
This is my post from Dec 8 2012

My current weight (87 Kg) is an indication that my headspace is still not right, it has slipped back to the old weight gain mentality.

I checked my stats. Last time I weighed this much was in April 2013, I have successfully managed to reverse almost eight months of effort, diet and exercise!

I even did my TW calculation to work out how long it would take me to sort this out. The calc suggests a three day attack and cruise until 24/3/14. Over three months to reverse what I have done and to lose the last couple of kilos that eluded me the first time.

No! I do not plan to return to cruise, but I am going to have to sink back into my pensive mode and work out what is driving me to this behavior again. I am re reading my old log and the Becks tasks recorded there as a starting point and I am again going to return to strict consol rules while I work this out. The reasons are still relevant to me and who I am, but maybe I need to look at what my reasons for remaining healthy are and what are the advantagesnof eating 'fat', what about it works for me and what can I do instead.

Sorry for the intense post, but this is after Christmas here and time to focus should always be immediately the problem is obvious, no need to wait for a new years eve for me! Meantime off to the gym! Nothing like thinking on the treadmill!

Jennjams wrote:
OK, so I have looking at why I put on the weight that I did. There are a lot of reasons behind the gains, though not one of the reasons I could post explains why it got so out of control. One of the things that I did realise was that I used to be a person who ‘ate thin’, it wasn’t hard to control. It was where my headspace was at the time. For some reason it stopped being my headspace and I lost that idea of how to judge what I was eating and the consequences of doing so.

These days it’s still not my headspace, not automatically. The Dukan option fits in with where I am at now, and I know that I can follow the program. I will even spend a lot of time learning the behavioural habits that go with ruling my eating rather than have it rule me. But even with this, I want to tackle my thinking habits so that I turn around from a person who thinks ‘fat’ even when eating thin, to someone who has the tools to handle any of life’s unexpected twists and turns without using food as the means of coping emotionally.

I’ve been looking at a few options, I prefer a self help approach that I can do in my own time and space and something that is evidence based and not just ... well, Dr Phil like self help stuff.

At the moment I am going to try the Beck Diet Solution which is a 6 week CBT based program which I have downloaded as an electronic book. It requires a task per day over this time (well, most days if I know me) and appears to adhere to the CBT guidelines quite well.

One of the requirements of the program is that I record my completed tasks and that ultimately I find diet coaches. I thought I might try using my log as a means of doing both of these. Log my tasks so that I am held accountable for what I have committed myself to. I feel that I already have the coaches on line here who meet the requirement. Who help to keep me motivated, build my confidence in my ability to follow through on this program and solve problems. By posting I will be accountable, even if only to me and hopefully will be pushed to take a more useful perspective when I start to make things hard for myself (a well known flaw = JennJams Martyr Syndrome). Look at that! The task for Day 6 already completed.

Day 1: Task 1

Record the Advantages of losing weight.
In order to remind myself of why I am doing this, I will record my reasons for why making this change will be good. When things are not going well or I am facing difficult choices, I can use this list to keep me strong and true. I will make this information easily available to me so that I can see my reasons every day and add to the list as I learn more about what I am able to achieve. This list is not in order of priority.

•If I eat better, healthy, nutritious food I will have more energy
•As I lose weight I will be able to be more active and less tired
•My sleep will improve, I only started to snore when I became overweight
•I will be able to wear a wider range of clothes that I feel comfortable and look good in.
•I will stop being invisible at social functions
•I will be able to exercise without discomfort
•I will be able to go on rides and excursions without having to worry about the weight limits
•I will feel better in bed
•The people who care about me won’t have to worry so much anymore
•My doctor will have more time for his other paitients
•I will feel more confident about job hunting (currently love my job, but do plan to move on in a year or so)
•Will feel like I have shed all the unpleasant things from the last few years when I shed the last few kilos. It will be a visual representation of the progress I have made.

There, that is my starter list. I have printed it and it is on the wall beside the toilet. I figure I will see it at least once a day that way. That takes care of my need to commit to a time and reminder system for reading the list, lol.
Task one done.

Statistics: Posted by Jennjams — Wed Dec 25, 2013 10:56 pm

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