[ Just paste broken links shown in purple directly into your browser - the extra line doesn't matter. Pls. PM me if you have more recent info. about proposed/actual legislation, if you think I've missed an important story, or if you want more tweaks to the formatting program. ]
1) First est. of 2015 vaping market said to be $5B (Bloomberg news?).
2) Austin MN City Council meets 5:30pm Monday for proposed vaping=smoking ord.
3) Update on Hawaii - extension to indoor clean air act is apparently all that's left:
Latest news from Hawaii
4) New ANTZ messaging trend: Vaping does little good, because addiction to "harmful" substance (nicotine) still exists. (In other words: they were just kidding all these years when they said that the real problem was tobacco smoking.) This is normally served up with the "dual use" argument, and seasoned with the advice that insurance companies treat vaping as smoking (which is another health issue associated with vaping). For dessert, consider cotton candy flavored vape pens.
Coverage: US domestic only: CT, MA, NJ, PA, FL, MS, MN, WI, SD, KS, TX, AZ, NM, WA, UT, CA
Collections (at end) cover recurring media stories, as well as old news plus cloned/syndicated or knocked-off pieces that gradually propagate through various outlets.
1) COLLECTION 1: Washington State tax dies.
2) COLLECTION 2: State legislature considers e-cigarette tax; many communities banning public use
3) COLLECTION 3: E-cigarettes: fresh air or smoke and mirrors?
Title: E-Cigarette Sales To Reach US$ 5 billion in 2015
(Columbo Sri Lanka local paper) http://www.thesundayleader
Although this contains minor alarmist junk, it's the first piece I've seen that cites any estimates of 2015 sales. We're used to hearing the figure of US $1-2B cited for 2013 sales and/or 2014 projections, so this would be approximately double. I believe Bloomberg News Service is the ultimate source, but I can't figure this out from the text.
Title: Vaporizers, e-cigs of the :censored: world, are booming
(US nat'l paper) http://www.usatoday
[To use the above link replace the "X" with a "j".]
This is a report on the use of vaporizer technology for use with a certain green leafy substance. Although this practice technically has nothing to do with ECF, we all know that the legality of our equipment in the US may be in some ways intertwined with these alternate uses. No "junk" in the usual sense is present in this piece, it's entirely devoted to the alternate use of vaporizers.
Title: Treating e-smokers as standard smokers is off-base
(Bristol CT US local paper) http://bristolpress.com/articles/2014/03/15/opinion/doc5323b2b3e7c77055321501
Title: Treating e-smokers as standard smokers is off-base
(Fergus Falls MN US local paper) http://www.fergusfallsjournal
It's very rare to see these arguments in the press: (1) BT would like to see harsher treatment of vaping; and (2) it does no good from a public health point of view to put vapers who have quit smoking in immediate proximity with smokers in outdoor areas because the vapers will be more likely to relapse. No junk. The original editorial in the Fergus Falls paper is actually dated five days ago, but I missed it because it refers to "e-smokers."
[ CT 24 (proposed by gov) minor sales ban - still in joint cmte on children? HB 5286 - burdensome labelling requirements whose purposes is to "destroy the e-cig industry" (Bill Godshall): Connecticut bill (HB 5286) would require labels covering 60% of e-cig packages listing contents & nicotine yield, hearing Feb 28 ]
Title: 'Vaping' under legal haze in Attleboros
(Attleboro MA US local paper) http://www.thesunchronicle
This rather meandering piece appears to have been snipped together from a variety of local sources and google results - for ex., the author doesn't seem to realize that "e-hookahs" and "vape pens" are just synonyms for "e-cigarettes," although in many cases the former do not contain nicotine. That said, the junk is minimal, and to the astonishment of your correspondent the Dutra/Glantz "minor gateway to tobacco" paper is mentioned - but so is the criticism raised by the ACS. Also refers in passing to MA's HB 3726, which the author describes as a simple minor sales/possession ban (it's also a vaping=smoking extension to MA's indoor clean air act - see CASAA call below.
