Full description
The Dwenguino comes with its own Dwenguino bootloader which makes it accessible from the Arduino IDE software. Please refer to the Dwengo GitHub repository for its source code.
Although this bootloader is preburned on the dwenguino, this tutorial describes the different possibilities to burn the bootloader yourself.
Using AVR programmer
The Dwenguino bootloader can be burned to the Dwenguino through Arduino IDE with a programmer such as the AVR ISP II or on the command line by avrdude. A script for programming with avrdude is included in the Dwenguino Bootloader zip.
Using an Arduino Uno
A. Prepare the arduino Uno
Connect the Arduino Uno to the computer
Open Arduino IDE
Open the ArduinoISP example sketch: menu File > Examples > ArduinoISP
Select the Arduino Uno board in menu Tools > Board > Arduino Uno
Select the connected arduino in menu Tools > Port > COM[x] (Arduino Uno)
Upload the ArduinoISP sketch
B. Connect the Dwenguino to the arduino Uno
Make the following connections from the output connector on the Arduino Uno to the Dwenguino: on the dwenguino you can either use the expansion connector, the ICSP connector on the expansion board or the ICSP connector beneath the LCD display.
Function| Pin on Arduino Uno| Pin on Dwenguino| Pin on ICSP of Dwenguino
GND| GND| -| Pin 6
VCC / 5V| 5V| +| Pin 2
Reset| D10 |RST| Pin 5
MOSI| D11| D2| Pin 4
MISO| D12| D12 |Pin 1
SCK| D13| D13| Pin 3
C. Burn the bootloader
Go back to the Arduino IDE
Select the Dwenguino board: Tools > Board > Dwenguino
Select the Arduino as programmer: Tools > Programmer > Arduino as ISP
Burn the bootloader: Tools > Burn Bootloader (This can take about 2 minutes)
This process is successful if you can see a welcome message on the LCD screen and the leds are blinking
D. Start using Dwenguino
Disconnect all wires to the Arduino.
Connect the Dwenguino directly to your computer with the USB cable
Select the Dwenguino in the ports menu: Tools > Port > COM[x] (Dwenguino)
Start coding and upload new sketches