
No matter what type of blog or online service you run, url shortening can be very useful. Url shortening is a technique that is used in which a provider makes the webpage available for very short URL in addition to the original long URL. Today most of the webmasters, bloggers and other application programmers use URL shortening services because it is hard to remember long URLs plus you can also make good money from it. Therefore below is a comprehensive list of best URL shortening websites to deal with.

Best 10 URL Shortener Networks To Earn Money – 2015


Adfly is one of the most used URL shortening website for making money online. It pays you about $5 for 1000/clicks. The minimum payout is $5 which is better than other companies. The payout can be possible via Paypal or payoneer. Its Google page rank is 4, while alexa rank is 121. Most of the people prefer Adfly because it is one of the old and most trusted company.


LinksBucks is another best and recommendable site. Though it has pretty less payout rates then adfly. But adf.ly pays for only unique visitors clicks whereas linkbucks pays for all the visitors clicks. LinksBucks is another trusted URL shortener website and had already paid $1.2 million dollars. The minimum payout of linkbucks is $10. Its Google page rank 5, while alexa rank is 551.


LinkShrink is the another site which having high pay rates just like adfly. You can earn upto $5 for 1000/clicks. The minimum payout is $5 dollars via paypal. You can also earn 10% commission for referrals. Its alexa rank is 3838.


AdFocus is another good paid url shorten site. You can earn $5 on US visitor’s 1000/clicks. This site pays more money for US or UK visitor’s. This site also have an advertiser programs for your website. It has Google page rank 3, while alexa rank is 3024.


Shorte.st is the new company. It will give you average 4-7 dollars / 1000 clicks for US Visitors. The rates varies according to country wise. You can earn 20% commission for every referrals. The minimum payout is $5 dollars via paypal or payoneer. It has Google page rank 2, while alexa rank is 8901.


Bc.Vc is very easy to remember and provides very short URL. It is modern URL Shortener site. It provides $4/1000 clicks and minimum payout is $10 via paypal. It gives you 20% commission for referrals. It is the trust worthy site like adfly and linkbucks. It has Google page rank 3, while alexa rank is 2025.


Adlock is the new company. It pays you 1 to 5 dollars / 1000 clicks depends on the traffic coming from. Basically Adlock is the CPA and CPM based URL shorten service. This is sometimes very annoying for the users because instead of ads it will give the surveys to complete. The minimum payout is $5. It has Google page rank 1, while alexa rank is 172,413.


P.pw is very responsive site and having a very good dashboard. It will give very short URL, plus it is very easy to remember due to short name. p.pw gives you 1 to 3 dollars / 1000 clicks. The minimum payout is $5. It has Google page rank 1, while alexa rank is 29,123.


Snip.ps is the US based company and that’s why provides hige rates for unique US visitors. It pays you about 2 to 5 dollars / 1000 clicks while minimum payout is $10 via paypal. It has Google page rank 3, while alexa rank is 2,095,190.


Ysear.ch is the new URL Shotening site. This site pays $5 / 1000 clicks and minimum payout is lesser than every other URL shortener company. The minimum payout of Ysear.ch is $2.50 via paypal. You can also earn 20% commission for referrals. This site also has advertising banners. The alexa rank of Ysear.ch is 6381.

According to me the above networks are best according to different traffic location. So i recommend to join and test each and every network performance one by one and choose which fit best for you.

I hope you like these networks. If you have any best network which i have skipped. Must leave you comment i will review and update it as soon as possible.

The post Best 10 URL Shortener Networks To Earn Money – 2015 appeared first on Dwtricks.

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