Without mentioning specifics the article indicates that Attleboro is "reviewing is tobacaco regulations."
[ HB 3726 would ban vaping wherever smoking is banned, see CASAA call: CASAA: Call to Action! Massachusetts E-Cigarette Usage Ban -- HB 3726 (formerly HB 3639) (UPDATED) ]
Title: Poll: Should NJ raise taxes on e-cigarettes?
(Newark NJ US local paper) http://www.nj
"Tom Frieden, director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said nobody at this point knows 'whether they will decrease or increase use of traditional cigarettes.'" (And nobody knows whether I'm a space alien. Really.)
Simple poll, options are yes/no/maybe. Vote!
[ NJ's house bill A1080 was originally proposed as a ban on tobacco smoking in parks and beaches, but was immediately ammended to include vaping as soon as it got on to the house floor. See: NJ Assembly Cmte on Tourism and Art amends bill (A 1080) to ban vaping (as well as smoking) at all public parks and beaches
Also, Gov. Christie says he wants to tax vaping at the same rate as analogs:
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie proposes taxing e-cigs at rate equal to $2.70/pack cigarette tax
CASAA: Call to Action! New Jersey's Governor Christie is Proposing a Tax on E-Cigarettes at the Same Rate as Combustible Cigarettes ]
Title: Are e-cigarettes a way to kick the smoking habit?
(Morristown NJ US local paper) http://www.northjersey
Generally pro-vaping piece, although it does cite a boilerplate quote from the CDC which says that vaping "must be studied." Also contains this gem: "'My message to patients is that the devices aren't approved by the Food and Drug Administration and that, in fact, we do have seven FDA-approved medicines that do help people quit,' said Donna Richardson, clinical coordinator of the tobacco dependence program at Rutgers and an instructor at Rutgers School of Public Health. 'If you are interested in quitting, please consider these. I will say also that we have a stop-smoking group at the cancer institute, many people who come to our group, use the electronic cigarette along with other medicines that we recommend.'"
Wait a minute: did she say that vapers are welcome at her smoking cessation program? Is she trying to get the word out? Is she not telling us that vaping has no value as a smoking cessation technique?
Title: Lehigh Valley schools fear the growing use of e-cigarettes by students
(Lehigh Valley PA US local paper) http://www.lehighvalleylive
Despite the alarmist nature of the headline, no info. is provided other than: "'They have been showing up in the high school,' [Saucon Valley School District Superintendent Sandra Fellin] says."
CDC minor junk stats are quoted in the usual way, plus this curious nugget which showed up on the AHA's web site yesterday:
"And about 76 percent of the middle and high school students who had used e-cigarettes within the past 30 days also smoked conventional cigarettes, the CDC said." [Really? Doesn't that mean that tobacco cigarettes may be a gateway to vaping??] Local vape shop owner interviewed who says (as all vape store owners do) that he will not sell any form of PV to a minor, even one with 0% nic. No other junk.
[ PA's SB 1055 a simple minor sales ban, has passed the state sen. No other current threats. ]
Title: Keep e-cigarettes away from kids
(Washington PA US local paper) http://www.observer-reporter
Editorial supports PA's SB 1055, a simple minor sales/possession ban, which has passed the sen. and is currently awaiting house approval. Unfortunately it cites the Dutra&Glantz JAMA paper, and embraces the meme that vaping is a "gateway" behavior that leads to tobacco smoking among minors.
Title: Regulate e-cigarettes
(Scranton PA US local paper) http://thetimes-tribune.com/opinion/regulate-e-cigarettes-1
Almost identical to the above piece, but doesn't specifically mention SB 1055.
