
You’re invited to the 2016 EDCF Christmas Party!

Join us this Saturday at Goodfriend Beer Garden and Burger House. This event is open to everyone! So bring a friend and put your party pants on.

We will have the lounge area reserved. If you’ve never been to Goodfriend before, they have great food and a full bar. Come hungry or full, it’s up to you!

Tacky Christmas sweaters are encouraged but not required!

When: Saturday, Dec. 10th @ 7:30pm

Where: 1154 Peavy Rd.

See you there!

Monday 12/5

A) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets):

– 1 hang squat clean + 1 squat clean

*build from 70-90% (heavier than last week)

B) AMRAP in 8 min:

– 3 power cleans (185/125)

– 6 tall box jumps (30/24”)

– 9 perfect push-ups

C) 2-3 rounds for efficiency:

– 8-10 BB Chinese rows

– 15-30 sec single leg raise per side

Tuesday 12/6

A) Every 2.5 min x 5 sets

– Deadlift x 5-4-3-2-1 reps

*Build heavier than 11/29. Not a 1RM.

B) E3MOM x 12-18 min (4-6 sets):

– 200m run

– 10 deadlifts (225/155, 185/125, 155/105)

– 4-8 burpee pull-ups

*RX+ perform 2-3 muscle ups instead of BPUs.

*Keep DL weight so that you can stay UB without losing form.

Wednesday 12/7

A) E3MOM x 15 min (5 sets):

– 5 close grip bench press @ 30X1

– 5 weighted pronated pull-ups

*Goal is to build on weight each set until you reach a heavy set of 5 for each movement.

B) EMOM x 12-16 min (6-8 sets):

E – 12/9 cal row

O – 10 KB swings (heavy) + 8-10 goblet hold reverse lunges

*Row 15/12 cal if able.

C) 2-3 sets for efficiency:

– 10-12 supine medball hamstring curls

– 25 banded pull-aparts

Thursday 12/8

A) E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets):

– 3 position snatch

(high hang, hang, floor)

*Build from 55-65%.


EMOM x 12 min (6 sets)

– 1 snatch

*Build from 70-95% with 5% jumps.

B) For time:

– 1000/800m row

– 150 double-unders

– 30 handstand push-ups

*scale HSPU with bands or L-seated DB presses.

*RX+ perform HSPUs all strict.

Friday 12/9

A) Take 15 minutes to build to a 10 rep max on back squat.

*Only do 1-5 reps on your build up sets then 10 on the weight you’re testing.

B) 3 sets for efficiency:

– 30-60 sec wall sit w/ double KB front rack hold

– hand over hand rope pull x 1 length (moderate weight, fast hands)

– 2 laps upside-down single arm KB overhead walk (1 lap per hand)

– 6-8 strict toes to bar @ 2110

Saturday 12/10

8am Masters CF

9am CrossFit

10am Barbell

7:30pm EDCF Christmas Party @ Goodfriend

The post Programming Overview: Dec. 5-11 appeared first on East Dallas CrossFit.

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