
The City of Fernie Beautification Committee invites residents and businesses to help showcase our community this summer.

Your support of the Fernie in Bloom initiative and our ‘mountain-themed’ flowers (white, yellow, purple and red), secure containment of your waste and recycling, and maintaining your sidewalk and boulevards all help to keep our community vital and distinctive!

The Beautification Committee has been busy this past winter and has made progress on a number of initiatives such as: Increased decorative winter lighting along the highway corridor. A special thank you to East Kootenay Community Credit Union, Fernie Real Estate, The Bridge Bistro, Fernie Cattle Co., Mow & Snow and the Best Western Mountain
Lodge for your participation in this successful pilot project which we intend to expand for the winter of 2013-2014; Encouragement of patios on 2nd Avenue and the continued implementation of ‘mountain-themed’ flowers throughout
Fernie; and Support of the Fernie in Bloom initiatives.

Future projects in the committee’s work plan include:
Development of a bike rack strategy in conjunction with the Green House Gas Committee and the Planning
Department; Development of a Donation and Gifting Policy for the City of Fernie; Ongoing weed control and environmental best practices and continuing to encourage more greenery in front of
businesses via business/building owners with an expanding focus from 2nd Avenue to highway corridors and parks.
As well, growing participation of businesses along the highway corridor for summer flowers and a consistent winter lighting

Businesses are encouraged to contact the Chamber of Commerce before the end of August at 250-423-6868 for information on winter lighting standards and to get your orders in for the winter season.

Invitation to get involved

We are always interested in receiving your feedback, ideas and participation as engaged citizens of our beautiful community. So, please give us your valued insights and inspiration. Again, we thank you for all your support in helping keep Fernie beautiful.

On behalf of the Fernie Beautification Committee have an enjoyable and prosperous summer!

Fernie Beautification Committee

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