Title: Florida Legislature: Budget, E-cigarettes, Juvenile sentencing and school guns
(Ft Meyers FL US local paper) http://www.news-press
Very brief junk free report on SB 224 which appears to be a simple minor sales/possession ban - indicates a sen. vote "as early as Thurs." HB 169 appears to be similar. ECF thread is here: (Florida) Bill Would Block Electronic Cigarettes For Minors
Title: E-cigarettes a growing trend in South Mississipp
(Biloxi MI US local paper) http://www.observer-reporter
Completely junk-free article about two local vape shops, one of which says that they comply with the standards of AEMSA (American E-Liquid Manufacturing Standards Association).
[ All efforts to extend the indoor clean air act and/or to otherwise regulate vaping in MS appear to have died this year. Please PM me if you know differently. ]
Title: With Council split, e-cigarette measure likely won’t pass Monday
(Austin MN US local paper) http://www.austindailyherald
Public meeting 5:30pm Monday on Clean Air Act Extension to ban indoor/outdoor vaping.
As far as I can tell from this report, the Austin MN city council is considering what the article refers to as a "moratorium" regarding e-cigarettes. However it seems that the word "moratorium" refers to an indoor/outdoor use ban, not a moratorum on licenses for retail outlets. As far as I can tell, of the mayor and seven other city council members, at least 3 are opposed, and the mayor (who seems to have a vote) is also opposed, but temporarily voted in favor so that an absent member could have a chance to discuss it. There appear to be at least 3 council members who are in favor of it. An ALA member gave a presentation to the council two weeks ago. For background, see this story which I reported on the week before last: http://www.austindailyherald
[ Threats in MN are: HF 1974: Minor sales ban and extends clean indoor act to cover vaping, still in 1st house cmte (health & human svcs), and may have ammended to remove the indoor clean air act ext (?).
SF SF 2027: Same as HF 1974, except indoor clean air act extension is still there. Out of sen. local gov't cmte, now in sen. commerce cmte. (last: 3/13)
For MN vapers updates, see: Minnesota Vapers Advocacy |Minnesota Vapers Advocacy
and the MN Vapers FB page for organizing: http://www.facebook.com/groups/MNVapersAdvocacy/
And: CASAA: Call to Action! Minnesota E-Cigarette Usage Ban ]
Title: Doctors: E-cigarettes present health risk for users
(WI US local paper collection site) http://www.wisconsinrapidstribune
This article is an example of a fascinating new trend in the ANTZ playbook. The argument goes like this: Vaping has limited benefits to smokers because they aren't giving up nicotine, which is the truly addictive aspect of smoking. Because nicotine is itself harmful, that means that vapers have health risks even if they aren't still smoking tobacco cigarettes. Put simply: the issue is addiction to a harmful substance, not tobacco cigarette smoking as such. (This overlooks the fact that nicotine isn't particularly dangerous by comparison to other stimulents such as caffiene, and also that vapers often wean themselves off of nicotine.) Often mentioned:
Health insurance companies treat vaping as smoking. (This is a bit like saying that something is unhealthy if it costs more.)
Therefore ... vaping poses health risks, is not "safe," and should be avoided.
I first saw this coming out of a NH piece that I reviewed yesterday: http://www.concordmonitor
"Users are also simply feeding an underlying addiction and doing nothing to address the issue, said Alan Rogers, a family physician with Valley Regional Hospital. 'Nicotine is an addictive drug,' said Rogers, who practices in Newport. 'Yes, you’re getting rid of all the tar and carcinogens being embedded in your lungs, but you still are addicted to nicotine.'[para breaks omitted, emphasis added]
Here's what the current article says:
While e-cigarette users aren’t exposed to tobacco and many harmful chemicals found in conventional cigarettes, local doctors say nicotine inhaled while vaping poses health risks. A heating element in the e-cigarette converts liquid nicotine to vapor, which is inhaled by the user. 'Nicotine is what causes the addiction,' said Dr. Adedayo Onitilo, a Marshfield Clinic oncologist and chairman of the Wisconsin Cancer Council. 'If you’re using an e-cigarette, you’re not going to cut that addiction.' Because traditional cigarette smokers still are addicted to nicotine, many aren’t giving up the habit when they start vaping, Onitilo said. Instead, they’re using e-cigarettes in places where smoking isn’t allowed.[para breaks omitted, emphasis added]"
So there you have it - the new argument: one addiction to nicotine is substituted for another at best, at worst it's dual use. No mention (of course) of the fact that lots of vapers have used vaping to wean themselves off of nicotine, or that nicotine by itself isn't particularly dangerous.
