South Pacific islands means ‘Paradise on earth’. As heavenly as an island can be, getting sick in paradise takes away all the beauty and the fun.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention keeps an up to date list of All Countries and Territories with Active Zika Virus Transmission, that are now dangerous to visit, especially for pregnant women. Unfortunately, we can find on the islands of American Samoa, Fiji, Kosrae of the Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Tonga active Zika transmission.

Looking at a map, it looks like there is no islands risk free in the South Pacific. But rest assure: there’s still some safe gorgeous islands in the South Pacific Ocean.

Discover the stunning Zika free South Pacific islands!

Cook Islands

Named after the great explorer Captain James Cook, the 15 stunning tropical islands offers pristine beaches, azure lagoons, and tons of fishes and fruits. The Cook Islands are practically the definition of a remote island paradise. It is best to visit between April and November, the dry season. And don’t forget to try spotting humpback whales and green turtles!

Cook Islands Travel Guide

French Polynesia

Seductively peaceful and lushly stunning, French Polynesia offers much more adventure than its jet-set reputation suggests. From the vast lagoons to the culturally intense Marquesas Archipelago, its 117 islands are spread over a marine area the size of Europe. Divers, hikers and epicureans will find heaven there!

French Polynesia Interesting Facts

French Polynesia is made of 117 islands and cover an area of the Pacific Ocean as big as the whole Western Europe. This region is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, and has been nicknamed the “Shark Capital of the Pacific”.

Guam and the Northern Marianas

Guam and the Northern Marianas Islands are all part of the USA, and offer breathtaking diving, amazing waterfalls and the fascinating Chamorro culture. Important to know, Guam and Saipan are more crowded and are packaged-tour favourites. Get beyond the 2 main islands for a less-cluttered experience.


Kiribati is a nation of simplicity and great beauty: turquoise lagoons and gorgeous sunsets. Still untainted by tourism, the country is made up of 33 low-lying islands and atolls spread across the equator. You will find in Kiribati genuine smiles and friendly locals.

Kiribati Interesting Facts

Two small Kiribati islands, Tebua Tarawa and Abanuea, disappeared underwater in 1999. Luckily, no one was living there at the time.

Kiribati is spread over 3.55 million sq km of ocean, giving it the largest ocean-to-land ratio in the world.

Micronesia (but not Kosrae island)

Besides the island of Kosrae (that has active Zika virus transmission), Micronesia is still safe to visit. Made up of 4 unique and unrelated island states (Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk and Yap), each region has its own distinct culture. Kosrea is a paradise and some say the most beautiful island. Chuuk is known for its wreck diving. Yap still has its remote, untouched, true island spirit. And Pohnpei is home to ancient ruins and amazing lush landforms.


Photo credit: Laith Stevens

Green cliffs, wild ocean vistas, breathtaking sunsets… that’s Nauru. Once the second-richest country in the world because of the phosphate boom, it is now a quite poor country that needs tourism to put it back on its feet. Helping people never looked so good!

Nauru Interesting Facts

Nauru is an island built on bird poo. This poo, or phosphate, was used in fertilizers and was mined between the early 1900s and the late 1980s. Now it’s all gone and nothing much grows on the island. Also, about 40% of Nauru’s population have type 2 diabetes – more than any other nation.


Photo credit: Russel Parkinson

Niue is part way between Tonga and the Cook Islands. It has very little beach, but offers stunning ravines, gullies and caves all around the coast. Since some of the caves extend underwater, it is the perfect place for stunning scuba-diving.


Palau is more than a paradise. It is world renowned for first class diving: amazing reefs, stunning blue holes, fascinating WWII wrecks, gorgeous caves and tunnels, huge clams and more than 60 vertical drop-offs. February and March are the driest months, although it’s warm year-round and can rain anytime.

Palau Interesting Fact

Palau has some of the richest varieties of sea life in the world, making it a brilliant place to dive and snorkel.

Pitcairn Island

The Pitcairn Island has the smallest territory in the world, and it is one of the most remote destinations on earth. It only has about 50 residents, friendly descended from the Bounty mutineers, and offers breathtaking hiking.

Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands are the perfect destination if you want to be alone and head off the beaten path. It will just be you, the clear ocean, the lush rainforests and traditional villages. Friendly and laid back locals are waiting for you, as is deep-sea fishing, snorkelling and scuba diving.

Solomon Islands Interesting Facts

Solomon Islanders used dogs’ teeth for money until the 20th century. Also, some remote islands still don’t get TV signals, so radio is the best way to catch up on news. Moreover, Solomon Islanders were once feared as cannibals and headhunters. But it’s a thing of the past!


Tuvalu is one of the smallest, remotest and low-lying nations on earth, but has so much to offer: crystal clear turquoise water, translucent lagoons, and slow pace unspoiled atolls.

Tuvalu Interesting Facts

Tuvalu’s highest spot is only 15ft above sea level. It could be one of the first nations to disappear.

Also, tiny Tuvalu sold its little internet suffix – .tv – to a company in California for as much as several million dollars a year.


Accessible volcanoes, world-class diving, ancient living culture and one of the best cuisine in the Pacific make Vanuatu one of the best destinations in the world. Moreover, the very friendly locals will welcome you with warm and genuine smiles.

Vanuatu Interesting Facts

You can find Nemo, the cute little clownfish from the movie Finding Nemo, in Vanuatu. Also, Vanuatu is made up of 83 islands, with thick forests, white and black sandy beaches, and thousands of sea creatures. And more than 100 local languages are spoken in Vanuatu.

Are you planning a trip in the South Pacific? Which island are you dreaming of visiting… or moving to? <img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/2/72x72/1f609.png" alt="

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