
By Michael O’Connor

Tip of the week

Last week’s New Moon marked the Chinese Year of the Goat, Sheep or Ram; yes all three. This totem in particular out of the 12 Chinese totems is expressed in not one but three ways.

The Goat image reveals a tenacious, steadfast, surefooted, ambitious, and determined and control oriented theme and shares resonance with Capricorn. It has also long been associated with the devil and evil in western mythology based on rejection of pagan beliefs and the god pan often depicted as the half-man and half-goat personage. It is not evil per se’, but the human imagination can do a lot with associated symbolism according to their goals, beliefs and prejudices.

The image of the Sheep is perhaps the more common expression. It denotes a soft, sweet, gentle, pliable, innocent and overall affectionate disposition. On the other hand, it is also associated with a character that is gullible, naive, unaware, easily led and basically a follower. Some cynically refer to the masses as the ‘sheeple’ with this theme of gullibility accented.

These are both in contrast to the Ram, which is the brawny, combative Aries-like image. The Ram can be compared to physical strength, competitiveness and even aggression. Athletes, soldiers, law enforcement officers, rugged individualists and physically strong and assertive people and attitudes in general can be associated with the Ram. The Ram may lean more towards acting out the commands of the goats or to protecting the innocent flock of sheep.

There is nothing new about the various aspects of any society revealing these three groups. However, given that this is the Year of the Goat, Sheep or Ram we can use these symbols to understand people better and the way any society tends to organize itself. Moreover, over the course of this year we should have ample opportunity to see and experience all three with increased clarity and awareness.

Feb. 27 – March 5

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Yours is considered the most independent sign. Yet, your opposite and counter balancing sign is Libra, which is all about creating relationship harmony and experiencing love. These two forces have been tugging on each other for many months. Now the contest is coming to a peak point. It may not be the final peak but your current position will be clearly revealed.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

In order to dream with clarity and confidence, key elements must be healed or repaired. These could be related to attitude, perspective, approach or perhaps reputation… Visualizing, dreaming or praying for healing is the flip side of this theme. Each can serve the other. Call it inner work and remind yourself that no one else can do it for you, but you can ask for help.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Deciphering your true place and power in the world continues. This is a call to acknowledge and activate your specialness. This includes inspired visions and creative expressions. Ideally, you are already activating that quality of creative genius that reveals your leadership. If you are not yet, this is your cue. In fact, you may feel the urge to express on a variety of fronts.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

A fresh activation of beliefs, perceptions and dream visions are dancing in your mind, or perhaps marching. While seeing as with new eyes is ideal, it does not mean you have to re-invent what already exists. You have entered a meditative period that is inviting you to carefully consider before you make grand proclamations or commitments.

Leo (July 22 – Aug 23)

A process of deep healing and perhaps of ending, completion or even graduation of some kind is underway. Subject to the cyclic nature of reality, it will be followed by rebirth and maybe is already. Both ends of this meeting point can be painful. Yet, the promise of renewal alleviates it. The eternal keys are gratitude for what is and faith in eternal renewal.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Cooperating with the steady flow of change continues. This may be a time when good and reliable friends are harder to come by. It may be that they are undergoing their own tests. Synchronistically, you are meant to stand firmly on your own ground. This is a time of looking forward, not back. Be open to new opportunities, strategies, methods, approaches and investments.

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

Reaching out to others for guidance and support is a feature of this current cycle. It is woven with complexity that requires a fine blend of assertiveness and receptivity. Though this balancing act is not new, it is extra emphasized now. Be willing to learn by listening deeply. Through it you are destined to make new friendships or perhaps renew old ones.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

A creative cycle has begun. It is one that asks that you merge deeply with your muse in whatever form it takes. It is not so much about outer involvements as inner communion. Tapping the wellspring implies quietude and receptivity. Drowning it out with socializing suggests you may miss it this round. Capture the incoming inspiration and genius with outlines, sketches and notes to self.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

Beyond all proclamations of realism, you are something of a mystic and philosopher at the core. Yes, it may be woven with skeptical thoughts, such as questioning everything. Venturing deeper down the rabbit hole can be frightening, yet sometimes feels necessary. Your mind is like lightening illuminating the way. Sharing this journey with a good friend will prove extra satisfying.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

When it comes to dreams your main interest is to focus on reality. Solely thinking about marvelous and delicious possibilities simply will not do; better to trade up on some of the sizzle for more of the actual taste. Meanwhile, others need you causing you to set aside this bubble of reverie. Calling upon the gifts, talents and resources of others will help to save the day.

Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

It is said that unless your subconscious beliefs are healthy and strong, no amount of outer effort will bring the success you seek. The art and process of creating inner conviction and congruence with your conscious mind is ancient, yet it is especially alive and well now in the world. Now all you have to do is access this wisdom and follow through to anchor it integrally within.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You are in a pioneering mood, yet it may feel as though you are swimming through murky waters. As the sign of the fishes, you should be able to handle this yet the challenge remains. While it is up to you to take the initiative, the time is right to reach out to the assistance and guidance of others. This will require more faith than usual. Just do it.

– Michael O’Connor is a professional astrologer with an international clientele.  He has 30 years of study in Astrology, Numerology and related metaphysical and spiritual modalities, over 20 years of full-time practice, is an entertaining and inspirational speaker, and writes a popular New Moon Newsletter and Horoscope Column. To learn more about Booking an Appointment, attending one of Michael’s Workshops or Webinars or one of his inspiring Visual Presentations, please visit his website or contact Michael directly. www.sunstarastrology.com or (250) 352-6871 or sunstarastrology@gmail.com

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