[ WI has two bills that would explicitly exempt from the state Indoor Clean Air Act, which CASAA strongly supports: CASAA: Call to Action! UPDATED: SUPPORT Wisconsin SB 440 and AB 762 EXEMPTING E-cigarettes from public use bans! Also see report by Kirstin: http://wivapers.blogspot.com/2014/03...s-capitol.html and: Wisconsin Updates?
Wisconsin Updates? ]
Title: Smoking ban clarification sought regarding e-cigarettes
(Racine WI US local paper) http://journaltimes.com/news/local/smoking-ban-clarification-sought-regarding-e-cigarettes/article_cab4ef32-acbd-11e3-b239-0019bb2963f4
Generally pro-vaping piece which discusses WI's SB 440 (=AB 762), the only legislation anywhere which would explicitly exempt vaping from the state indoor clean air act (cleared a St. Sen. cmte yesterday, but not expected to pass this year, according to sponsor). CASAA's VP Kirsten Noll-Marsh is quoted ...
"E-cigarettes contain water, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavors and some have nicotine, but they do not contain tobacco, said Kristin Noll-Marsh, vice president of Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association, a national nonprofit. Also, the devices don’t burn anything; they act more like a fog machine and they are safer than tobacco products, said Noll-Marsh, a Racine native who now lives in northern Wisconsin. But Kayleen Kinsley, a program manager for Focus on Community, who works with youth tobacco prevention and education in Racine County, said one of her concerns is that the devices aren’t really regulated and there are still a lot of questions about what sort of secondhand emissions the e-cigarettes give off. [para breaks omitted]"
A relatively mild comment from the local ANTZ, see yesterday's news digest in which several WI Tobacco Control staff were quoted as making some (again) relatively mild statements.
Title: Risser's anti-cigarette fight dates back 50 years
(AP via Houston TX US local paper) http://www.chron
Title: Fred Risser gears up for another fight over smoking, this time with electronic cigarettes
(AP via Madison WI US local paper) http://host.madison
Title: Risser's Anti-Cigarette Fight Broadens to Include E-Cigs
(AP via Wassau WI US CBS affilliate) http://www.wsaw
Madison WI St. Sen Fred Risser, the longest-serving state legislator in the nation, is taking the ANTZ playbook to the WI legislator, in his opposition to SB 440 (same as AB 762), the only currently-live piece of legislation anywhere in the world that would explicitly exempt vaping from an indoor clean air act.
"'It's nothing more than an effort to increase consumers of smoking,' Risser said. 'They're trying to glamorize the idea of smoking to youth.'
Your Correspondent has to wonder why the good Sen. isn't talking about "renormalizing smoking" and mentioning that vaping will lead to "more [tobacco] smoking, not less." Perhaps he needs an introduction to Prof. Glantz. Not too much other junk in this AP piece (as we've come to expect from AP, as opposed to APF or Reuters). Some versions of this article are truncated - the first link is the longest.
Title: Editorial: E-cigarettes should be illegal for minors
(Sioux Falls SD US local paper) http://www.argusleader
Surprisingly junk-free editorial urges SD Gov Daugaard to sign SD's SB 181, a simple minor sales/possession ban. No other threats in SD this year.
