
Over the past week, after raising concerns about National Grid’s deteriorating 19th century brick station adjacent to the Warren/Barrington bridge, concerned residents have started an online petition drive to request that National Grid refurbish the building. As of Tuesday morning, 111 residents had signed. The petition reads thus:

For 50 years this Historic Powerhouse has been abandoned and has been an eyesore greeting us at the entrance to Warren and Barrington, intentionally left to deteriorate. Most recently National Grid spokesman David Graves was quoted by The Eastbay Newspapers saying, “We have no plans for it right now, one way or the other, either selling it for development or for our own use. It’s going to be maintained in its current state going forward.” This is unacceptable!

We can no longer afford to sit, wait and hope for this public utility, who has been granted a complete monopoly in the state of RI, to do the right thing by its ratepayers. This Historic Building is significant architecturally, historically, culturally and economically to the Eastbay and RI.  It sits in a prime location on the Warren River at the entrance to our Main St. and Historic Village, overlooking the new Warren Bridge, the popular Eastbay Bike path and the American Tourister, which is currently slated for development. The historic value of this building to the neighboring communities and the state cannot be over emphasized.

We are frustrated and concerned that time is running out and soon there will be no building left to save. Since this property is no longer in use, we ask that National Grid RI, our State and Local Representatives work together to do the right thing by the rate and taxpayers. We request this property be put back in the hands of the public as soon as possible; that it may serve the neighboring communities and the state of RI as either a welcome center or other good use to the public and not be allowed to further deteriorate another day.

To find the petition online, go to www.change.org, and search for “Save Powerhouse Building at our Gateway.”

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