
In Singapore, you don’t necessarily need a qualified corporate secretary if you own a small private limited company. However, if you’re a public company, you’re required by law to engage a qualified officer of your company, who holds a certificate approved by the government. Read more about our corporate secretarial services.

Although private limited companies do not require the services of a qualified company secretary, a corporate company secretary is still required by law.

Certain small private limited companies, in order to reduce cost, sometimes appoint one of their directors or shareholders as the company secretary.

However, because the company secretary cannot be the same person as the company director, businesses with only one director will have to find some other way to appoint a corporate secretary. Most of the time, they will outsource this service to companies like Sandhurst, who will appoint one of our qualified secretaries as our client’s company secretary.

Even if you don’t face this dilemma, there are many reasons to engage professional secretarial services.

1.       Convenience

If you’re a foreigner, especially, you’ll need a company like E-Sandhurst to manage your company incorporation and the registration of your company. To save time, and the hassle of doing independent secretarial work, Sandhurst can ensure all your legal requirements, including secretarial services, are met.

2.       Cost-effectiveness

In the long run, it’s probably more cost-effective to engage a professional secretarial service from a consultancy that specializes in company setups. Whereas hiring an in-house secretary will incur a monthly cost, we can do the job for less than the monthly wage of an in-house secretary.

3.       Clarity of Procedure

Although any member of a private limited company is allowed  to  hold the post of Company Secretary, the actual roles and duties of the secretary require in-depth knowledge of legal procedures, finance, accounting and administrative matters. Therefore, it’s always much safer to engage someone qualified to do the job. In addition to ensuring the smoothness of processes such as tax filing, Annual General Meetings, and statutory compliance, a qualified secretary can also help you organize your business properly, so that you reduce cost in the long run.

4.       Reliability

Because your Company Secretary is a vital part of your business, whose name has to be registered with ACRA, you’ll need him/her to be reliable.

In a volatile business environment like Singapore, where employee turnover rates are high and where businesses fold easily, there’s no guarantee that a company secretary you employ today will still be with you next year.

Your company secretary will need to know the history of your business, and be familiar with how it operates. Therefore, stability and reliability are key requisites in corporate secretarial work.

Find out more about our corporate secretarial services by contacting us today.

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