Title: ‘Vaping’ hangouts for e-cigarettes on the rise
(Wichita KS US local paper) http://www.kansas
Begins with general discussion of the vape lounge culture in a couple of local vape shops, and then transitions into the expected discussion of health effects, cessation value and of course the minor gateway meme.
For starters, the now-infamous Sedgwick Co. Health Dep't gets part of the spotlight: "'We don’t even know how effective or ineffective they are in helping to quit smoking,' said Tara Nolen, tobacco health educator for the Sedgwick County Health Department. “We don’t know if what’s in them is better or not. It’s the stance of a lot of health organizations not to use them until we know more about them.'" Readers of this space may recall that on March 4th, Dr. Siegel singled out Ms. Nolen's superior, Claudia Blackburn, for writing a despicable piece in the KS City Star: http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com/...fessional.html
(The original article has since been removed, but was reviewed in this space on 3/2.) It appears that the Sedgwick Co. Health Co.'s assertions are becoming less virulent, now that it's getting used to being in the national spotlight: here's what Ms. Nolen says about the flavors, which is refreshingly short of the usual claim that the existence of flavors is irrefutable proof that vaping is being "marketed to children:" "'That is one of the major issues - all the flavors and things being marketed. And the ads,' Nolen said. 'It’s kind of like those old-school tobacco ads where people are looking sexy and cool. The flavors, I know adults who like the flavors, but they smell like candy.'"
But even if the Sedgwick Co. Health Dep't is no longer taking the position that vaping may be more dangerous than smoking tobacco cigarettes, they're still sticking to the safer line that vaping should be avoided as a cessation/THR tool, and that NRT is 'effective': "Until there is more regulation, Nolen suggests people stick with traditional tobacco cessation products. 'There are a lot of tried-and-true products available, such as nicotine gum and patches,' Nolen said. 'They can use things that have actually been proven effective' [para break omitted]".
[ Kansas appears to have no pending vaping legislation, but HB2672 would vastly increase the tax on smokeless products as well as tobacco cigarettes (but not vaping - yet): Kansas bill (HB 2672) would increase cigarette tax from $.79 to $2.29/pack, increase OTP tax from 10% to 78% of wholesale ]
Title: City weighs e-cigarette restrictions
(Baytown TX US local paper) http://baytownsun.com/news/article_75e63b1e-ac90-11e3-9933-001a4bcf887a
Behind a paywall that I can't seem to access. If anyone lives in the area, please PM me w/ any info. that you have. I tried to call the only local vape shop today and will try again tomorrow.
[ TX's legislature is out of session for the year, unless Gov. Perry calls for a special session. ]
Title: E-cigarettes [good letter to the editor with a personal story]
(Green Valley AZ US local paper) http://www.gvnews
Great example of a letter to the editor - tells a personal story, not too dogmatic, and generally compelling without being overwhelming.
[ No threats appear to exist in the AZ legislature right now, please PM me if you have different information. ]
Title: Lynn Lauridsen: Companies working to hook kids on tobacco
.com/opinion/ci_25351873/lynn-lauridsen-companies-working-hook-kids-tobacco (Santa Cruz NM US local paper)
While this article is mostly about tobacco cigarettes, the author threw in this paragraph:"Also gaining popularity with youth are electronic cigarettes (also called e-cigarettes or hookah pens). Thirty-four percent of tobacco-selling stores in Santa Cruz also sell electronic nicotine delivery devices. Like cigarillos, ENDD products come in many flavors and are heavily marketed to youth. Use among youth is rapidly on the rise with the likelihood of kids transitioning to traditional tobacco to feed their nicotine addiction."
Although the author is described as being a "member of the Santa Cruz Tobacco Education Coalition", it appears that she's a state employee who works in a federally funded program. So your tax dollars are at work.
