Volunteers of the Year named
The 2014 Electoral Area Volunteers of the Year were named by the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors April 4. They are: Electoral Area A – Cathy Broten; Electoral Area B – Sarann Press; Electoral Area C – Denis Petryshen; Electoral Area E – Barry and Greta Garland; Electoral Area F – Karen Taylor Brown and Electoral Area G – Shawn Murray.
The Volunteers of the Year will be officially recognized during the upcoming Town Hall Meetings.
Ten Year Service Award
Building Inspector Tony Luce was recognized by the for his 10 years of service. Tony joined the RDEK’s Building & Protective Services Department in 2004 and continues to be a valued member of our team.
Long Time APC member thanked
The RDEK Board of Directors thanked Erin Gravelle for her 14 years of volunteer service on the Electoral Area B Advisory Planning Commission and Electoral Area Advisory Commission. Ms. Gravelle was formally recognized by the Board on Friday.
Application for DFA funding to be submitted
The RDEK will submit an application for Disaster Financial Assistance to replace the berm and rip rap near Hill Road. The construction, which is expected to cost about $4,500, will be paid from the Electoral Area A portion of the Elk Valley Mine Tax Sharing Funds. Kerr Wood Leidal has been awarded the tender.
Planning Underway for 2014 Elections
Local Government Elections will be held this November, and the RDEK Board has appointed Lee-Ann Crane as the Chief Election Officer and Shannon Moskal as the Deputy Chief Election Officer for conducting the 2014 General Local Elections.
Elk Valley waste disposal location to be part of Solid Waste Management Plan Review
The directors for the Elk Valley Services Committee have agreed in principle to staff exploring the possibility of allowing the Elk Valley’s solid waste to be brought to the Central Subregion Landfill for disposal as part of the Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) review process. The SWMP review will be held in summer/fall 2014. The process will include the establishment of a Technical Review Committee, use of our Plan Monitoring Advisory Committee and public consultation. Currently, the Elk Valley sends its waste to Alberta for disposal.
OCP and Zoning Bylaw adopted
The Wasa and Area Official Community Plan and Electoral Area E Zoning Bylaw were adopted by the board. The new OCP will provide direction on land use decisions and assist in implementing the community vision identified through the planning process. The new Zoning Bylaw is in effect for the Wasa (pictured above) and rural Kimberley areas and will continue to regulate land uses in these areas.
Request to vary ALR Non-Farm Use Application process
The board considered requests from the Tobacco Plains Indian Band Development Corporation and FozzyFest organizing committee to vary the process for forthcoming ALR Non-Farm Use applications. An exemption from the requirement for the submission of a report from an agrologist to be submitted with the applications was granted. The Regional district review process was also varied to remove the requirement for consideration by the Agricultural Advisory Committee. It is anticipated that the ALR Non-Farm Use applications will be considered by the board in May.
Utility Advisory Commission reappointed
The Windermere Utility Advisory Commission has been reappointed for a two-year term. Members are Mick Eldstrom, Sherry Avery, Rod Turnbull, David Farrell and Gord Lazzarotto.
Fuel Management Prescription Project funding application
The RDEK will apply for project funding for a fuel management prescription in the Westview and Gold Creek areas. Both areas have been identified by the RDEK Community Wildfire Protection Plan as high priority treatment areas.
The Rocky Mountain Trench Society will also be requested to submit an application to the Union of BC Municipalities 2014 Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative Program to develop prescriptions for wildfire fuel management in the Westview Block (67.8 Hectares) and Gold Creek Block (50 Hectares).
The goal of interface fuel treatment is to help reduce the threat of wildfire.
Discretionary Grant in Aid (DGIA) funding
Fernie Youth Soccer will receive $4,000 from the Electoral Area A DGIA account for new soccer nets.
The Friends of Lake Koocanusa will receive $1,700 from the Electoral Area B DGIA account for signage at the Waldo Cove Public Recreation Area. In addition, the Fernie Falcons Senior Boys Basketball team will receive $1,250 from the Area B DGIA account to help offset expenses associated with their participation in provincials.
Amy Woodland Elementary School will receive $1,000 from the Electoral Area C DGIA account for a class trip to Blue Lake Camp.
The Kimberley Dynamiters will receive $700 from the Electoral Area C DGIA account and $1,000 from the Area E DGIA account for the upcoming Bull-A-Rama.
Columbia Mountains Institute Resource Management Conference will receive $500 from the Electoral Area E DGIA account.
The Hospice Society of the Columbia Valley will receive $2,000 from the Electoral Area F DGIA account and $750 from the Electoral Area G DGIA account for operational costs. The Columbia Headwaters Community Forest will receive $50 from the Area F DGIA account and $50 from the Area G DGIA account for annual membership.
The Edgewater Recreation Society will receive $500 from the Electoral Area G DGIA account for the Edgewater School Reunion.
Other RDEK happenings
Public meetings
Central East Kootenay Community Directed Funds Committee May 8 —3 p.m.
RDEK Conference Room
Public hearings
Wednesday, April 23 —7 p.m. Edgewater Community Hall – 4818 Selkirk Avenue, Edgewater
for Bylaw No. 2431 Regional District of East Kootenay—Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 279, 2013 (Dry Gulch/Kayhay Holdings Ltd.)
Other news and notes
Electoral Area F Director Wendy Booth
Electoral Area F Director Wendy Booth continues to seek community feedback on the proposed Fairmont Flood & Landslide Service. The survey deadline is April 17.
Click to survey
For more information, please contact the RDEK office at 250-489-2791 or 1-888-478-7335. For project details, ask for Jim Maletta and for financial details, ask for Shawn Tomlin.
Next board meetings
Thursday May 1 – Committee Meetings TBA
Friday May 2 – RDEK Board Meeting 9 a.m.
For more information on RDEK Meetings, programs and services, please visit our website: www.rdek.bc.ca
You can also follow us on Facebook and let the news come to you.