
Hi everyone! Sometimes we run across questions about eating disorders, or we run across posters who we believe may have eating disorders. I was surfing the website "Three Fat Chicks on a Diet," (strange name, I know), and I found all of these links that one of their members posted. I thought I would put them here in case anyone ever needs them.

Links to get help for ED
National Organizations

American Dietetic Association (ADA)
216 W. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 899-0040


Promotes sound information about nutrition to the public. Sponsors publications, national events, and media/marketing programs.

Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders, Inc. (ANRED)
P.O. Box 5102
Eugene, OR 97401
(503) 344-1144


Nonprofit organization. Provides free and low-cost information about anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder.

American Society of Bariatric Physicians
5600 South Quebec St.
Suite 109A
Englewood, CO 80111
(303) 770-2526 ext. 17
(303) 779-4834 fax


National professional medical specialty society of licensed physicians who offer specialty programs in medical treatment of obesity and associated conditions.

Dads and Daughters (DADS)
P.O. Box 3458
Duluth, MN 55803
(888) 824-DADS
(218) 722-4058 fax


National nonprofit organization. Tools to strengthen relationships with daughters and transform the persuasive messages that value daughters more for how they look than for who they are.

Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention, Inc. (EDAP)
603 Stewart St., Suite 803
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 382-3587
(206) 292-9890 fax


National nonprofit organization. Provides free and low-cost educational information about eating disorders and prevention. Educational outreach programs and training for K-12 and universities.

Family Resources for Education on Eating Disorders (FREED)
9611 Page Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 493-4568


Parent-founded nonprofit organization. Committed to providing education, treatment, and resources to sufferers of eating disorders and their families and friends.

International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP)
427 Wooping Lop #1819
Alta Monte Springs, FL 32701
(800) 800-8126
(407) 831-2661 fax


Membership organization for professionals; provides certification, education, local chapters, a newsletter, and annual symposium.

Massachusetts Eating Disorder Association, Inc. (MEDA)
92 Pearl St.
Newton, MA 02158
(617) 558-1881


Newsletter, referral network, and local support groups.

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)
Box 7
Highland Park, IL 60036
(847) 831-3438


Distributes listing of therapists, hospitals, and informative materials; sponsors support groups, conferences, advocacy, campaigns, research, and a crisis hotline.

National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA)
P.O. Box 188620
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 558-6880
(916) 558-6881 fax


Nonprofit organization. Advocacy group. Membership newsletter, educational materials, regional chapters, annual convention.

National Center for Overcoming Overeating (NCOO)
P.O. Box 1257
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113-0920
(212) 875-0442


Women's campaign to end body hatred and dieting.

National Eating Disorders Screening Program (NEDSP)
One Washington St. Suite 304
Wellesley Hills, MA 02181
(781) 239-0071


Free and anonymous public outreach and education program offering people the opportunity to get information, take a written self-test, meet one-on-one with a health professional, and get a referral for further evaluation.

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
6001 Executive Blvd.
Rm. 8184 MSC 9663
Bethesda, MD 20892
(301) 443-4513
(301) 443-4279 fax


Government agency helping people to better understand mental health and mental disorders.

Overeaters Anonymous (OA)
P.O. Box 44020
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
(505) 891-2664
(505) 891-4320 fax


Dealing with the issues of compulsive overeating. Free local meetings.

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), PO Box 7, Highland Park, IL 60035. Call (847-831-3438) or (
This is the oldest organization for eating disorders. They offer free information and help in finding or forming support groups in local areas. For an annual contribution of $25, members receive a quarterly newsletter.

Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention, 603 Stewart Street, Suite 803, Seattle, WA 98101.
Call (206-382-3587) or (800-931-2237) or (

Harvard Eating Disorders Centers (

Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders (ANRED). Box 5102, Eugene, OR 97405.
Call (541-344-1144) or (
Offers free and low-cost information packets on eating disorders.

The Eating Disorders Coalition Call (202-543-3842) or (
This is an advocacy group to promote federal funding for eating disorders.

American Dietetic Association, 216 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Call (800-877-1600) or (312-899-0040) or (
The organization offers a hot-line that allows people to speak to a licensed dietitian and also provides names of licensed dietitians for specific locations. Its web site is excellent and highly recommended.

National Women's Health Network. 514 10th St. NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20004. Call (202-347-1140) or (
Membership fee is $25 per year and provides a bimonthly newsletter and access to information. Reports cost $6.00 for members and $8.00 for nonmembers.

International Eating Disorder Referral Organization. Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center, 2923 Sandy Pointe Suite, 6 Del Mar, CA 92014-2052. Call (858-481-1515) or (

Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 305 Seventh Ave., 16th Fl., New York, NY 10001. Call (800-685-2228) or (212-647-1890) or (
Offers information packets that include a list of behavior therapists, fact sheets on various psychological problems, and methods for choosing a therapist.

American Institute for Cognitive Therapy. Call (212-308-2440) or (

The American Psychiatric Association. Call (888-357-7924) or (

The American Psychological Association. Call (202-783-2077) or (

The National Association of Social Workers. Call (202-408-8600) or (

The American Psychiatric Nurses Association. Call (703-243-2443) or (

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (
Other useful eating disorders web sites:

This is an odd personal site but has excellent information and support on eating disorders. (

Site for family members and patients (

Interesting site assists in finding the right therapist (

Statistics: Posted by Valkyrie — Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:17 am

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