[ CASAA supports simpl eminor ban HB 15 [just passed house] CASAA: Call to Action New Mexico: URGENT! Support HB 15 Ban on Sales to Minors as Introduced with no Amendments ]
Title: E-cigarette bill stalls despite 'mad dash' to put it through
(SLC UT US Deseret affiliate) http://www.ksl
This would've been filed under old news, except for these portions of the story that cover Aaron Frazier & UT Vapers' activities:
'We agreed with the Senate committee that the perceived problem that the bill was designed for needs to be studied more in depth,' said Aaron Frazier, founder and director of Utah Vapers. Utah Vapers, which is expanding into a trade association, is made up of about 30 of the nearly 40 e-cigarette specialty shops in Utah. The group certifies the vapor shops it includes and requires its members to label e-juice with ingredients and nicotine content. 'There needs to be an industry standard to control youth access,' Frazier said, adding that his group is taking steps to resolve the issue. In the second quarter of the fiscal year, Utah Vapers says it will start rolling out ID scanners in its retail organizations to make sure they aren't contributing to the problem. Frazier said all the changes complicated, transformed and muddled the bill to a point where Utah Vapers couldn't support it anymore. He said he wished lawmakers had consulted him and other industry members instead of big tobacco. 'We do want to have a cooperative relationship with the health department and the Legislature on this,' Frazier said. "We want to work together on the problem. We’re both fighting for the same purpose.' [para breaks omitted]"
Title: Editorial: Put brakes on unregulated e-cigarettes until they’ve been through proper review
(Sacramento CA US local paper) http://www.sacbee
SacBee readers won't be surprised by this editorial, which begins with the sentence: "Cigarettes kill. Everyone knows that, now." That basically sums up the entire piece: the writers are taking the position that this is just yet another type of cigarette, and BT has lead us down the primrose path before. We also hear this interesting junky tid-bit: "Cialis, a prescription erectile dysfunction drug, has been detected in some e-cigarettes. In other instances, devices that claimed not to contain nicotine actually did." The one good thing I can say about that is the qualifier "some" - which is often omitted in a standard hit job piece. As in the sentence: "salmonella has been found in lettuce." The incendiary conclusion: "... [a federal judge, in a 2006 decision relating to tobacco cigarettes] concluded the industry went out of its way to hook children on nicotine, all the while denying that its marketing was aimed at minors. Companies selling candy-flavored e-cigarettes are not marketing to adults. The tactic is a little too familiar."
(In other words, e-cigarettes are cigarettes - that's all we need to know.)
The article does cite Julie Woessner, CASAA's legislative director, and it's theoretically possible that there's junk known to the writers which has been intentionally omitted. But given the high standards and erudition for which the SacBee is known, your correspondent tends to doubt it.
[ CA is under threat from a wide variety of legislation, such as an internet sales ban: ***California Assembly bill to BAN SHIPMENT OF E CIGARETTES TO ANYONE IN CALIFORNIA*** ]
Title: A proposal to substantially tax e-cigarettes stalls in the Legislature
(Kent WA US local paper) http://www.kentreporter
"According to the state Department of Health, vaping may not be safer than cigarettes, citing unproven claims of safety, unknown long-term health risks, and the possible inhalation of nicotine and other harmful chemicals during use as concerns." (Does the St. Health Dep't really say this?) Article also describes e-liquid as an "oil," which speaks to the writers' knowledge level. Not too much other junk.
Title: Washington’s Proposed Electronic Cigarette Megatax Up in Smoke
(Jonathan Turley's blog) http://jonathanturley
Nice junk-free pro-vaping blog post, which follows up a nifty scathing attack on the proposal - also covered in this space two weeks ago (3/1).
