Amiga Future: New full versions online
The download area of the Amiga Future was updated today.
You can find the follow full versions online:
Fantastic Dreams ISO
An overview of the recent uploads and changes in the download database of Amiga Future is available under this link:
Of course we want to serve you many more full versions online. But for this we need your help.
We are always looking for right holders of Amiga games and applications. Do you know any or do you actively help us in our search? Then you please contact us by email.
We are looking for support when revising the full versions download area of the Amiga Future webpage.
In particular, to check whether all full versions formats (ADF, IPF, WHDLoad, AGA, CD releases, etc.) are complete.
In addition, a short description (2 sentence), system requirements and screenshots must be created.
If you want to help us, then please write us an email.
And of course the Amiga Future Webpage cost money of course.
If you want to donate to the webpage, so you can do this on our < href = "http://www.amigafuture.de/spenden.php">donations page</ A> do. In addition, we are looking for advertisers for our webpage.
Amiga Future 108 Member-Preview online
Today go for all Amiga Future 1-Year-Subscriber in the Member-Part of the Webpage the Preview and Reading try-outs of Amiga Future Issue 108 online.
Amiga Future 108 Member-CD-Cover online
Today go for all Amiga Future 1-Year-Subscriber in the Member-Part of the Webpage the CD-Covers of Amiga Future Issue 108 online.
Amiga Future search editors and translators
We are looking for assistance for the Amiga Future magazine.
We are looking for editors with good knowledge in the Amiga demo scene.
Also, an editor must have sufficient experience in the user area with the Amiga.
Interest? Get in touch with the Amiga Future editors.
However, you should own the following:
- An Amiga :)
- Fundamental knowledge of Amiga
- Very good spelling in your native language (German or English!)
- Experience in writing a test report
- And of course, time and interest :)
We are also looking for translators for the magazine.
German -> English
English -> German
You should Speak your language (german or english) very well and have very good spelling in your native language, also understanding the other language well.
And of course, you should also understand what you translate.
So basic knowledge on the Amiga are needed on each case.
We are also looking for assistance for the Amiga Future homepage.
We want to expand the download area of the Amiga Future homepage. Especially the area with the full versions.
For this, we need users to test the full versions, take screenshots, and write a short description and system requirements.
Amiga Future looking for Copyright Holder
As you all certainly know, on the Amiga Future homepage and cover CD we publish full versions of commercial titles. But even shareware full versions are always included again.
It does not matter whether it is games, applications, drivers, or CDs. We want to get all commercial titles.
In order to do this legally, we always need a permission of their respective owners.
The biggest problem is to find these owners. The next problemthen is to get a contact with the respective rights holders.
We ask you therefore for your help.
Do you have contact with rights-holders of shareware or commercial software?
Do you know any personally or did you havecontact recently with someone?
Then write us an email: redaktion@amigafuture.de
We're also looking for someone who can help us to get in contact with some Italian,French and American companies.
Ideally one who comes from these countries and possibly can make a call.
Amiga Future 108 preview and excerpts are now available online
The full colour preview and excerpts of the Amiga Future issue 108 (May/June 2014) are now available online.
Some article in this issue are:
Test Ace of Hearts
Test ACA 1231
Special X5000 Cyrus
Of course there's so MUCH more actually in the magazine.
Needless to say you'll find some FULL versions of software, often what was commercially available, as well as the PD software on the cover CD.
A detailed description of content and excerpts can be found at: http://www.amigafuture.de/kb.php?mode=article&k=4571
The Amiga Future magazine is available as an English and German printed magazine - every issue now available in FULL COLOUR - directly available from the magazine editorial office and also from various other Amiga dealers.
Preview: http://www.amigafuture.de/kb.php?mode=article&k=4571
Orders: http://www.amigashop.org
Amiga Future: cheats database Update
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updates weekly by David Jahn, even at first sight if it is not immediately apparent.
This is probably also due to the changes do not show up do not update the list of cheat codes database.
In the last three weeks, many functions were checked for example by Mister and Missis, Mobile Warfare, Monster Business, Monty Pyhtons Flying Circus, Moonshine Racers and many others.
In addition, new downloads were linked (those full versions, in the meantime online) and in the meantime noticed errors (wrong game name), incorrect entries, spelling, ect. fixed or eliminated.
The cheat database on the Amiga Future webpage is probably the biggest German collection for the Amiga.
This is not just about cheats. Many solutions, tips and tricks, as well as Freezer addresses can be found in this collection.
Meanwhile you can find 3420 Games Cheats and solutions in the database, and there is always more.
The database is currently completely in German. If we receive enough donations for the website, we have planned to integrate a proper online database, which will also be available in English.
Sold out Amiga Future magazines available in PDF
Many did not even know. If an issue of Amiga Future is sold out, You may purchase these issues to a discounted price in our online store.
The following issues are still (often only in small numbers) avaiable as a print version. All other editions are available as PDF.
Amiga Future Ausgabe 88 English
Amiga Future Ausgabe 90 English
Amiga Future Ausgabe 99 English
Amiga Future Ausgabe 101 German & English
Amiga Future Ausgabe 102 German & English
Amiga Future Ausgabe 103 German & English
Amiga Future Ausgabe 104 German & English (only 1 Euro special offer)
Amiga Future Ausgabe 105 German & English
Amiga Future Ausgabe 106 German & English
Amiga Future Ausgabe 107 German & English
Amiga Future Ausgabe 108 German & English (will appear on May 5, 2014)