
Had a decent day yesterday. Ate pretty well, until I decided to finish off the dark chocolate almond spread. OOPS. Still in middle of AWR, though. Exercised plenty, which included running up the hill at the end of my walk so that I could catch the dishwasher repairman before he botched up the repair again.

Here's an article/interview with Dr. Dukan which has tips for losing weight in the new year.


A Diet Doctor’s 5 Top Tips for Losing Weight

Dr. Pierre Dukan
Dr. Pierre Dukan, M.D., is a French physician with more than four decades of experience in clinical nutrition, and author of The Dukan Diet. Here are some of his tips for reaching your weight loss goals.

If you’re like many people, weight loss tops your list of resolutions for 2014. Setting the goal is a great first step, but how do you achieve the goal long after the ball drops?

Weight management is a lifetime decision, not a temporary one.

I’ve seen many patients who want to know the secret to shedding those unwanted pounds. The ones who succeed in losing weight and keeping it off understand that what they need is a complete lifestyle change. They map out a clear plan with realistic goals and surround themselves with people who will support them along the way.

This is especially crucial during the winter months when people are often tempted by unhealthy food and beverages. Half of Americans’ annual weight gain occurs around the holidays (mid-November to mid-January), according to a March 23, 2000 study in the New England Journal of Medicine. And most of that weight sticks around – expanding our waistlines year after year.

No surprise, right?

During the holiday season it’s easy to eat a little too much, drink a little too much and forgo your typical exercise routine.

But when it’s time to ring in the New Year, losing weight is at the very top of your to-do list.

If this sounds like you, here are my top 5 tips for losing those extra pounds and keeping them off.

Set realistic goals: Many of my patients want to lose a large amount of weight in a short amount of time. Or they may already be close to their ideal weight and do not need lose as much as they think they do. Assess where you are at this moment and set small, manageable goals to start. This will help you stick with your program and avoid getting discouraged.
Surround yourself with supportive people: Surround yourself with positive people who will support you in reaching your goals. Perhaps your spouse is willing to cook a healthy meal with you each night. Maybe your kids can write encouraging notes for you each morning. Don’t be afraid to enlist your family and friends to help motivate you in your journey.
Map out your plan: Identify where you want to be and then figure out how you’re going to get there. Will you start with eating more nutritious foods or add some exercise to your morning routine? Do you have a deadline you want to meet? Brides are often my most successful patients because they have a fixed date to reach their goal.
Vary your food choices: You don’t lose weight when you’re hungry. It’s important to eat food that fuels your body and keeps you satiated. When I was doing research for the Dukan Diet, I identified 100 foods that contain the essential nutrients that have tremendous benefits and are rich in protein, low in carbohydrates and fat. It’s critical to have that variety in your diet so you don’t get bored with what you’re eating.

Don't be so hard on yourself: If you slip up, it’s OK. Simply reset and continue where you left off.

Statistics: Posted by Valkyrie — Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:40 pm

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