"Somehow members of the legislature still are of the 'if one child can be saved' mantra somehow translates into the need to impose a hefty tax on something. It might also be the case that the effect might literally tax smokers to death, where the tax on e-cigarettes is so high, people stay with ordinary tobacco use and suffer the known health effects of smoking that might be lessened by e-cigarettes. This is truly going to be a litmus test on whether the legislature wants tax revenue so dearly, it is willing to allow thousands of Washington citizens to die. It would really be a sad day in Olympia when taxes are more important than the health of Washingtonians. [para breaks omitted]"
COLLECTION 2: State legislature considers e-cigarette tax; many communities banning public use
Title: State legislature considers e-cigarette tax; many communities banning public use
(Edison NJ US News 12 affiliate) http://vimeo
Short report doesn't say much, but quotes Karen Blumenfeld of GASP (without identifying her as a professional ANTZ) as saying that "'There are numerous studies that have grave concerns about these chemicals that are in the liquid,' she says. 'That, as well as being exposed to the second-hand vapor smoke.' ... 'Communities want to encourage healthful environments where kids hang out,' says Blumenfeld. 'And it's really to normalize smoke-free environments and to not give kids mixed messages about using tobacco.' [boldface added]"
No other junk.
[ NJ's house bill A1080 was originally proposed as a ban on tobacco smoking in parks and beaches, but was immediately ammended to include vaping as soon as it got on to the house floor. See: NJ Assembly Cmte on Tourism and Art amends bill (A 1080) to ban vaping (as well as smoking) at all public parks and beaches
Also, Gov. Christie says he wants to tax vaping at the same rate as analogs:
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie proposes taxing e-cigs at rate equal to $2.70/pack cigarette tax
CASAA: Call to Action! New Jersey's Governor Christie is Proposing a Tax on E-Cigarettes at the Same Rate as Combustible Cigarettes ]
COLLECTION 3: E-cigarettes: fresh air or smoke and mirrors?
This AP story has been making the rounds, at least two dozen syndicated copies have appeared in the last ten days or so. It just won't die. Some of the clones have different titles, just look for the AP attribution and writer Leanne Italie's byline. (Today's clones have new titles that I've never seen before.)
Title: Questions dog e-cigarettes' popularity [new title]
(Pittsburgh PA US local paper) http://triblive
Title: E-cigarettes ignite interest in 'vaping'
(Monroe LA US local paper) http://www.thenewsstar
Title: E-cigarettes gain favor as alternative to tobacco
(SF CA US local paper) http://www.sfgate
Title: E-cigarettes: Do they really offer fresh air or just smoke and mirrors?
(Evansville IN US local paper) http://www.courierpress
Title: E-cigarettes: fresh air or smoke and mirrors? [original story]
(AP - re: NYC) http://abcnews.go
When I read the title of this story, I expected another "hidden dangers of e-cigarettes" piece - until I saw the AP byline. To my utter astonishment, there isn't one single paragraph in this story which quotes a rep. from any of the standards ANTZ orgs, or even a local MD. The closest it comes is to quoting CT Sen. Blumenthal who points out that "it's still smoking" (regardless, I suppose, of what's in the juice). In fact the first half of the article focuses on the cost of vaping, which doesn't necessarily compare all that favorably to smoking tobacco cigarettes (according to the author). The rest of the piece focuses on two vape shop owners' journey into vaping. A very refreshing break from all the usual garbage in the media.
[ NY has a vaping=smoking bill indoor ban now in the legislature. See: New York bill (S 6562) would ban burning e-cigs that contain tobacco in all workplaces also tax bill: NY bill (AB 8594) would tax e-cig cartridges at 75% of wholesale price ]
Google Tips
to see whether there are bad things happening where you live, try this Google search (example for Rhode Island) -
rhode site:casaa.org
(Replace rhode with a single word that describes your city, county, or state. For ex., if you live in Eau Claire, WI - you might use "Claire" to see if something is being proposed at the city level. Don't forget the : (colon), and be sure that there's nothing before or after the colon (not even spaces or tabs.)
You can also try replacing site:casaa.org with e-cigarette to find out what the media is reporting in your area. This is usually most helpful if you use the search tools to search by date. (CASAA doesn't generally issue calls or alerts until a bill is out of a state legislative committee, or is scheduled for a local city or county hearing.)