Lina Medina (born September 27, 1933, in Ticrapo, Huancavelica Region, Peru) is the youngest confirmed mother in medical history, giving birth at the age of five years, seven months and 17 days. She currently lives in Lima, the capital of Peru.
Born in Ticrapo, Peru, to silversmith Tiburelo Medina and Victoria Losea, Medina was brought to a hospital by her parents at the age of five years due to increasing abdominal size. She was originally thought to have had a tumor, but her doctors determined she was in her seventh month of pregnancy. Dr. Gerardo Lozada took her to Lima, Peru, before the surgery to have other specialists confirm that Medina was pregnant.
Contemporary newspaper accounts indicate that interest in the case developed on many fronts. The San Antonio Light newspaper reported in its July 16, 1939, edition—in anticipation of the girl’s expected visit to university scientific facilities in the United States—that a national Peruvian obstetrician/midwife association had demanded before the birth that the girl be transported to a national maternity hospital and quoted April 18 reports in the Peruvian paper La Crónica stating that a North American filmmaking concern sent a representative “with authority to offer the sum of $5000 to benefit the minor [in exchange for filming rights] … we know that the offer was rejected.” The same article, reprinted from a Chicago paper, noted that Dr. Lozada had made films of Medina for scientific documentation and had shown them around April 21 while addressing Peru’s National Academy of Medicine; on a subsequent visit to visit Lina’s remote hometown, some of the baggage carrying the films had been dropped into the river while crossing “a very primitive bridge”: “Enough of his pictorial record remained, however, to intrigue the learned savants.”
A month and a half after the original diagnosis, on May 14, 1939, Medina gave birth to a boy by a caesarean section necessitated by her small pelvis. The surgery was performed by Dr. Lozada and Dr. Busalleu, with Dr. Colareta providing anaesthesia. Her case was reported in detail by Dr. Edmundo Escomel in the medical journal La Presse Médicale, including the additional details that hermenarche had occurred at eight months of age, in contrast to a past report stating that she had been having regular periods since she was three years old[(or 2½ according to a different article). The report also detailed that she had prominent breast development by the age of four. By age five, her figure displayed pelvic widening and advanced bone maturation. When doctors performed the caesarean to deliver her baby, they found she already had fully mature sexual organs from precocious puberty.
Her son
Medina’s son weighed 2.7 kg (6.0 lb; 0.43 st) at birth and was named Gerardo after her doctor. Gerardo was raised believing that Medina was his sister, but found out at the age of 10 that she was his mother. He grew up healthy but died in 1979 at the age of 40 of a bone marrow disease.