Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc, Cinéma chez les Balantes, 2014/2011. Various media.
2014 Images Festival
April 10–19, 2014
Established in 1987, Toronto’s Images Festival is the largest festival in North America for experimental and independent moving image culture, showcasing the innovative edge of international contemporary media art both on and off the screen. Alongside film + video screenings, the festival presents groundbreaking live performances, media art installations in 10+ local art galleries and online projects by many renowned Canadian and international artists within our three exhibition platforms: Images On Screen (film/video screenings), Images Off Screen (gallery exhibitions + online projects) and Live Images (multidisciplinary performances).
The 2014 Images Festival showcases over 100 projects in 20+ venues throughout Toronto including our new “pop-up” gallery at Chinatown Centre Mall and at our main theatrical venue: the Art Gallery of Ontario. In addition to screenings and gallery shows, Images presents artist talks, forums, guided gallery tours and parties. Situated in gallery venues including A Space Gallery, Gallery TPW, InterAccess, Mercer Union, Paul Petro Contemporary Art, XPACE and YYZ among others, Images Off Screen 2014 presents exhibitions by Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc, Nurjahan Akhlaq, Bambitchell (Sharlene Bamboat + Alexis Mitchell), Ayesha Hameed, Richard Ibghy, Jesal Kapadia, Reena Katz, Marilou Lemmons, Maha Maamoun, P. Mansaram, Brian McCarthy, Naeem Mohaimen, Darryl Nepinak,, Sarah Pierce, Lucy Raven, Aura Satz, Vivek Shraya & the Torontonians and many others.
Live Images features film, video and audio artists, musicians and other performers live and in person with spectacular media-based live performances. Highlights include Andrew Lampert’s Making Space For More wherein Lampert has concocted a culinary evening at the AGO’s Frank Restaurant featuring a live music performance by Michael Snow and sizable servings of sensory overload featuring works from the Art Gallery of Ontario’s archives; Taku Unami will present an improvised performance work called The Curse of Vacancy, a shadow play rendered in the silhouettes of cardboard boxes; Lucy Raven’s On Location lecture performance draws on many of her ongoing interests: labour, industry, globalization and questions around the way we see, and many others.
Images On Screen presents a wide range of work and disciplines—from formal experiments to innovative documentary, from films which address a range of political, feminist and a multitude of social and cultural issues over ten nights in over one hundred films + videos in 15 screenings. On Screen includes films by CAMP, Duncan Campbell, Jennifer Chan, Inhan Cho, Jean Eustache, Eve Heller, Hiwa K, Brett Kashmere, Oliver Laric, Narimane Mari, Chris Marker, Jesse McLean, Rebecca Meyers, Sophie Michael, Beatriz Santiago Munoz, Otolith Group, Benjamin Pearson, Charlotte Pryce, Alain Resnais, Aykan Safoglu, Travis Shilling, Hito Steyerl, Vipin Vijay and dozens more!
2014 Images Festival website with program details, schedules and ticketing:
2014 Images Festival is made possible thanks to our gracious public sector supporters:
The Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Ontario Arts Council, the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council, Telefilm Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture, the Hal Jackman Foundation, the Goethe Institut Toronto, the Japan Foundation, the Consulat Général de France à Toronto and the Institut Francais.
Thanks to our 2014 corporate partners:
Partners in Art, Steam Whistle Brewing, TD Bank Group, VIA Rail Canada, The Globe and Mail, Westbury National Show Systems, the Super 8 Hotel Downtown Toronto, AutoShare, Deluxe Postproduction, Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCADU), Toronto Film and Television Office, Mike Weir Wine, DHL Express Canada, LIFT (Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto) CIUT FM, Kodak Canada, the Office of Gilbert Li, Twig Design, Frame Discreet, The Lakeview, Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre (CFMDC) and Vtape
Thanks to all of our gallery and community partners, our dedicated volunteers and our enthusiastic membership.
Special thanks to the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture for supporting this e-flux.